A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm units
Shouldn't my fleet in trieste be able to move to Tyrolia?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
I Wanna Let Y'all Know...
I wanna let y'all know that you should join this game and then let this thread fall to the very bottom of the depths of the corrupted threads of old...
1 reply
tiger (1653 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Donator postcard event for Laura-Marie
Does anyone know when this event ends?
4 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
29 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm
So the armies turn to fleets when they are in the ocean, and visa-versa. Can they convoy armies when they are 'fleets'?
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fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Sep 12 UTC
vDip cup Round 2 sign up thread
So around 18 months ago, I hosted a tournament dubbed the vdip cup which featured a series of 1v1s between players to determine who was the king of 1v1s.

If you have interest in playing in the next one, which will probably start in October, please sign up below.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Oct 12 UTC
Amby.....a little light reading
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mfarb (1338 D)
28 Oct 12 UTC
WWIV Grab Your Buddy Team Game unfair???
Ive been watching said game for a while and have always wondered how the teams are split up with an odd number of territories. First team to a combined 100 scs wins i would imagine. I know there cant be a team of one because he would have no sure ally. So there has to be a team of three. when that teams gets to one hundred, do they win? or do they have to get to 150? someone help a brotha out
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Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Idea for a Gunboat Tournament
More inside....
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Tabanese (1303 D)
27 Oct 12 UTC
Slight error
I am having problems with hosting games and the timer. On a firefox browser, the timer is constantly set to 'Now' and when I host a game, sometimes it sets the points to play at 1 even if I set it higher. Please help. :)
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Oct 12 UTC
Any colorblind players here?
In the usersettings you can now turn on a map-enhancer for different color-deficits. Is there anything else you need...?
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GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
26 Oct 12 UTC
took us more than one and a half year to end this!

congrats everyone!
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Dr.Octagon (985 D X)
26 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone on?
anyone want to 1v1? maybe get a 1v1v1?
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
24 Oct 12 UTC
New feature: Black and white chat-text....
Small new feature:
If you are colorblind (or can't read the text in the global chat for any other reason) you can now switch the text to black and display the countryname in front of the text...
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Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Another team game.
Anyone fancy a team game to have fun with?
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GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 12 UTC
welcome, little laura!
now i can stalk Oli 3:D
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bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 Fog of War
I vaguely remember reading something on these forums about the fog of war variant of the ww4 map being in the works. Does anyone have any information about that? That would be an exciting and chaotic game!
1 reply
dieingrace (1072 D X)
21 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games?
I'm just curious. Since this game is called "vDiplomacy" a.k.a., you negotiate with people, why are there so many gunboat games where all communication is turned off?
7 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
22 Oct 12 UTC
First Mars Game
First attempt at the seemingly complex new Martian Warfare. Complete with space territories!
7 replies
dieingrace (1072 D X)
17 Oct 12 UTC
SHSID gamers
Anyone from SHSID who is actually interested in vDiplomacy (instead of playing because "it's required") post anything interesting in this thread I've created. For those of you confused outsiders, SHSID is a school, and at least 50 people have joined this game as part of our English class.
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W.I.S.H. (836 D X)
22 Oct 12 UTC
name change.
is there anyway to change name. or delete account?
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I'm a jew
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Anon (?? D)
21 Oct 12 UTC
We need a replacement for Argentina in a new WWIV game, just started.
Big pot, half the buy-in
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KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone up for a quick live game?
We've got some people right now ready to play- you want to join in just post in the next 30 min and we'll decide what map to do . We have 3 as of now- Just post here!!!
4 replies
rojimy1123 (1008 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Dazed and Confused
Need someone to take over England in our FoW gunboat.
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Anon (?? D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
save our just started mars game ...
Alborian left before the game even started ... so whoever wants to replace him has equal chances as the others.
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bo_sox48 (937 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I need a sitter for a few games on this site on Saturday/Sunday. Anyone available?
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Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
1 Player missing!
Hey guys! We search for another player who joins to the game.
Its the new variant Age of Pericles!
If you join and finish your turn, it will immediately go on, so lets go! ;-)
1 reply
ComradeGrumbles (976 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 game starting up!
Starting a new WW4 game! Pick your own country! 1 day turn length, and 8 day pregame! If you're interested, it is called "The Comrade's Challange". 5 people are in so far, come play!
Thanks, ComradeGrumbles
11 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Fleets move question
If I have a fleet in Ionian Sea and Eastern Med, and someone has one in Aegan Sea, if I support into Aegan from EM, could Aegan retreat to Ionian?
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butterhead (1272 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
A complicated tournament...
More Info to come...
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butterhead (1272 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
Ok so we start out with a Chaos game... 34 players. you can't attack other countries until you have conquered your own first, and can only attack other united countries though(further explanation to come)... The top 7 seeded players will play... the next 7 will play, then the next 7, and the next... that leaves 6 players, who will play a Classic VS game with no Italy... after those 5 games come to an end, the 5 winners(or top player from each game if a draw occurs) and the next best 2 will move on to the finals. the winner is crowned the champion of the tournament!!
Now you will be wondering, what does he mean about the chaos game special rule... well here it is.
Each of the 34 players will be divided into the 7 "countries":
England- Liverpool, Edinburgh, London, Belgium, Norway
Russia- Sweden, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Sevastopol
Turkey- Ankara, Smyrna, Constantinople, Rumania, Bulgaria
Austria- Budapest, Trieste, Vienna, Serbia, Greece
Italy- Tunis, Naples, Rome, Venice
France- Marseilles, Spain, Portugal, Paris, Brest
Germany- Kiel, Munich, Berlin, Denmark, Holland

