Finished: 06 AM Sat 06 Oct 12 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 100 D - Autumn, 10, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Bappos (1063 D)

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Chat archive


13 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1: (Bappos): Just one to go!
13 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1: Just joined, lets get this party started!
14 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1: cool!
14 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 1: Good luck all!
16 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 2: Arggg. In all my rookie naivety, I curse Rome's sudden but inevitable betrayal.
16 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 2: DUDUDUDUDU backstab!
16 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 2: lol
16 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 2: it happens bro
16 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 3: A video explaining the relationship of Rome and Greece:
17 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 3: I could have bounced him out, but no, I thought I would be clever and assume that he would assume that I would bounce him out and move to Epirus to move on Athens next turn. But nooooo, he goes for the obvious and I'm left with nothing. Sigh... I'm not used to playing on this map, and I'm not used to backstabbing fuckmuffins.

This is the only punishment worthy of you: "A woman who had poisoned five people in order to get their property was sentenced to be thrown to the wild beasts in the arena but first, as an additional punishment and disgrace, she was to be raped by a jackass." Source: Those About to Die by D. Mannix

As you enjoy the fruits of your inevitable victory over me, I hope this happens to you (nsfw):

Arrgh, I'm bitter.
17 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 3: You might be bitter, but leaving is not fun.
17 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 3: Oh I missed my turn
I'm really sorry. Gosh.
18 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 3: its ok
18 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 3: Dude why do u make us look at dumb ass animations (that are very gross) just because you are losing? That is truly a rookie move!
18 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 3: This is a 'murica, no one made you do anything. Your freeee.
18 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 4: I know but i was curius so i looked and it was pertty disgusting....
19 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 4: looks like i am probably going to be stabbed D:
19 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 4: dont ya hate that
19 Sep 12 UTC Autumn, 4: lol
19 Sep 12 UTC Spring, 5: my money is on the Romans! Especially with that Fleet in Roma!