Finished: 03 AM Sun 09 Jun UTC
The Six Sapateers
1 day /phase
Pot: 35 D - Spring, 1907, Finished
Classic, WTA
0 excused NMR / no regaining / extend never
Game drawn

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Chat archive


22 May 24 UTC Spring, 1901: Hi everyone... Turkey embassy is open...
22 May 24 UTC Spring, 1901: Russia: what about DMZing Black Sea and Armenia?
22 May 24 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Germany voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
22 May 24 UTC Spring, 1901: why Germany? game had not even started? what happened?
23 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: Lucadic has taken over France replacing "ava". Reconsider your alliances.
23 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1901: Austria, France and England NMRd... strange game... ;-)
23 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: Guiglo has taken over Austria replacing "TeenacusTheGreat". Reconsider your alliances.
24 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: actium has taken over Germany replacing "plumbdawg". Reconsider your alliances.
24 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1901: GameMaster: ttu has taken over England replacing "loganslay". Reconsider your alliances.
26 May 24 UTC Spring, 1902: GameMaster: MeteorNate has taken over England replacing "ttu". Reconsider your alliances.
27 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1902: GameMaster: bache has taken over Italy replacing "fstrider". Reconsider your alliances.
27 May 24 UTC Autumn, 1902: GameMaster: Italy voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
03 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1905: GameMaster: graykabes has taken over Germany replacing "actium". Reconsider your alliances.
04 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1905: And Italy became ally of Russia and so plans to give Russia the solo
04 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1905: You really think so ?
Wed 05 Jun UTC Autumn, 1905: I really do
Wed 05 Jun UTC Spring, 1906: And guys. Game scenario is defined: Italy and Russia together. The rest of us must be together
Thu 06 Jun UTC Spring, 1906: Do you really think so ?
Thu 06 Jun UTC Spring, 1906: U really think so Turkey?
Thu 06 Jun UTC Spring, 1906: I really really think so, Italy