A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
New ClassicFOW game ~
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm units
Shouldn't my fleet in trieste be able to move to Tyrolia?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
I Wanna Let Y'all Know...
I wanna let y'all know that you should join this game and then let this thread fall to the very bottom of the depths of the corrupted threads of old...
1 reply
tiger (1653 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Donator postcard event for Laura-Marie
Does anyone know when this event ends?
4 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
29 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm
So the armies turn to fleets when they are in the ocean, and visa-versa. Can they convoy armies when they are 'fleets'?
6 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Sep 12 UTC
vDip cup Round 2 sign up thread
So around 18 months ago, I hosted a tournament dubbed the vdip cup which featured a series of 1v1s between players to determine who was the king of 1v1s.

If you have interest in playing in the next one, which will probably start in October, please sign up below.
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Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 Sep 12 UTC
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
10 Sep 12 UTC
sign me up buddy.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
Some curiosities to ask before I sign up:
- forgive my ignorance, what does "danish system" stand for?
- let's suppose we 'll have 40 users subscribed, can I have a rough estimate on how long the competition will run? 2months? 5months? 15months? BTW, are games set 24h/phase?
- is the choice of games (2 GvI + 2 FvA + 1 Duo) questionable or not?
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
were hoping to get this done with in 21 weeks, so about 5 months.

However this is assuming each round takes 3 weeks, which is probably unrealistic unless the time proposal Guaroz mentions happens.
Devonian (1887 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
Decimal, google Swiss tournaments. Danish is a variant of the Swiss tournament.
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
I think the only difference between Swiss and Danish is in Danish you can face the same person twice.

This way if Guaroz and Devonian are once again the two best 1v1 players (as they were in the last Tournament) they may be facing eachother on more then one occasion, to really determine who is the best player out there.

Sign up list so far:

1 Devonian
2 Guaroz
3 ezpickins
4 Jimbozig
5 Fasces349
6 Decima Legio ???
7 Kaner406
8 Spartan22
9 Goldfinger0303
10 Ender
11 Captainmeme
12 Alcuin
13 Imagonnalose
14 Fortress Doerr
Imagonnalose (992 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
Is this single elimination or will we be facing all the players and the best record wins? (i think thats what I got from this lol)
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
The person with the best record wins. That way even with a poor start, you can still win, and even if your not the best player, you can keep playing, rather then loose in the first round and only play one game.

Everyone will play 35 games no matter what happens, and the person who has the most points (2 D for every win, 1 point for every tie) wins.
Imagonnalose (992 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
Cool. When does this party start?
Jimbozig (1179 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
What werethe standings last time? I remember Devonian beat Guaroz in the finals, right? Who was below that? Where did I end up?
Mapu (2086 D (B))
10 Sep 12 UTC
I will play. I have no ranking but I do have the highest win percentage on the site (100% from being 1-0). hahaha
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
1 Devonian
2 Guaroz
3 ezpickins
4 Jimbozig
5 Fasces349
6 Decima Legio
7 Kaner406
8 Spartan22
9 Goldfinger0303
10 Ender
11 Captainmeme
12 Alcuin
13 Imagonnalose
14 Fortress Doerr
15 Mapu
y2kjbk (1512 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
I'd like to play. I'm new on this site and only started playing a month ago on webdiplomacy, but I'm a formidable opponent and am far from new to this game. I don't miss moves either.
Devonian (1887 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
This is the thread that lists Vdip final results, but only shows the top 4.

This is the rest of the results, but good luck in figuring out 5th place or beyond.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
I don't think that the Germany vs Italy game is a good choice. While it's admittedly a fun and challenging game to play for practice purposes, it is impossible to win as Italy unless Germany completely screws up. In a competitive tournament such as this, anyone drawing Italy would be handed an automatic loss.
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
@Ruffhaus: You play two games of IvG, one as Italy and one as Germany. So for two players who are evenly matched, yes one will take each. But if a player is better then the other, he may be able to force a draw or even a win on that map as Italy.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
I'll just assume I was fifth ;-)
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
Okay, so if it's a home and away series of sorts, then I'll conceed that the Germany vs. Italy games create an equitable situation, but the result for all purposes is a wash. So why bother playing these two games? Germany cannot fail to win absent a catostrophic failure. It just doesn't strike me as a good game for a competitive tournament.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
10 Sep 12 UTC
RUFF, you don't know what you're talking about.
First, it's 2 GvI. This means you play against the same player simoultaneously a GvI and a IvG (as well as a FvA and a AvF), so the game it's perfectly fair.
This means that if there's not much difference between the 2 players they'll both win as Germany and score 2 D each. If there's some difference, the best player may draw as Italy and win as Germany (3-1). If there's much difference a player would win both as Germany and as Italy (4-0).
The same goes for the 2 FvA.
The Duo just add a balanced game to the Match.
This way a Match can accurately measure the difference between 2 players, with scores that go from 10-0 (one player won all 5 games), 9-1, 8-2, 7-3, 6-4 to 5-5 (5 draws - or 2 wins 2 losses & 1 draw - or 1 win 1 loss & 3 draws)
Playing all balanced games, like Duos, would be not only boring. It'd be mainly unfair because just a small skill difference between 2 players would produce a 10-0.
This way instead, a 10-0 or a 9-1 comes out only when there's a big difference, making the results meaningful.

