Finished: 08 AM Mon 07 May 12 UTC
Private Purple Americans
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 60 D - Spring, 1869, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game drawn

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25 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: (JeffDG): Anyone else in doing a "Treaties" game here?

Effectively, people declare treaties of non-aggression/peace/mutual defense, and cannot violate them without previously declaring war
25 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: (JeffDG): Look at the message log here:
25 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: (JeffDG): From another game:

"basically the rules are you make treaties with other countries and then announce them in the global, NAP, mutual defense, etc. you must also announce a declaration of war one phase (6 months) before you attack, like russia declares war of austria in the spring of 1901, cant attack until fall of 1901, you can violate a DMZ but the other country maintains the right to declare instant war if you do
if there are any disputes or a question that needs to be clarified we should probably vote on it since that always how we resolved things in the other games"
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: So I assume since there were no replies, that we aren't doing this treaty thing?
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: It looks like the thread in PB shows we're good for the treaties...
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: His Excellency, the President of the United States, reaches out to all of our neighbours in the spirit of peace and harmony, and claims traditional US lands and territories as the exclusive domain of the United States, and gives due notice to all neighbours that intrusions into such territories will be deemed an Act of War and will be responded to swiftly and forcefully.
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: hmm. a treaty with yourself.. so that pretty much isolates the US then..
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: No, no treaty, simply declaring my claims!
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: Furthermore, the United States claims the West Coast, Gulf of Santa Catalina and Cape May as territorial waters.
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: The Czar of Russia, and the Queen of England choose to announce a treaty of non-agression and mutual benefit. There will be no agression upon currently listed lands of either nation, with no expectation of trespass in accordance with current political boundaries.
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: Russia chooses to ignore any nations claim to territorial waters of any kind. Claims of such, in Russia's interest, must be accompanied with physical defense and occupation, otherwise Russia recognizes free martime trade rules , based on the fact that there are no resources supply centers based in any body of water.
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: who the hell is who? i cant see the colors? what color are you? Russia = purple
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: So far, it's just been you and me in the global channel, Your Majesty
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: The King of England (I shopped off the Queen's Head), Affirms his agreement with the Czar of Russia
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: The United States takes great pleasure in announcing that a treaty of alliance and mutual defense has been reached with His Majesty, the King of England. The United States and England have agreed to fully respect their respective territorial claims, that an attack against one shall be deemed an attack against them all, and have further agreed to permit free passage of their respective shipping through claimed coastal waters.
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: As a consequence of this treaty, the United States claims, jointly with England, the waters of Massachusetts Bay and the Straits of Juan de Fuca for their mutual exclusive use and enjoyment.
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: Царь, со своей большой пушистый классная задница росомаха меховую шапку линии и гульфик, приветствует кого-либо еще с большими шарами, чтобы присоединиться к нему в договоре. только в частном порядке сообщении был для дальнейшего обсуждения тотальное доминирование и удивительность!
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: The United States wishes to clarify their prior claim of territory, and emphasize that the claim is predicated on the dark blue on the map and does not include territory currenly occupied by the Rebel Swine, or the Hawiian archipeligo.
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: Well said
26 Apr 12 UTC Spring, 1862: The Google Translate of the Tsar's words can be read very differently depending on where one places the commas
