A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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A Glorious Crusade
Ladies and Gentlemen, diplomats and generals, warriors and monks, listen here. The first ever Holy's Crusade youngstown redux tourney is about to begin. Countries have filled up fast and only two spots remain! We will now be accepting applications now that all of the invites are out. PM me if you would like to join in this ultimate battle only players with good RR and experience will be accepted. Hurry before you miss your chance.
3 replies
keyran (1095 D)
28 Apr 12 UTC
Join New Game
Modern Variant, 12Hrs Per Phase, Join?
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
25 Apr 12 UTC
Frankland V Juggernaught Stats?
How does Frankland have two more draws than Juggernaught on a 1v1?
16 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
23 Apr 12 UTC
Completed Fifty Wins
Today I won 50 the time.with 34% wins .I am happy. I think I cannot compare to Eden or Guaroz or gantz or butterhead or Gumers or canaduh or Atom but I am player of my own stature... :D

Just kidding in last line. But I can compare with anyone..All here are just awesome
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2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Keep in mind that you are arguing this point on VDip, where none of the variants are balanced and should be excluded from your stats.
Rancher (1109 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
right on, let's get rid of all stats and just give everyone a vdip trophy and certificate
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Yay for participation trophies!!

I've played all of one 1v1 game and it was a much different game, so in that sense I think separate stats for 1v1's are needed, as 1v1's are a fundamentally different game. It's hard for me to compare my stats with say PE's or fasces349's stats to see how I measure up as a diplomat.
President Eden (1588 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Oh look, another thread where people arbitrarily decide something is bad and ban it without thinking it through.

Gunboat is chess, should we remove all gunboat stats as well? Public press is incomplete, shouldn't we remove those as well? FoW is a completely different game, throw it out, oh and not all the variants are balanced so throw them out too.

You're on a website with literally >50 variants that are all very different games from one another and you want to throw out stats for six of them. That makes sense.
Rancher (1109 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
ok, let's just throw out Eden's stats then ...
sqrg (1186 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Wow nice moves there PE.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
25 Apr 12 UTC
PE, all I'm saying is, that the stats have no use to me if I can't compare my play to yours. Out of your 166 wins, how many are 1v1 wins? I have 4 games won, 1 of those is 1v1. I simply have no way to compare my play to yours with the current lump sum stats. Banning 1v1 stats (which is absolutely NOT what I said) is a terrible idea. More stat categories is the idea I put out there, to capture the stats across the variety rather than equate the varieties of games. Is a 1v1 win equal to a known world variant win or a modern II win in your book?
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Do you propose including 50+ stat categories for wins/draws/defeats?
@PE - Nobody said "ban". Where do you see "ban"? And gunboat is not chess. Chess doesn't have communication and alliances between players using their moves as indicators. 1v1 is chess.

Maybe we could do stats by primary variant or at least player count. 2 players, 3-5 players, 6-9 players, 10-15 players, >15 players...
@2WL - I posted just as you posted. Do you like the 5 categories by player size breakdown?
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Not really, since it doesn't take into account the imbalances inherent in the variants. Stats are more straightforward on webdip, but on here, wins are imbalanced even between different countries on the same variant. Does a win as Japan count as much as a win as Turkey on Colonial? And that's just one example. IMO, a win is a win and if you take stats too seriously on VDip, you're hopeless :)
"PE, all I'm saying is, that the stats have no use to me if I can't compare my play to yours. Out of your 166 wins, how many are 1v1 wins? I have 4 games won, 1 of those is 1v1. I simply have no way to compare my play to yours with the current lump sum stats. Banning 1v1 stats (which is absolutely NOT what I said) is a terrible idea. More stat categories is the idea I put out there, to capture the stats across the variety rather than equate the varieties of games. Is a 1v1 win equal to a known world variant win or a modern II win in your book?"

Of course not. No win in one variant is equal to a win in another. You'd need stat categories for every single game. There's no reason not to count 1v1s if you're not going to make separate categories for each and every variant.

"@PE - Nobody said "ban". Where do you see "ban"?"

cypeg was talking about banning 1v1 stats from the total counts. You and I should both be able to understand that just because someone doesn't use the exact word that I do that the sentiment is still the same.

"And gunboat is not chess. Chess doesn't have communication and alliances between players using their moves as indicators. 1v1 is chess."

You missed the point. Gunboat is a separate game which is essentially what chess would look like with 3+ players. If we want to be literal (you do seem to prefer it, so let's extend it literally), neither of them are chess, as chess has more than 2 unit types and only one kind of terrain. The point stands: they're different games, just like 1v1 is, and singling out 1v1 is silly.