RUFF, my friend, it's 18 months we're thinking about it and we're going to change nothing in the formula. Any suggestion will be welcome from the Tournament's players AFTER the Tournament is over.

Btw. Last turney I played 11 times as Italy: 3 losses, 1 draw, 7 wins.
Whoever thinks that "it is impossible to win as Italy unless Germany completely screws up" simply didn't play enough 1v1 games.
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
The rankings are based on cumaltive points through out the tournament and head to head games followed by win % as tie breakers. As players near the bottom of the list were eliminated early on, it was impossible to determine exact rankings, and therefore ties were allocated to those with similar rankings in the games that they did play.

1. Devonian
2. Guaroz
3. RoxArt
4. Gobbledydook
5. Langaidin
6. President Eden
7. Canaduh + Myrmidon
9. Hellenic Riot
10. Ezpickens
11. Jimbozig + Gantz
13. Alokomot + Sacred Digit
15. Fasces349 + Gman314

Discrepency: While Gobbles was given the 3rd place in the tournament due to Rox Art resigning from the 3rd place match. Rox Art achieved a higher rank because of a better win % (61% vs 54%).
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
Well, I actually know exactly what I'm talking about. And if you actually read my post you would see that I am not arguing the fairness of it. My point is that the GvI game is a poor choice of competition and a waste of time because it is indeed impossible for any competent player to fail to win as Germany. If you won 7 of 11 games as Italy, and drew 3 times, then you played against 10 fools.

What 18 months has to do with anything at this point is unclear. It seems to me that the games have not started up yet. What would be so catostrophic to the tournament about using EvT in lieu of GvI in this round? Nothing. I don't care if you accept the suggestion or not. I offered it to save everyone a lot of time. The GvI game is imbalanced, irrespective of your 11 games. If you knew what you were talking about you'd understand. But your perspective is clouded by your own experience with it, and not by actually understanding the pure tactics of the board.
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC

I guess there are 231 idiots on this site then...
Devonian (1887 D)
10 Sep 12 UTC
While I can see both your points, I think I side with Guaroz. (His desire to include GvI, not his harsh response to your objection)

GvI does seem unbalanced, but no so much that it is pointless. In fact, I think it has more relevance in testing skill than EvT, which seems more like a race than a test of skill.

I have mostly won as Italy, but do not think all of my opponents were fools.
I have also lost as Germany, and do not think of myself as a fool for doing so.
bozo (2302 D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
Sign me up to play.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
so, looking at my previous 3 curiosities:
1) ok about the Danish system, but honestly the idea of playing 10+10 times the same 1vs1 variant doesn't smile to me. My opinion.
2) roughly 5 months, ok. Unless there are news on Guaroz's TT proposal the games will be set 24h/phase, same as the first tournament, I suppose.
3) Reading above, I must assume that nothing is questionable... In this case I invite you to share the reasons why you made that variants choice. DUO makes sense as 5th round (btw, why 5 and not 3 rounds?), why GvI and FvA instead of the other 1vs1 (including what ClassicVS offers)?

I know, promoters of the tournament, I'm a ball breaker.
fasces349 (1007 D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
With Devonian, Guaroz and Bozo signing up, now we just need RoxArt and Kaug to have all the big boys in this.

1 Devonian
2 Guaroz
3 ezpickins
4 Jimbozig
5 Fasces349
6 Bozo
7 Decima Legio
8 Kaner406
9 Spartan22
10 Goldfinger0303
11 Ender
12 Captainmeme
13 Alcuin
14 Imagonnalose
15 Fortress Doerr
16 Mapu
17 y2kjbk
fasces349 (1007 D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
"but honestly the idea of playing 10+10 times the same 1vs1 variant doesn't smile to me. My opinion"
Over the course of the tournament everyone will play:
7 IvGs as Germany
7 IvGs as Italy
7 AvFs as Austria
7 AvFs as France
7 Duos

Your not playing the same variant again and again.

"why GvI and FvA instead of the other 1vs1 (including what ClassicVS offers)"
1. Most popular variants
2. Reasonably balanced

The idea as that we play 5 games, 2 of which where your opponent will have a team that is slightly imbalanced in their favour, 2 of which were in imbalanced in your favour, and 1 that is perfectly balanced.

With 2 D for every win and 1 point for every tie, the idea is that if 2 players are evenly matched, the game will end 5-5. If someone is only slightly better, he will likely win the duo (making it 6-4) or maybe even force a draw as France (making it 7-3). If someone is clearly better he'll maybe able to force a draw or take a win as Italy. By having slightly unbalanced variants, but making it so that you play it twice, one as each team, you can really test the difference in skill level between 2 players.

