A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm units
Shouldn't my fleet in trieste be able to move to Tyrolia?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
I Wanna Let Y'all Know...
I wanna let y'all know that you should join this game and then let this thread fall to the very bottom of the depths of the corrupted threads of old...
1 reply
tiger (1653 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Donator postcard event for Laura-Marie
Does anyone know when this event ends?
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kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
29 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm
So the armies turn to fleets when they are in the ocean, and visa-versa. Can they convoy armies when they are 'fleets'?
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fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Sep 12 UTC
vDip cup Round 2 sign up thread
So around 18 months ago, I hosted a tournament dubbed the vdip cup which featured a series of 1v1s between players to determine who was the king of 1v1s.

If you have interest in playing in the next one, which will probably start in October, please sign up below.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Oct 12 UTC
Amby.....a little light reading
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mfarb (1338 D)
28 Oct 12 UTC
WWIV Grab Your Buddy Team Game unfair???
Ive been watching said game for a while and have always wondered how the teams are split up with an odd number of territories. First team to a combined 100 scs wins i would imagine. I know there cant be a team of one because he would have no sure ally. So there has to be a team of three. when that teams gets to one hundred, do they win? or do they have to get to 150? someone help a brotha out
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Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Idea for a Gunboat Tournament
More inside....
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Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Here is an idea I had for a gunboat tournament. Rules are as followed:

We start with a map that can accommodate the number of players we get (highest being the 19 Haven). Three games of that map, gunboat, WTA, anon, with a 2 point bet will be created. The victory conditions will be half of the supply centers + 1 for all maps.

All three games will run at the same time, and when a game is over each player will be given points with the following system (the LOWER POINTS you get the better, like golf)

Win: 0
Draw: number of people in the draw
Defeat: Total number of players in the maps
Survive: Total number of players minus the number of defeated players.

When all three games are finished, scores are compared, and people are dropped depending on their score. People are dropped until we reach the number for the next map (for example, if we start with a Haven map, and Known World is next, we drop 4 people.) The lowest scores get removed first. In the case of a tie, supply centers are compared to determine who is dropped. If the supply centers are equal, a neutral judge will randomly decide who is dropped.

For Pauses/Extends, each person gets a total of an 8 day pause, requested on this thread. If it is less than four days, he uses an extend. If it is higher, we pause. An extend automatically uses up four of the right days.

Readying is highly encouraged, but not required.

Here is a proposed list of maps:

The winner is whoever has the most points total in the last game. If it is a tie, Supply Center count, higher one wins. If that is even, there will be another match after that, with all the players who made it to the next math. This keeps happening until someone has the most points.
Haven: 19
World Diplomacy IX: 17
Known World: 15
Fantasy World: 12
Modern Diplomacy II: 10
Indians of the Great Lakes: 9
Colonial Diplomacy: 7
American Conflict: 6
FINAL ROUND: Ancient Mediterranean: 5

Please let me know if you object to a variant being on that list, or if you want to add one.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
bump :)
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
I think with the VDip Cup going on you probably won't get much support. I have a tourney in mind as well, but as requested, I'm waiting till after the Cup is over.
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
but love the idea :)

maybe taking it all the way down to a duo and truly making it a showdown.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
I will consider that, that might be a nice touch
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
I like it too, but I'd recommend stopping it at a seven player standard map. I see the concept of contrinuing the drop down in players, but the five player and below maps are really flawed. It would be a shame to have the winner decided on those maps. It also seems like a lot more fun to have seven players competing. Maybe a game of standard after the Colonial? Just an idea. Sound fun though.
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Holy shit, I just realized Fortress Doerr = Fortress Door!
bo_sox48 (937 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Ender (1701 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
I like it too but would agree to wait until vDip Cup is over.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
05 Oct 12 UTC
I'm in. Sounds like a great idea.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC

I was actually thinking the same, but the Classic would have to replace the Colonial


Yeah, my username is slightly different here...

get off my thread!

sure, it for sure won't be strating until after the vDip cup

bo_sox48 (937 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
@2WL: You're an asshole.