"Maybe we could do stats by primary variant or at least player count. 2 players, 3-5 players, 6-9 players, 10-15 players, >15 players..."

So the 34+-player group has Chaos and WWIV? I don't think those stats are going to be useful at all, Chaos and WWIV are enormously different games. Grouping them by the number of players doesn't work because the number of players is only one of *many* variables that differentiate variants from one another.


I stand by what I said before: each variant is VERY different from the other variants. Fleet Rome completely changes the dynamics of standard Diplomacy - and the only change was *one starting unit*. You're not going to have meaningful statistics unless you group by individual variant. That's just the fact of the matter, I'm afraid.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
25 Apr 12 UTC
1v1 differs from other variants enough that I'm willing to argue that it should a separate stat. If we want stats at all, at least have some usable stats. PE has an incredible 1v1 record, which he has taken the time on his profile to update as a separate group of stats, why? Because those stats are important and useful when separated from the lump sum stats.

I actually would be highly interested seeing extensive stat breakdowns for myself and various people across the variants and sorted by countries played. I readily admit this is far too much to ask for unless I wish to volunteer to do so myself (which I'm tempted to do but I need to finish my thesis first). However, it would be nice to be able to break things down some. We already have a variety of stats about the variants themselves, why is it crazy to want stats about player history on the variants?

I think simply separating 1v1 stats would be sufficient to make the stats more usable, but I also think YCHTT's (tempted to just call you by your webDip name as it's easier) proposal of separating stats by player count is quite useful as well.
That's an incredibly arbitrary line to draw. For one, just "1v1" stats is misleading. Within the 1v1 subgenre of games you have:

* a game with entirely different units, concepts of "supply" and a different victory condition (Lepanto);
* a perfectly symmetrical game (Duo);
* and 3 different variations on the standard map with different degrees of balance (GvI, FvA, E*vT)

They're all radically different games. Just separating 1v1 doesn't go far enough.

I don't think it's crazy to want player history stats on the variants or any other statistical breakdowns. It's just (presumably) a lot of work for Oli and company to make something meaningful. Again, simply splitting by player count doesn't work, because you have Chaos and WWIV in the same group, Modern and World IX possibly, the Fantasy game is in there somewhere with its multiple levels of play... there are too many variants with too much variety to simply lump them into "x number of players play the game" groups.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
25 Apr 12 UTC
I wasn't aware (not having played many 1v1 games) of the first 2 (lepanto and duo) and considered lumping GvI, FvA, and EvT into one stat to be doable. There is also a civil war variant (the only one of the 1v1 games I've played). Seems there are two other classic based variants GvR and frankland vs juggernaut as well. So I see your point there.

However, one of the reasons to separate the 1v1 games is the sheer numbers of 1v1 games that can be completed compared to the multiplayer variants. The 1v1 statistics overshadow the multiplayer variants because of quantity when they are lumped with the other variants. On that point alone I feel it's relevant to say that 1v1 games should be separate as they unbalance the lump sum statistics for those who play them often, simply because of volume.
OK, so since is the new stats home (not a rating system, just stats) for, I will volunteer to develop a full breakdown stats cube site starting with the "by player" stats fully broken out. I'm rather busy doing analytics cubes for work right now, but will jump on that of Oli can either send me a dump of a cleaned up DB or give me read only access to it via a named pipes or TCP connection. All I need are the game results and who was in them for what I want to do right now. I'm not interested in openings as 50 variants with 3 press types and 2 game types (live versus non-live) would be 300 potential game types to anaylize all the hundreds of possible openeings in each. No thanks. Way to massive of a cube...

So, Oli, if you can please set up an account with read only access to just those couple of tables, I can set up a cube on my own SQL server that will keep track of the 50 odd variants (gibve me access to that list to so it will self adjust as the list grows, please) by player, by press, and by live/nonlive game type. It will be both detailed and aggregate reporting so you can twist and turn it and see it any way you want.
gg. I'm okay with this
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Apr 12 UTC
I think instead of hosting this stuff on a different site we should add a better stats page here.
If someone with enough PHP skills want to give it a try send me a message.
You should be able to setup a local Apache-PHP-MySQL-webdip install. I can give an anonymized PHP-dump of the database so you have some data to test your code with.
Well, then I'm out. I offered my site and services because I know ASP.Net like no one's business. But if you want to turn down a professional's offer to help for free and beg for PHP help which you may never find, so be it.
Raro (1449 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
that's begging?
Raro (1449 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
I thought it was a very cool offer, but honestly I don't know how many people would go to another site just to check stats. If it's possible, I think a stats page here would be better, and would get more use.
Gee, took that a bit personal, don't ya think, YCHTT?
No, just explaining I don't do PHP and have no desire to learn something rarely used in the business world. And I'd really have to hate to write all those SQL aggregates when I could build an SSAS cube in a fraction of the time.
And it could easily be integrated into the current stats page with a web service from my site feeding an AJAX call. No need to leave the site ot get the stats, just a relatively simple change to the current states page.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
26 Apr 12 UTC
The macro-difference among 1vs1 and any other multiplayer variant is Diplomacy itself.

