A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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King Atom (1186 D)
28 Feb 12 UTC
Wow! Europe 1939 is so cool!
I love the broken link, Oli...But I guess Classic and WWII are synonymous...
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adalephat (733 D)
01 Mar 12 UTC
join random live game!
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Ninjanrd (1248 D)
29 Feb 12 UTC
New Variant Game!
11 point bet, Anon, PPSC. gameID=6430
Everybody (or the first seven people) join the game!
4 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
29 Feb 12 UTC
EvT Openings
Openings/Strategy discussion thread. I'd like to kick this off by trying to tabulate the main strategies (which largely end up being reflected in openings anyway) that are employed in EvT so we can discuss them and further our understanding of this great variant.
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The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
29 Feb 12 UTC
Reading archive messages?

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Big Whip (1008 D)
28 Feb 12 UTC
How do you design new maps?
I see many people have good ideas for maps and I myself have ideas...but how would i design a new map?
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President Eden (1588 D)
28 Feb 12 UTC
Come kick my ass in EvT!
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butterhead (1272 D)
25 Feb 12 UTC
butterheads birthday battle!
So today, Sat. Feb. 25th, is my birthday! so for my birthday, I am going to start a classic game, first 6 to post here will be invited!
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ezpickins (1717 D)
17 Feb 12 UTC
I feel it has been too long since a good treaties game. Would anyone else be up for such a game? I would like to play Modern If possible, but am open to other suggestions.
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butterhead (1272 D)
18 Jan 12 UTC
The Bigger Biggest Pot Ever!!!
50 point buy-in, Chaos map, WTA... Join at your own risk, 33 people are losing 50 D!
26 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Feb 12 UTC
A crazy idea that could be vary entertaining
So I took a look at the Viking map and I got this crazy idea, would anyone be interested in playing a "character" game? it would have a roleplaying aspect similar to the treaties games, but less rules, basically you would invent a character and then play the game as that character ex. Louis the Crusader, King of France, blah blah blah (personal stuff about the character)
115 replies
gamerx215b (1066 D)
27 Feb 12 UTC
New Game Anyone?
I haven't actually used these threads before, but if anyone wants to try a game on the haven map, I've set one up, it looks quite fun, so we could have a go?
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~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
27 Feb 12 UTC
Anyone up for a game?
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
24 Feb 12 UTC
site improvement suggestion
I would like to suggest a scroll down box thingy on the variants page that offers the following options:
arrange by: alphabetical, # of players, # of games played, and date created(optional)
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
26 Feb 12 UTC
it has come to my attention that on some maps the required SC count for a solo are over half of the total count. does this mean that it is not possible for a 2 way draw?
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~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
26 Feb 12 UTC
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Feb 12 UTC
Players Needed

We need a replacement Brazil and Song Empire on this game, and probably a Texas soon too (for some reason, although he NMR'd, it didn't put his country into CD).
8 replies
champ11228 (775 D)
21 Feb 12 UTC
Napoleonic Diplomacy
On the old site with google wave we made progress on a Napoleonic Diplomacy game, but interest kind of fell apart. I was wondering if anyone was interested in starting it up again.
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airborne (970 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Original (1958) Diplomacy
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General Cool (978 D)
26 Feb 12 UTC
Hurry and join!
1 reply
G (966 D)
16 Feb 12 UTC
Join ye up to this here game.
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taylor4 (936 D)
25 Feb 12 UTC
Viking ten pointer