If you feel like RvG or FGvRT are even a different variant are better suited for this, and provide a good explanation as to why, then we may change it.

Whats not negotiable is that we will be playing 5 games across 3 variants, 1 of which is perfectly balanced (aka symmetrical), 2 of which are slightly unbalanced.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
11 Sep 12 UTC
I hope youre talking about 1v1 big boys fasces, otherwise im a bit offended and would have to challenge you to a duel! Pistols at high noon!
fasces349 (1007 D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
The known big players on the site:
Bozo, triple the points of anyone else
Roxart, Kaug and Devonian: Higher then 50% win record. That being said your 77% draw record is equally incredible, however I see you have finally won a game that I wasn't involved in (your first 2 wins on this site involved being my ally in the mid game and then taking my centers at the end to get the solo)
Guaroz: 2nd place finish in the last 1v1, and has lost only 1 IvG (out of 25+ games) with exception to facing Devonian where he has lost all 4 encounters.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
11 Sep 12 UTC
You forgot to say that the only IvG I've lost (aside Devo's four) was with you, fasces :-)

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138 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Oct 12 UTC
Amby.....a little light reading
1 reply
mfarb (1338 D)
28 Oct 12 UTC
WWIV Grab Your Buddy Team Game unfair???
Ive been watching said game for a while and have always wondered how the teams are split up with an odd number of territories. First team to a combined 100 scs wins i would imagine. I know there cant be a team of one because he would have no sure ally. So there has to be a team of three. when that teams gets to one hundred, do they win? or do they have to get to 150? someone help a brotha out
4 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Idea for a Gunboat Tournament
More inside....
62 replies
Tabanese (1303 D)
27 Oct 12 UTC
Slight error
I am having problems with hosting games and the timer. On a firefox browser, the timer is constantly set to 'Now' and when I host a game, sometimes it sets the points to play at 1 even if I set it higher. Please help. :)
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 Oct 12 UTC
Any colorblind players here?
In the usersettings you can now turn on a map-enhancer for different color-deficits. Is there anything else you need...?
6 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
26 Oct 12 UTC
took us more than one and a half year to end this!

congrats everyone!
1 reply
Dr.Octagon (985 D X)
26 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone on?
anyone want to 1v1? maybe get a 1v1v1?
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
24 Oct 12 UTC
New feature: Black and white chat-text....
Small new feature:
If you are colorblind (or can't read the text in the global chat for any other reason) you can now switch the text to black and display the countryname in front of the text...
2 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
Another team game.
Anyone fancy a team game to have fun with?
25 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 12 UTC
welcome, little laura!
now i can stalk Oli 3:D
0 replies
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 Fog of War
I vaguely remember reading something on these forums about the fog of war variant of the ww4 map being in the works. Does anyone have any information about that? That would be an exciting and chaotic game!
1 reply
dieingrace (1072 D X)
21 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games?
I'm just curious. Since this game is called "vDiplomacy" a.k.a., you negotiate with people, why are there so many gunboat games where all communication is turned off?
7 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
22 Oct 12 UTC
First Mars Game
First attempt at the seemingly complex new Martian Warfare. Complete with space territories!
7 replies
dieingrace (1072 D X)
17 Oct 12 UTC
SHSID gamers
Anyone from SHSID who is actually interested in vDiplomacy (instead of playing because "it's required") post anything interesting in this thread I've created. For those of you confused outsiders, SHSID is a school, and at least 50 people have joined this game as part of our English class.
26 replies
W.I.S.H. (836 D X)
22 Oct 12 UTC
name change.
is there anyway to change name. or delete account?
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I'm a jew
37 replies
Anon (?? D)
21 Oct 12 UTC
We need a replacement for Argentina in a new WWIV game, just started.
Big pot, half the buy-in
0 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Anyone up for a quick live game?
We've got some people right now ready to play- you want to join in just post in the next 30 min and we'll decide what map to do . We have 3 as of now- Just post here!!!
4 replies
rojimy1123 (1008 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
Dazed and Confused
Need someone to take over England in our FoW gunboat.
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
save our just started mars game ...
Alborian left before the game even started ... so whoever wants to replace him has equal chances as the others.
0 replies
bo_sox48 (937 D)
20 Oct 12 UTC
I need a sitter for a few games on this site on Saturday/Sunday. Anyone available?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
1 Player missing!
Hey guys! We search for another player who joins to the game.
Its the new variant Age of Pericles!
If you join and finish your turn, it will immediately go on, so lets go! ;-)
1 reply
ComradeGrumbles (976 D)
16 Oct 12 UTC
WW4 game starting up!
Starting a new WW4 game! Pick your own country! 1 day turn length, and 8 day pregame! If you're interested, it is called "The Comrade's Challange". 5 people are in so far, come play!
Thanks, ComradeGrumbles
11 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Fleets move question
If I have a fleet in Ionian Sea and Eastern Med, and someone has one in Aegan Sea, if I support into Aegan from EM, could Aegan retreat to Ionian?
3 replies
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