1vs1 games are exclusively about tactics: the best “general” wins.

Multiplayer games (either no-press or full press) are about tactics AND Diplomacy: the best “diplomat” wins.

Because of this I’d prefer to see the two scores separated, but I’m grateful with YCHTT if he wants to work on something more accurate.

About multiplayer games:
Well, in the past I pointed out that something like 60-70% of games are affected by CD.
The NMR-affected games percentage is about 90% .
So, pity, usually “the best diplomat wins” is unnecessary true, but “the player closest to NMR-CD countries wins” is something closer to reality.
I’m not saying: “let’s take into account only flawless games”. I am aware that stats have sense only if the sample is big enough. I’m just saying that games stats don’t have to be taken so seriously… they’re just… indications.
A good diplomat can use any situation to his advantage, even a CD on the far side of the map.
cypeg (2619 D)
26 Apr 12 UTC
my original thought was as DEcima said
"The macro-difference among 1vs1 and another multiplayer variant is Diplomacy itself"
nevertheless What I have done in my settings is to list the games I played (except 1v1). It is something I find useful rather than an endless scrolling of pages to find Where that player actually won solos.
And to be honest I will think twice how t deal with someone who won Chaos than someone who has fun winning 1v1.
Again... there are a lot of significant differences that are worth factoring out as well. I'd agree that the macrodifference is probably the biggest, but even within that, again, 1v1 has a lot of depth, 3-player games have depth, 7-player games have depth, etc. The type of diplomacy done in those games is radically different. In a 3-player one it's all about how well you can get two people entangled against one another and set up for one big play. In a 7-player one, you're talking about having to do immediate diplomacy to get an early ally and strategic diplomacy to prepare to cut him out later, or ensure there's a lane for mutual expansion after the initial target. In 34-player ones, you're basically testing how well you can form and manage large blocs of alliances. The macrodifference is still the biggest, but the other differences are big enough that they all ought to be factored out as well at a minimum.

And even *that* said, I stand by my original two points:
* Not counting stats for any of those groups is absurd;
* There's really no point to differentiating the stats at all if we're going to be incomplete, so we ought to separate them out by each variant.
I'm willing to do that in such a way it could be incorporated into the stats page if Oli is willing to work with me here and not insist it be done in the page's code. It can be done with a simple Div tag that get's it's HTML from a URL. jQuery and AJAX are more than capable of doing this and doing it easily. All I need is read only access to the games and their player list. A simple SQL query splits pulls in a list of games completed with that player in it, then I run the aggregates against it, format it into whatever structure is desired, and pass back the HTML to be included as the DIV's .innerHTML.
With AJAX, I could even provide a series of drop downs that would let the user pick variant, game type (Live or non), and press. If they selected "all" for any of the options, all the records for that breakdown would be aggregated together, so you could still get a total over all but selecting all for all three options.

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64 replies
Need a new Argentina. WW4 map. 22 SC's
Argentina left for who knows what reason he has over half of south America and has only Columbia as an opponent. gameID=6064
1 reply
Mutton Legs, Horn Hats, Axes, and Beards-Viking Diplomacy

We need just a few more players. Please join.
4 replies
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
26 Apr 12 UTC
Game sitting.
I need a Game sitter to play for me until Monday. I can check once in a while and I have another friend who can check just neither of us can play long enough to set order's. PM me if you can help.
0 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
26 Apr 12 UTC
In about 11 hours we'll need a new Nigeria
This one is probably going to CD this turn. Get a look and stand in line folks, because this is an excellent position.

8 replies
Charles Martel (650 D)
26 Apr 12 UTC
Units switching places
In the most recent phase of this game:
Units in Mayan Gold and Campeche switched places. Isn't one of the rules of diplomacy that should even hold with double-move units that two units never switch places? Is this a bug?
5 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
26 Apr 12 UTC
Replacement player needed:
To preserve the anonymity of gameID=7515 the players have requested that a mod advertise for a replacement player.

