Finished: 05 PM Sun 04 Aug 24 UTC
Actually this time! Me quedo
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 20 D - Autumn, 1944, Finished
World War II, Anon, WTA
2 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by AJManso4 (2361 D)

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Chat archive


28 Jun 24 UTC Spring, 1938: Yo yo
01 Jul 24 UTC Spring, 1938: hf guys
15 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1941: GameMaster: hurricane was banned: multiaccount. The time until the next phase has been extended by one phase length to give an opportunity to replace the player.
Remember to finalize your orders if you don't want to wait, so the game isn't held up unnecessarily!
15 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1941: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Britain replacing "hurricane". Reconsider your alliances.
15 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1941: Hello! New Britain here. Open for diplomacy.
22 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1942: GameMaster: Someone has taken over France replacing "shen yoyo". Reconsider your alliances.
22 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1942: Hello! Just here to keep the game moving. Best of luck to you all as it continues!
22 Jul 24 UTC Autumn, 1942: Thank you :)