Finished: 07 PM Thu 13 Sep 12 UTC
From Russia with Love
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1905, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Dr. Recommended (1660 D (B))

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11 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Hello Planet!
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Hello Dr!
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: Let's have some fun...
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1903: As you've probably seen, I'm a pretty new player. This, as well as a couple of others I've just begun, is my first attempt at playing any variants of <5 players. I'm playing several larger games, and in general doing pretty well. The games that I'm faring poorly in tend to be the ones with less communication and actual diplomacy, such as gunboats, so I figured I could use some practice with the less diplomatic, more tactical side of the game. Now, I'm quiet happy just to shut up and play if you prefer, but I can see you are an experienced player and I'm hoping you'll be willing to give me some advice as we go - certainly not in a way that effects the game play! If you see anything that I clearly don't, or can improve on, I'd love to hear it, even if it's several moves later or even just after the game. Again, I don't mind at all if we just play and part, so please do not feel obligated. Thanks!
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1903: I am not that great!!
If you are doing well at the diplomacy bit, you're doing very well.
Gunboat is a different kettle of fish. I find best just to expect the worst and just to try to think, if I was that player what would I do. You need to double check orders, as with normal diplomacy, someone else spots a good move.
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1903: Obviously now you only need 2 more to win (this one is always short). Lvp, Nap & Tun, so it means I've got to grap two from you to stop you winning. So the obvious is Tri, Vie, Den , Ber or one of the England centres.
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1903: sorry, had to put son to bed. What I planned to say was that position can be much important than centres. If you are 3 or more centres down, that's probably not great, but sometimes in the Autumn phase it's better not to go for a center, as if you are in good position you'll get later, plus have an advantage of the other player.
It's a good idea to try 2,3, 4 & 5 player gunboats. Each will play slightly differently.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Now that move to Baltic was a great move, you should be able to get Norway or Sweden now.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1903: Good advice, thank you.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: OK, Baltic / Bothnia is a good move. Made me think what are you going after Sweden or St. Pets.
Down South, I could only attack Tyr, so Tunis could hold, GoL should of gone to Tus, then you would of def had Rom.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Yes, that's a good point, I see. With Bal/Both, I was taking into account your advice on positioning over SCs.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Ah. Lot's of learning experience ;)
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: There you could of bounced me in Rome. Bit of a stalemate there now. You could use Ven to get into Rome, but then you'll let me into Tri. You are much stronger around Warsaw though.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Thanks again for taking the time to teach me here. I've got to go do some painting and guitar lessons, but will be in and out through the day to submit moves.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: sorry to explain further, if I had gone for Tyr, you would of got it, either just by moving there or retreating to it and then you could of won.
12 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: No probs. My son just taking up Guitar, so hope it goes alright for you.
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1905: I'm teaching the lessons, just to clarify. How old is your son if I may ask? I have a 9 year-old student, that's the youngest, though I've done some lessons with younger kids. Most are adults.
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1905: he has just turned 8, being learning piano though for about 1 year.
12 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1905: Well, clearly I didn't *intend* to move Ven > Tyr....Lesson # 6: always triple-check orders! Result would have been the same though.
12 Sep 12 UTC Thanks again!