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Private syftsl
1 day /phase
Unrated - 1625, Diplomacy
The Dutch Revolt, Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never

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Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wstsl): Greetings!
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): 哇哇
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): 有外交?
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): lyc不完了
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wstsl): /jk
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): 外交积德积成了校史冠军
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wstsl): 你们天天爆卷我现在可以是最寄寄的/fn
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): :)
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (Turnball's blue): /jk
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): ?
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): 摆烂一周了
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: (wangshen2008): 不像shq都进省队了
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Sun 08 Sep UTC 1555: 逆天
Wed 11 Sep UTC 1580: GameMaster: England voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
Wed 11 Sep UTC 1585: GameMaster: England voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
Wed 11 Sep UTC 1585: GameMaster: England voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
Wed 11 Sep UTC 1585: GameMaster: England voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
Wed 11 Sep UTC 1585: GameMaster: England voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "1595" the votes will be cleared.
Wed 11 Sep UTC 1585: England voted for a fight against Holland