So what are you waiting for? join up and get ready for some Carolingian mayhem!!!
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
26 Apr 12 UTC
Shepherd Invitational EoG:
Uh, yeah...Some crazy stuff went down.
I don't think Austria would've lasted very long if Germany hadn't repeatedly CDed, Russia too focused on taking Germany, and France stabbing me.
But France probably would've gone for the win had Austria not knocked him back for me.
19 replies
Neil (957 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Anyone up to replace Britain?
gameID=7702 Spring of 2nd year, Britain made one move then CD'd
0 replies
Flavio (732 D)
24 Apr 12 UTC
Techical problemColors typing
In World War II I cannot see the colour of other players' typing. Because of that I cannot understand who is writing... They only pu i.e: @Turkey.... and I cannot understand which nation is dealing withTurkey.
4 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
The Opium War
come join
1 reply
canaduh (1293 D)
24 Apr 12 UTC
What does the red X mean next to someone's name in finished games?
I assume that it means that either I have muted him or he has muted me, but please correct me if I am wrong.
4 replies
Flavio (732 D)
24 Apr 12 UTC
The variant nameda Macchiavelli is based on Diplomacy (Maybe Rinascimento?) Some troops have different moves... Who does know about internet version?
3 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
21 Apr 12 UTC
Drunken Diplomacy
Fun and games below...
25 replies
Looking for a solid variant and a new game to play on it...
Recommendations anyone? I looked at American Conflict but as I dug into it, the idea that you could get from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi through Illinois bother me. There is no way to do it in real life. And if you are going to have the Mississippi River, you should include the Ohio River - no less important in the grand scheme, although that is forgivable. I juts can't stomach the notion that the Great Lakes connect to the Mississippi.
63 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
22 Apr 12 UTC
Concede button has huge influence on diplomacy!
Example: 4 players are left, quite equally matched, and EoG is higher in comparison with normal, so a 2way draw is more likely then normal, 3 of them work together to kill the other one, 2 of them plan to stab the 3rd when the 4th is dead, however, the 4th votes concede, so no reason to not vote draw unless you plan to stab...
It could influence the outcome of the game big time, i doubt that was the idra... Questions? Opinions?
13 replies
Wolfman (1230 D)
18 Apr 12 UTC
Summer League Game
Ok all, we had a few drop out of the first one and some that do not wish to play this Variant at all. So here is the new link to the Summer Game. It is a Known World variant. We might need a few more to sing up. So if you can bump up the Summer Game Post in the forum until we get this kicked off. Go ahead and drop the other two as I am about to do the same. Wolfman out.
4 replies
Krolis (748 D)
23 Apr 12 UTC
Youngstown Redux game
gameID=7700 join in! :)
0 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
23 Apr 12 UTC
Message icon in a no message game
How can a icon indicating a public message appear in a no message game?
3 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Apr 12 UTC
New way to send a message to the mods...
I'm experimenting with a better way to contact the mods.
10 replies
keyran (1095 D)
22 Apr 12 UTC
We NEED a Russia and a France! NEW GAME!
Hey, we need a Russia and a France for this new game!
Starts in 55mins!
3 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
21 Apr 12 UTC
gameID=7597 needs a replacement
Need a replacement for Texas - first phase (spring) has been extended so there is still time to negotiate a viable start. Rock up and roll on.
3 replies
urel (1644 D)
22 Apr 12 UTC
Mods help please - Hussite Wars is buggy
I'm just recently playing a Hussite War game ( ) and by now its the second time that a unit could retreat where it should not be able to. In spring 1427 a bavarian unit retreated from Passau to Landshut although they don't have a common border and now, in autuum 1427 a polish unit retreated from Oppeln right through my secured lines to Olmütz in the back of my front. They again have no common border.
15 replies
How does one concede? I see the button next to 'extend', 'draw', 'pause' etc, but clicking it didn't seem to do anything :S
Do I need to wait until that phase has finished, with me having left concede on? Also do I need to/should I ready up?
4 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
22 Apr 12 UTC
Modern Diplomacy
gameID=7702 Join, pick a country! We need 5 more!
0 replies
danr (989 D)
21 Apr 12 UTC
Full press Chaos, one player missing in winter 1900!
The winter 1900 build phase has just been extended, and Bulgaria missed the last phase. This is YOUR golden opportunity to play Full Press Chaos from the start:
2 replies
General Cool (978 D)
22 Apr 12 UTC
2 replies
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