There, I said it.
bo_sox48 (937 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC

Go learn how to skydive. It'll keep you occupied for awhile.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
thanks for the bumps bo :-)
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
bosox, I just had some serious cognitive dissonance and you're calling me an asshole?
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
he always does that, 2ndWhiteLine, don't worry about him

though I am amused that 2ndWhiteLine recognizes my name from webdip... must have seen it in the advertising scandal
bo_sox48 (937 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
2WL, you told me to call you an asshole out loud on the forums on webDip, so I did, just not on webDip o_O
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Ah, good point. I take back what I said :) And I was a very willing participant in your 'advertising scandal', FD. Good times.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
that was a lot of fun... at least, that was quality spam
bo_sox48 (937 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
FD, do you want to fill me in on what actually happened? I wasn't mentally there o_O
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
I will explain it later, busy at teh moment
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
so are bo and 2ndWhiteLine playing or not :\

If not, we have 5 people
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
06 Oct 12 UTC
six :))
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
06 Oct 12 UTC
dey dont call me the king of gunboats for nothin ;
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
06 Oct 12 UTC
I guess I'll play if nobody else wants to. I do win 50% of my games, so I don't know if you want me playing or not :)
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
06 Oct 12 UTC
no problem 2ndWhiteLine, that will make it more impressive when I beat you :-)

so we have 7, enough to play the first map. 2 more and our first map will be the Indians
martenus (1086 D)
06 Oct 12 UTC
I'd like to join if possible.
bo_sox48 (937 D)
06 Oct 12 UTC
I don't know, do you still actually want me to play a game with you? I mean, I never lose against you, suggesting that I'm significantly better than you are; thus, you should really not desire to play my awesomeness anymore.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
06 Oct 12 UTC
maretnus is in

and bo, I don't see any facts supporting this number, fair to give up some proof?

8 now, 9 if bo is in
Murcanic (1453 D)
06 Oct 12 UTC
i would't mind joining :P

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Tabanese (1303 D)
27 Oct 12 UTC
Slight error
I am having problems with hosting games and the timer. On a firefox browser, the timer is constantly set to 'Now' and when I host a game, sometimes it sets the points to play at 1 even if I set it higher. Please help. :)
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Oct 12 UTC
Any colorblind players here?
In the usersettings you can now turn on a map-enhancer for different color-deficits. Is there anything else you need...?
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GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
26 Oct 12 UTC
took us more than one and a half year to end this!

congrats everyone!
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Dr.Octagon (985 D X)
26 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone on?
anyone want to 1v1? maybe get a 1v1v1?
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
24 Oct 12 UTC
New feature: Black and white chat-text....
Small new feature:
If you are colorblind (or can't read the text in the global chat for any other reason) you can now switch the text to black and display the countryname in front of the text...
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Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Another team game.
Anyone fancy a team game to have fun with?
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GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 12 UTC
welcome, little laura!
now i can stalk Oli 3:D
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bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 Fog of War
I vaguely remember reading something on these forums about the fog of war variant of the ww4 map being in the works. Does anyone have any information about that? That would be an exciting and chaotic game!
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dieingrace (1072 D X)
21 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games?
I'm just curious. Since this game is called "vDiplomacy" a.k.a., you negotiate with people, why are there so many gunboat games where all communication is turned off?
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Ninjanrd (1248 D)
22 Oct 12 UTC
First Mars Game
First attempt at the seemingly complex new Martian Warfare. Complete with space territories!
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dieingrace (1072 D X)
17 Oct 12 UTC
SHSID gamers
Anyone from SHSID who is actually interested in vDiplomacy (instead of playing because "it's required") post anything interesting in this thread I've created. For those of you confused outsiders, SHSID is a school, and at least 50 people have joined this game as part of our English class.
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W.I.S.H. (836 D X)
22 Oct 12 UTC
name change.
is there anyway to change name. or delete account?
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SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I'm a jew
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Anon (?? D)
21 Oct 12 UTC
We need a replacement for Argentina in a new WWIV game, just started.
Big pot, half the buy-in
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KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone up for a quick live game?
We've got some people right now ready to play- you want to join in just post in the next 30 min and we'll decide what map to do . We have 3 as of now- Just post here!!!
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rojimy1123 (1008 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Dazed and Confused
Need someone to take over England in our FoW gunboat.
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Anon (?? D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
save our just started mars game ...
Alborian left before the game even started ... so whoever wants to replace him has equal chances as the others.
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bo_sox48 (937 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I need a sitter for a few games on this site on Saturday/Sunday. Anyone available?
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Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
1 Player missing!
Hey guys! We search for another player who joins to the game.
Its the new variant Age of Pericles!
If you join and finish your turn, it will immediately go on, so lets go! ;-)
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ComradeGrumbles (976 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 game starting up!
Starting a new WW4 game! Pick your own country! 1 day turn length, and 8 day pregame! If you're interested, it is called "The Comrade's Challange". 5 people are in so far, come play!
Thanks, ComradeGrumbles
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Hollywood (1423 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Fleets move question
If I have a fleet in Ionian Sea and Eastern Med, and someone has one in Aegan Sea, if I support into Aegan from EM, could Aegan retreat to Ionian?
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butterhead (1272 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
A complicated tournament...
More Info to come...
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