Finished: 04 PM Thu 05 Jul 12 UTC
Private David Goes to Paris
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1904, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend never
Game won by plantimus (1460 D)

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04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Welcome to the game!
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Did you read the instructions?
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: One thing to remember: you do not claim a city (the dot) until the end of the AUTUMN phase. There are two phases per turn - Spring and Autumn. If you were to move off of Venice and I were to move in, I would claim it and be able to build another unit for the next phase.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: Thanks. Good to know. I'm still working my way through the rules.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: I read the basic rules
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: Ok great. If you have any questions let me know.
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1902: Thanks. I will definitely have questions so don't worry.
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1902: Can two armies move to the same territory or do you always use "support move"?
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1902: Nevermind, think I figured it out.
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1902: Nevermind, think I figured it out.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: Not to bombard you with information, but a good example of how the game works can be seen around Venice. Both of us are going to want this City (called an SC in game lingo). You have 3 units bordering it, and I have one. If you move one unit in (say Trieste) and I move Tuscany in, we will "bounce" and no one will get it - both of our units will remain where they are and Venice will remain unoccupied.

To ensure you get it, you can support yourself in - with either one or two supports. If you wanted to move Trieste in, you could support this with Tyrolia, or with Apulia (you would do this by entering the orders in, much like you did when you made the last few moves).

Here is where it can get tricky: Let's say you move Trieste into Venice, and support this move with Tyrolia. Normally that would ensure you take Venice, regardless of whether I moved Tuscany in or not. BUT if I moved Munich into Tyrolia, this would Jam the support rendering it useless. You would then be entering Venice with only "1" power, and my move from Tuscany would "bounce" us both out.

Hope this doesn't make things worse.. It seemed like a good opportunity to explain some of the rules.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: If two armies move to the same territory they bounce and no one takes it.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: Yeah, the rules explained that part. I'm slowly getting the hang of this.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: Question: why can I only create units on certain territories?
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1903: You can only create units on your home territories - Budapest, Vienna, Trieste. There are games that you can build anywhere, but it would say so under the title.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Normally you would have hours or even days to contemplate your moves. This one is going about as fast as you possibly can go.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Going to bed soon.
04 Jul 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Ok I'll play this turn and we can resume anytime. We dont need to be online at the same time.
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1904: Ok I got one more move in. To be continued tomorrow. Good night.
04 Jul 12 UTC Spring, 1904: Good night