Join Vikings variant startup gameID=6324
Choice of powers. 10 point bet
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Feb 12 UTC
Yes, yes...I finally have some points. SO, I would like to ask you all not to make any more cool or expensive games until I have finished all of the ones that I am already in. Once I have all my points available, I will go back to spending them all. NOW GET BACK TO YOUR CAVES!
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carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
Disussion about the special 1st turn CD rule
it's France and in this game: gameID=6120
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GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
Where is the problem?
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
game not progressing after time limit has reached, nothing stated about it in the rules
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
This is a autom system...if a player misses one of the first two phases, he is sent CD and the game gets extended so someone can take over this nation and the game wont become unbalanced...
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
well, this person has only missed the first turn.
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
Could you link to where this rule is written down? I haven't seen it anywhere on this site, yet most maps seem to follow this -in my opinion in contradiction to the rules that are defined. I understand the fair and sportsmanship clause in the rules, but that doesn't include this very specific rule.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
I think this rule isnt written down have to be an ansider and simply know this...
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 Feb 12 UTC
If I have some time I'll add this to the custom-rules section on this site here...
You should always search for a replacement.
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
Well, though I do agree on that a game will be unbalanced when one or several players don't enter their orders, this rule doesn't give people the incentive to enter orders when they are registered for a particular game. Say I don't like playing Austria at all in standard map (or better: Russia in the for him unfavorly balanced "American Conflict"), then you say: "You should always search for a replacement." Which almost always means that the other players need to look for a replacement.
And in general, studies show people learn best when they get punished, this rule doesn't harm people who purposely don't enter orders the first turn. I don't have the notion that the mods keep track of people's lack of entering orders in the first turn. I even feel encouraged by the mods to follow the above described policy, if I want to play a different country on that map. Especially because leaving and getting replaced don't destroy my stats (win/loss/survived etc.). Whether or not this policy even encourages meta-gaming is debatable in my opinion.
@Oli, I don't mean this personal, I want to show you why that rule is flaw.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
i cant the one hand, you miss ohases, which is bad for your reliability rating and on the other hand, if you want to play the nation you like, you can simply play with choose the nation...
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
@GOD, I like your non-arguments in this. Have you ran the numbers? I guess not: average game I'm let's me play at least 5 years (conservative guess): approx. 20 turns, then I draw a country I don't want (for simplicity reasons say this is 50%) and miss the first turn, this results in a steady (0.5*20)/(0.5*20+0.5*1)=95+% reliability rate.
If I want to have a significant advantage over other players, this is the only way to do that. Let me put it in another way: I want only me to be able to pick my country, do you really think I want to share that significant advantage with you? (I don't want to be selfish, but a good strategist should think to some extend in this way)
btw, do secondary (or dummy) accounts really care about reliability rating?
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
@GOD, I meant: I like your input, but that's in my opinion a non-argument.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
Let me just say I think that the auto-process in the first turn resetting and sending a NMR player into CD is a good thing. Not only do you get the chance to recruit another player before orders are set, but you get the even greater chance to play the variant as it was meant to be played. It seems to me that you might be grumbling about the unfair advantage that you might have had if France had not turned up to play.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 Feb 12 UTC
We could add another stat in each player-profile: first-turn-CD-rate... Should be really easy to implement...
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
sounds like a good idea Oli.

any chance for a stat revealing how many CD's a player has taken over?
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
I play every nation, and I dont think/hope there are people doing what you described
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
@kaner, I'm not saying the idea is bad (as I do definitely agree with the idea and your explanation). All I'm saying's that the implemented rule is flaw. How this rule should be implemented is in my opinion a very strict policy on banning players (3 strikes out) or their right to join games (the policy one experiences when he/she just joined this site.
On a personal note: I find your mere suggestion, that I would only object a rule if it's in my personal interest, a conviction (especially suggestive messages from a mod). I don't know if that was the intention, and as I don't know you very well I don't know what I should expect from that.
I actually wanted to comment on this rule at an earlier stage in a different game. I had no knowledge of this rule before, that's why I'm responding as often as I do it right now.
It's also more natural to withdraw this rule for "first turn build" maps, in order to be enstated it for the 2nd turn (assigning a standard build in that game for the CD-ing player). i.e. getting into a "No CD"-loop after the first year with a standard build for that player.
@GOD, I'm not saying I don't, but this policy forces me to play the way I described. (I mean: I have the obsessive disorder to use every available loophole both on-line and IRL)
butterhead (1272 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
The rule is designed so that no new player starts at any disadvantage on the first turn of the game, if it's builds or moves...
King Atom (1186 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
So what exactly is going on here...?
carpenter (871 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
@butterhead, I get your point, but as I said: "this rule doesn't harm people who purposely don't enter orders the first turn".
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
19 Feb 12 UTC
Interesting thread. How do the thing work now? If you skip the 1st turn: you are sent in CD, other players find a replacement, the system adds 1 missed phase to your RR and it adds 1 "left" game in your stats. Right?

I believe it's good and I wouldn't change it. Perhaps, since you gone CD, system should add 2 missed phases to your RR, not only 1.