So in the beginning you can ONLY attack the other countries in your "country", so no German land can attack anyone other than the other Germans. you must conquer all 5(or 4 in the case of Italy) of your "countries" centers before you can attack another "country"... in addition... after you unify your country, you can only attack other unified countries(I.E if France still has 2 powers, Germany can't attack them yet)... this includes retreats... you can however support people against other powers in the same country... once we get to 7 players left, the game will be drawn. Ideally there will be one for each region, however it may be possible for Germany to take over all of England while 2 powers still battle for control of Austria, therefore both Austrians would advance... which ever country you represent is the country you will have in the Classic(Italian will be Italy, etc.) if 2 powers from the same nation DO advance, that will be decided then... If this is confusing to anyone, feel free to ask questions...
Orpheus (1418 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
butterhead (1272 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
Orpheus- are you expressing interest? or just saying wow because it's a bit complex?
Orpheus (1418 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
Yes and Yes...!!
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
10 Aug 12 UTC
Butter -

One big flaw i see in this is that certain scs are invincible early on. For example, denmark is practocally invulnerable against the other 'german' nations as one of holland, kiel, or berlin would have to leave themselves completely undefended just to help another sc take out denmark. Similarly, tunis has almost no chanve of being a victim early on as it will always move to tyrrhenian or ionian, blocking one of the spots needed to kill it.
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
Such is the risk of a game like this.
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
Also note: I will be GM'ing and participating in the tournament(no worries for conflict of interest since everyone will know all the details)
1. butterhead
2. Orpheus
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
11 Aug 12 UTC
No offense butter, but just brushing off a major flaw like that is very shortsighted. By having some scs be virtually unassailable due to the no attack rule, the fundamental chaos of the chaos map is changed, and not in a good way.
Muscle (1213 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
How can I join?
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
@Muscle- just tell me you want to join and I will put you on the list
@Drano- I'm not brushing off any flaws. no matter what you do, there will always be a flaw in every tournament, every map, every situation... Hell, Portugal is a pain in the ass to get into even in a regular chaos game... there is no fixing that. Yes Denmark will be hard for German players to kill. but read carefully... I said that you could support other people... so Sweden could easily support Kiel into Denmark in a fall turn. if Kiel has had enough Diplomacy, he should manage to keep Kiel as his own... It may have it's flaws, but it also adds another layer to the discussions and Diplomacy. knowing Belgium isn't going to take Holland from him, Holland could easily work with Kiel to take Denmark. or Denmark to take Kiel... you know you have to help each other to take out the other members of your country, but you know that you have to stab eventually, because otherwise you are stuck and have to rely on outside countries to take each other out for you both to make it... so yes, while it will change it, I still don't see how it's too much of a flaw to make the tournament a failure.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
let me in :). This is very interesting, and it would be fun to do.
I agree with drano. Too many flaws. What of the neutral territories? Are they considered "united" in the first year? Or must all of Scandinavia unite before attacking anyone else.

