Finished: 07 PM Fri 21 Jun 24 UTC
Speed Europa Gunboat
1 day /phase
Pot: 35 D - Autumn, 1913, Finished
Speed Europa, No messaging, Anon, WTA, Hidden draw votes
0 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game drawn

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09 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: France voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Autumn, 1909" the votes will be cleared.
09 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: France voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
09 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: France voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Autumn, 1909" the votes will be cleared.
10 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: Per 2/3 majority vote the gamephase got extended by 4 days.
(Voters: Russia / France / Turkey)
10 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: This game has been moved back to Autumn, 1908
10 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: This game has been moved back to Autumn, 1908
10 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: GameMaster: This game has been moved back to Autumn, 1908
10 Jun 24 UTC Autumn, 1908: tobi1 (Moderator): Hi everyone, a bunch of you reported issues with the previous retreat from Barents Sea to Serbia which is of course not expected in this variant. The player in charge of the retreating unit contacted us upfront before the adjudication of the retreat phase, notified us of the issue and the intend to retreat Siberia. Thus, I have fixed the border issue in the variant, the incorrect connection between Barents Sea and Serbia instead of Siberia and reprocessed the phase with retreats to be properly executed with Barents Sea retreating to Siberia.

Thanks for your understanding!
15 Jun 24 UTC GameMaster: Turkey voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
16 Jun 24 UTC GameMaster: Turkey voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
16 Jun 24 UTC GameMaster: Russia voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Autumn, 1914" the votes will be cleared.
16 Jun 24 UTC GameMaster: Per 2/3 majority vote the gamephase got extended by 4 days.
(Voters: Russia / Turkey)
17 Jun 24 UTC Well that was a game to remember. The retreat to Serbia was definitely a highlight in my diplomacy career.
17 Jun 24 UTC GG What a map that is. Thought I was in a good position to push and a gap shows up somewhere. Good defense from Germany and an epic comeback from Turkey.
17 Jun 24 UTC Thanks for the game, and apologies for the chaotic play. I tried to survive, then become relevant, then force a draw when it got down to three. It was hard without press to say "I'm attacking you to equalize our forces, but I don't want a war".

There is an error in the map data so that you cannot move a fleet between Trieste and Tyrolia. That made it impossible for me to defend well against France in the south - but maybe (probably?) they could have solo'ed regardless. I sent a message to the mods. I like this map so I hope they fix it for future games, but thank you for accepting the draw.
17 Jun 24 UTC Not sure where I would have gotten that 18th center. Russia and I were pretty well gridlocked up north and the south was just awkward.