Actually, CD looks so much bigger crime than missing a turn a couple of non-consecutive times. Maybe in 2 different games. Maybe months between the times.
So I'd like to have a system that adds 4 missed phases to your RR each time you go CD, whether you missed only the first turn or 2 consecutive turns later.
butterhead (1272 D)
19 Feb 12 UTC
@carpenter- no it doesn't, but I think I speak for most people here when I say that I'd rather have a quality game from start to finish and someone not get penalized, than that person get penalized and have the game potentially spoiled by a bad position for a replacement player(if a new one comes at all)...
carpenter (871 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
@butterhead, instead you could read what was said before instead of asking question that are already answered, and you seem to mix the savior (who joins) with the criminal (who's CDing).
@Guaroz, For what I know you don't get a "left" if you CD (never tried and also no interest in doing so). But you don't get the point, I don't want to repeat the very first turn (after I'm done diploming) in 3 of my 7 games, only because some lunatics don't enter orders and are sent to CD. I don't mind seeing that once in a while (I don't know how these statistics are along the way), but my message is that mods could be a lot thougher against those people.
btw, Follow my statistics and you'll see that doubling or tripling the weightage of such CDs don't affect the reliability ratio enough imo.
carpenter (871 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
@KA, I don't know, but I think some might mark this as an intelligent discussion, wanna jump in?
butterhead (1272 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
@carpenter- I didn't ask a question... so i don't really understand what you are trying to say. I made a statement that I'd rather have this rule in place and the person who misses the first phase not get penalized, that way quality games happen, than have it where people who go CD after two or three turns get a "Left" on their record and someone takes over a poor position...
King Atom (1186 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
@carpenter: Nah, I think I'll just troll from the sidelines.
carpenter (871 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
and you want to question my question on you capabilities of "having a mature discussion", requested for by you? I just guess you're a very good troll.
carpenter (871 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
@butterhead, true, I was actually amazed that for one moment you actually did read my response to you, maybe it's an idea to also read the discussion above that. That way you know my points of view and why I think we should do it anyway.
King Atom (1186 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
I am merely not interested in this thread enough to speak about such things. And because this appears to be more of a thread about the coding of the site, and not a "mature discussion," (Mature being a word I still do not agree with the use of.) then I do not wish to continue any discussion about it. Instead of making me look bad, maybe you should reconsider what I was asking for initially, and look at how dumb you look calling this a more "mature discussion," than any of the other average threads around here.

Please disregard me, people. I had no intention of making this an escalated conversation on this thread.
butterhead (1272 D)
20 Feb 12 UTC
@Carpenter- I have actually read every post on this forum thanks(except for the non-important ones), but it seems to me that the only thing you are saying is that the rule is not good because it doesn't punish those who skip the first turn... I disagree, I think the rule is just fine the way it is, because it allows quality games by getting replacements without putting countries in worse positions... as for your comment about people skipping the first turn because they drew a country they didn't like, we don't really have much of a problem with that, most people who miss turns do so because they are just unreliable or had a good reason why... and to comment on your "3 strikes then banned" thing, not a good idea... someone joins 3 new games, then something happens(car accident, blackout, etc), and they miss the first phase in all 3... not fair to them, somethings are unavoidable...
also,with all due respect, I'd appreciate you not saying I don't read posts unless you are awkwardly looking over my shoulder so you see what I'm reading please?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Feb 12 UTC
carpenter, I got the point: I want to repeat the first turn if someone CDs. Actually I'd extend this rule to the second turn. I'm just in a game where a player missed the second turn, first autumn. Two of his neighbour were able to get a lot of SCs because of his NMR and the game is totally screwed. First autumn NMR? his neighbours are drinking Champagne while I had to fight for my new build (1). Obviousely, the game in question is anon & GB, so no way to scream: "Hey you, cat & fox, why aren't you voting for Cancel ?!?"

I love the first turn "CD and repeat" rule and I'd extend it to the second turn.

To discourage "lunatics" from NMRing the first turns, the only tool I see is to increase the RR penalty. One time it can happen and it won't ruin your RR that much. You can't be destroyed because you did it only once. But if you have the habit to leave games because you don't like the Country you get, or to careless join games without even being sure you'll be able to enter the first turn(s) orders, in brief: if you're not unlucky but you're a lunatic unreliable player, then you'll start paying expensively your habit. Do you know that a low RR prevents you from joining new games?

My proposal: first or second turn NMR = CD, +1 "left" in stats, +4 missing phases.
And repeat the phase, butterhead is right: it's a matter of games' quality.

(btw, I'm sure you didn't see my RR. Want to make it +5? +8? Fine, but no more than +8. If you're a compulsive CDer then it's enough, trust me.)

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xSMTx (847 D)
24 Feb 12 UTC
New variant Idea
So I'm no map designer, but I was thinking that a map from the Vietnam war would be cool. You could have Soviets, NVA, Laos/ Cambodia, and the US. It would be good for team games, and you could maybe somehow represent the American use of either helicopters or napalm, or both! Just thought it would be neat! What do you guys think?
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President Eden (1588 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Ultimate Gunboat Showdown
3 replies
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
23 Feb 12 UTC
Anyone up for a live 1v1?
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LoveDove (1368 D)
23 Feb 12 UTC
American Conflict Opening
Password is 852

Feel free to join us.
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plantimus (1460 D)
22 Feb 12 UTC
Meta player
I think someone in an anonymous gunboat game is playing at least two characters. Who do I report this to and how?
23 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
23 Feb 12 UTC
Really enjoying the Zeus variant.
I didn't think I would - it was more of a side project, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the dynamics on the map. And for shamelessly enjoying it so much - here is a new quickie for us junkies: gameID=6293
1 reply
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