Then there's the whole deal of what if England unites, sees France as the next country to unite, so surrounds France with fleets to pounce as quickly as possible. It could go for any country, but once one is united, there is *0* incentive for any of the neighboring countries to solidify should they not be able to do it within a year of their neighbor.
Ah, never mind the first point, but still, the second one remains sound. This will end up a game with one or two solidified countries, and a bunch of little powers within a "country" and it will be drawn at that.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
11 Aug 12 UTC
Butter -- regarding supporting people in other 'Countries': your rules were ambiguous. The statement about supporring an attack in another 'country' was made right after talking about attacking other unified countries. It seemed (to me at least), that all you coukd do to start was attack and support in your 'country'. After unifying, then you clukd either attack other unified countries or support attacks in un-unified countries.

Even with your way though, why would denmark, norway, sweden even fight? Theyre all isolated and nearly impossible to capture by their 'country' provided they dont turn on each other. Theres no real incentive to turn on each othee, especially since doing so just help a different country unify and become more dangerous.
Muscle (1213 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
@butter-- I would like to join
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
@goldfinger- your second point is a valid one. and it will have to be addressed, so I will take a look at it and make sure there is a way to avoid that problem...
@drano- I apologize if I was not clear. it was supposed to be a completely separate point, that you CAN support another player in another country, just not attack it directly. and they would fight because it makes potential for a future alliance once they are unified. if Sweden were to support Kiel into Denmark, Kiel could then eventually help Sweden into St. P via support, and then once both Germany and Russia are united under Sweden and Kiel, they could work together against other united countries. there are hundreds of possibilities... heck, maybe Sweden really just doesn't like Denmark, so he wants him dead? that's a fair reason for them fighting... I do see your point, however, but I fail to see a better lay out for the neutrals to be included into the 7 countries without making one have too few or another too many centers. as it stands now, each has 5 except the 4 in Italy... if you see a better way to lay it out with there still only being 7 countries, please let me know!!!
@Muscle and Fortress- gotcha
1. butterhead
2. Orpheus
3. Muscle
4. Fortress Doerr
G-Man (2466 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
Butter, a lot of ambiguity about when you can go "international," i.e., attack other "countries." Why not just play a game of Chaos with the eleven best finishes moving on to "Crowded." From there, the seven best finishes could move on to Abstraction III, with the solo artist or lead supply center holder in the draw getting the win?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
11 Aug 12 UTC
Why not play allocate the countries in Chaos as they have been allocated in Crowded?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Aug 12 UTC
Rhur is missing...
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
11 Aug 12 UTC
? Rhur isn't an SC ?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Aug 12 UTC
yep sorry I meant that in crowded Rhur is a sc while in chaos isn't.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
11 Aug 12 UTC
ha! learn something new everyday. :)
butterhead (1272 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
@kaner- It's a good idea, I could do that and just have lowlands be just Belgium and Holland, but that would take us down to 11 players and I want to jump straight into Classics, not crowded, and to keep playing down to 7 would make it extremely complicated when you get players like Belgium and Sweden and stuff into the final 7 because they were a different country than the classic 7, so what I want is some division where they all fit into the classics...
@G-Man- what do you mean? what's ambiguous about it? and like I said, I don't wanna play a crowded, I want to go straight to classics.
@All- I think some people are overlooking a key point as well... the Chaos game really isn't overly important to the tournament. nobody gets eliminated in it, it's really just to see who will be playing who in the next round and who will be playing as what country... so while there is flaws in it, it's not like those flaws will cost anyone the entire tournament, everyone still has chances...
Murcanic (1453 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
can i play this? :)
G-Man (2466 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
I was concurring with some of the points Drano and Goldfinger raised. Reading your new points and rereading your explanation, I have a better idea of what you're shooting for now, and while it sounds interesting in many respects, I think I'll sit this one out.
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Aug 12 UTC
Sure Murcanic, you can play
1. butterhead
2. Orpheus
3. Muscle
4. Fortress Doerr
5. Murcanic

@G-Man- fair enough, if you change your mind let me know.
Holon221 (898 D)
12 Aug 12 UTC
I'd like to be in, when will it start? And how long will the tournament go on for
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Aug 12 UTC
@Holon- It will start whenever we get 34 players signed up, and it will probably take a couple months to finish...
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
12 Aug 12 UTC
I'm in for sure
Holon221 (898 D)
12 Aug 12 UTC
Well I'm in for sure

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