A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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gleung24 (1335 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
Error in moves in gameID=1740
My orders were for my fleet in Western Ocean to move to North-West Ocean. However, somehow the fleet in Western Ocean moved to Washington. I'm almost certain my orders were right.
1 reply
nuclearICBM (923 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
Paraguay's 2 supply centers
So I still don't understand why paraguay has two SCs in it. I did not revive two SCs for taking It. Somebody please explain it to me
5 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
30 Jun 11 UTC
Crowded, but room for one more...
Let's get it on, haters!
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Variants that have caught my eye recently
the first set is...
27 replies
poppyseed (1080 D)
22 Jun 11 UTC
3rd ever game of CHACTOPUS!
Everyone join and play the 3rd ever on this website game of CHACTOPUS!
Just 10 bet to play a unique game!
On a side note join my WWIV game too!
17 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
05 Jun 11 UTC
Deutschsprachiges Spiel
Sind auf dieser Website deutsche Spieler ?
Ich würde gern eine deutschsprachiges Spiel spielen, was für mich erheblich einfacher sein würde, da ich auf dieser Sprache besser argumentieren kann.
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GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
08 Jun 11 UTC
Dann tretet mal bei.
RoxArt (1732 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
also ich bin drinn :D
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
09 Jun 11 UTC
Toll ich auch ;))
RoxArt (1732 D)
09 Jun 11 UTC
na einer fehlt noch!
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
09 Jun 11 UTC
Yippie-ya-yey, es geht los.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
09 Jun 11 UTC
Schade. Für mich ist wohl kein Platz mehr frei. Aber vor diesem Wochenende wäre es eh noch nicht so gut gewesen. Nach Pfingsten werde ich aber glaube ich ein neues Spiel machen oder einem neuen beitreten.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
09 Jun 11 UTC
Tu das.
mariscal (1582 D)
11 Jun 11 UTC
ich wuerd auch gern spielen
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
11 Jun 11 UTC
Dann waeren wir beim naechsren Spiel schon 8.
mariscal (1582 D)
12 Jun 11 UTC
southamericasurpremacy ist fuer 8 spieler z.B.
mariscal (1582 D)
12 Jun 11 UTC
gameID=2361 hier ist ein suedamerika spiel fuer acht, faengt in drei tagen an, niedriger einsatz, kennwort "deutsch", hoffe sehe euch alle dort, einfach klick auf den link, join und kennwort
Nils (468 D)
13 Jun 11 UTC
Bin dabei
Nils (468 D)
13 Jun 11 UTC
Also wären wir 9 bei einem weiterem. Dann kann man ja enfach mehrere kleine runden neben der Südamerikarunde aufmachen. Eine runde für 9 spieler gibt es ja nicht
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
22 Jun 11 UTC
So, nachdem das Erste Spiel vorbei ist, würd ich gern noch eins machen.
Wer hätte Lust ?
sqrg (1186 D)
25 Jun 11 UTC
Ich habe keine lust!
sqrg (1186 D)
25 Jun 11 UTC
lol :D
Nils (468 D)
25 Jun 11 UTC
mace (1262 D)
25 Jun 11 UTC
mach eins auf :)
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
26 Jun 11 UTC
Wer mach die denn jetzt ?
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
27 Jun 11 UTC
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
27 Jun 11 UTC
Ich wollte die Karte schon immer mal spielen
Ach ja: das Passwort ist "zulu"
mariscal (1582 D)
29 Jun 11 UTC
suedamerika wurde letztes mal nicht voll. hier nochmal zwei fuer 8 spieler jeweils, passwort "deutsch", fangen in 4 tagen an gameID=2642, gameID=2641

52 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Color Error
an error thats happened before, all the colors in this game are messed up
8 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Oli: Colors Gone Wild!
Oli, in the New World Order II game (gameID=1623) the main map has gone totally bizarre with the colors. None of the countries can be distinguished. Help!
11 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
28 Jun 11 UTC
Error? gameID=2385
gameID=2385 Quebec did not gain Halifax as an SC this turn. I think we have seen this error before?
1 reply
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
I have made a ww2 map
can anyone take a look and tell me their thoughts and comments?
126 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
26 Jun 11 UTC
IS there anyone working on non-european and non-global maps?
yeah. that is my question
15 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
9 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
27 Jun 11 UTC
No more Fog of War for me...
Goddammit. Lame.
3 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
26 Jun 11 UTC
Uh... what the fuck is going on here?
Details inside. Pardon the vague title but I am confused as all hell.
15 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
25 Jun 11 UTC
Colonial Game gameID=2542
Time is running out! gameID=2542
0 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
VS mode
Guys what do you think about enabling a VS mode in every variant map just like the ClassicVS one? Basically we simply have to put initials in brackets in the names of the games with other variants ~
4 replies
Catch23 (884 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
Sitter needed
I will be away for the next week, and will need a sitter(s) for 5 games.
1 reply
nuclearICBM (923 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Web diplomacy iPod application
Oli is there any way you can make an itouch app for vdip It would be much appreciated because I don't always have my pc and the web browser in my iPod is slow and makes to many mistakes when fruit to put in orders i know it's alot to ask but it's a good idea
15 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
How to not die as France in Rinascimento
From what I see, it's a hopeless cause.
Anyone have any tips?
14 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Jun 11 UTC
we are spartaaaaaaaaaaaans! gameID=2301 :D
37 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
24 Jun 11 UTC
is this an error?
when supporting a move to Barents sea with my fleet in STP NC, one of the options for the "where" category is StP. is that wrong?
3 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
23 Jun 11 UTC
What's that empty right hand column on the Home page about?
Seeing I'm about to go on holiday for a while I managed to wind all my games up successfully with 48 hours to spare. BUT.... I'm perplexed. What's that big blank right hand column about? Who else has been in the unusual situation to have no games playing. Looks weird!!!
3 replies
guak (1262 D X)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Sitter or Pause needed
Hello, I am Venezuela and am going away on an unannounced job trip tomorrow night to a place where I will have no internet access at all and won't be able to return until late Sunday night or early morning.
14 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
First ever game of Chaoctoboat!
Totally random! It's 5 credits each, a bit like a scratch and win ticket honestly, but I'm willing to give it a try unlike real lotto draws :D Let's see if we can get one going, just to say we did!
2 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Jun 11 UTC
The vDip GuestMap
Please read some guidelines inside, they are important.
(disregard the previous post)
5 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Gonna try this again: a small-pot Mat Against Mate game ~

1 reply
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Mate against Mate
Guys here's a small-pot Mate against Mate ~ Feel free to join ~
3 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
22 Jun 11 UTC
Random 1v1. Are you lucky enough? xD
2 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
The Big Map is Back!
5 replies
twid (952 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Bet size 1
Whenever I create a game, and no matter what bet size I specify, I end up with a bet size of 1. Has anybody else experienced this problem?
5 replies
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