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First Crusade-3
1 day /phase
Pot: 35 D - Spring, 1103, Diplomacy
First Crusade, Anon, WTA
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never

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28 Aug 24 UTC Autumn, 1096: The two people not putting in moves being neighbors is very funny it's gotta be said
29 Aug 24 UTC Autumn, 1096: yeah this was a bad decision on my end, i forgot i was going on a 3 day vacation right before entering this game. im here now though, just a season behind!
30 Aug 24 UTC Autumn, 1096: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Byzantine Empire replacing "Diplomatic Beast". Reconsider your alliances.
31 Aug 24 UTC Spring, 1097: Apparently one of the three little peninsulas coming out of Macedonia in Greece is part of Norway, so I can select by Norwegian fleet from down there, can't like move into Macedonia or Aegean Sea with it, but it's a funny little thing anyways
Sat 31 Aug UTC Spring, 1097: Huh interesting.
Thu 05 Sep UTC Autumn, 1098: fuck
Thu 05 Sep UTC Autumn, 1098: Huh?
Thu 05 Sep UTC Autumn, 1098: To quote the Almoravids, “fuck”
Fri 06 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: wanna protest?
Fri 06 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: Protest what? You stealing Crete? The HRE unexpectedly grabbing Venice? Nah, it's the game.
Fri 06 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: Unexpectedly?
Fri 06 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: I didn't think you would be able to tap me the way it worked out.
Fri 06 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: i think its obvious that when you stab me ill help a neighbor take your land, you cant exactly comment on Crete being taken when you took Nicaea from me
Fri 06 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: I had reached out to Almo privately about an alliance.
Sat 07 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: The HRE is going to win this game so easily yall. They'll be at probably 18 before the year is up. We need to team up against them.
Sat 07 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: Solo is 27 centers, not 18
Sat 07 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: So I'm fairly far from things, not even sure how I'd get to 18 this year
Sat 07 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: York London Novgorod Naples
Sat 07 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: Yeah but Ireland gets you to 19 and a strike on the Almoravids and/or France wins you the solo really, really quickly.
Sat 07 Sep UTC Spring, 1099: I would also like to announce the successful seizure of Antioch by the Crusaders! We have seized Nicaea, although rumors are that was recaptured by the Seljuks, as well as Samos, on our way back to the Holy Land.