Finished: 06 PM Tue 10 Sep UTC
Summer Time Diplomacy
1 day, 1 hours /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1909, Finished
Edwardian, Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by BlueDog4Peace (1377 D)

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Chat archive


10 Aug 24 UTC Spring, 1902: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
Thu 29 Aug UTC Autumn, 1906: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
Sat 31 Aug UTC Autumn, 1906: Um what the sigma
Sun 01 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: Let’s kill Italy Austria and have a 3 way draw
Sun 01 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: Could have been 2 if Austria didn’t suicide on me
Sun 01 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: We'll probably end up in a 3-way draw. Italy didn't build a fleet, so the Mediterranean is about to fuel the strength of both of you (the Brits and the Turks).
Mon 02 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: Turkey, you got greedy and now Germany can solo ;)
Mon 02 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: Suiciding is never good
Tue 03 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: GameMaster: Turkey voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
Tue 03 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: I concede to the German
Tue 03 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: GameMaster: Turkey voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
Tue 03 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: Y is Austria so friendly to Germany?
Tue 03 Sep UTC Spring, 1907: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
Tue 03 Sep UTC Autumn, 1907: Um sorry? Was it me?
Tue 03 Sep UTC Autumn, 1907: GameMaster: graykabes has taken over Italy replacing "RedHL03". Reconsider your alliances.
Tue 03 Sep UTC Autumn, 1907: Hey everyone. Looks like an interesting variant.
Tue 03 Sep UTC Autumn, 1907: welcome New Italy!
Sun 08 Sep UTC Autumn, 1908: Why Austria Why?
Sun 08 Sep UTC Autumn, 1908: Russia and Germany are way too op in this variant
Sun 08 Sep UTC Autumn, 1908: If one dies the other solos