A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
01 Sep 15 UTC
Feature Request
GOD spoke to me, and gave me purpose.
34 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Sep 15 UTC
Expensive Gunboat
This site barely has any games with a very high pot, so I'm trying to get one started:

2 replies
abgemacht (1027 D)
01 Oct 15 UTC
webDip Gunboat Highlights Episode 2!

The second installment in which we get expert players to give analysis on a recent (wDgameID=167972) live game! Now with better audio! This week's video features Chaqa and CSteinhardt!
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 Sep 15 UTC
Win the Winner of Winning Winners Game?
Might a game for old time's sake lure the Spicy Hams back?
Butterhead? Shep? Ancient Memories? Kaner, YCHTT, Caerus and GOD, I guess y'all can come too.
61 replies
rexgarum (1960 D)
08 Sep 15 UTC
A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries EOG Thread
The longer sealanes game has finished - I figured I'd start a new thread for EOG discussion of this particular game (i.e. this thread for about the game and decisions made while kaner's old thread for board design issues). I'll post my EOG soon.
8 replies
Valis2501 (985 D)
22 Sep 15 UTC
webDip Highlights Episode 1 (Live Gunboat)
7 replies
Skipper1942 (1160 D)
20 Sep 15 UTC
Cold War player needed
0 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
09 Sep 15 UTC
webDip-vDip crossover
Hi guys.
YouCantHandleTheTruth posted in another thread about the possibility of recruiting people from our sister site, webDip, to fill the ranks of our player population. I posted a thread in webDip's forum to that effect under the same title. This is to inform you guys that that project has been moved along.
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Yoyoyozo (1273 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
What should I set up? lol I'm not too use to having so many choices, and plus, I guess I'm the bottom so you need to make all the decisions.
Fluminator (1265 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
10/10 thread. Would read again.
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
I wasn't seeking to be offended... I just know tranny is a slur. Sure there are some who want to reclaim it but they're the tiny minority. Like 95% of the trans people I know of do not like that word being used. The drag queen community rather ill-advisedly uses tranny to refer to themselves. Maybe you're confused about who thinks it's ok.
Krell's, my friend, I don't need a sub. You're already my dip bitch. It's only fair you should have one for when you tire of getting your ass kicked, you can kick a noob.
SigmundFreud69 (971 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
Truth is Krellin's pimp??? I need to go on this site a LOOOTT more :P
Yoyoyozo (1273 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
What the fuck did you just say about me? I'll have you know, I'll wreck the both of you in classic, I'm just not very familiar with variants.
Windir (1570 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
The LGBTQIWTFBBQ community seems to invent new sexualities, phrases and definitions for themselves every month. Most people don't care enough to keep up with it. That people are divided over what constitutes a slur and what doesn't is unsurprising. Stop catering to a bunch of manchildren who masturbate to the thought of being a victim and just keep using the words everyone knows and recognizes. Slur or no slur, it makes things simpler.
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
I refuse to just sit by and let people use slurs just because "it's simpler." That's idiotic. It would have been simpler to never give blacks or women full rights too. People are divided only because they are ignorant about trans people. Saying that trans people are just a bunch of manchildren is so grossly transphobic or at least grossly apathetic.
Fluminator (1265 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
I must admit, I'm starting to lose track of which words are no longer politically correct. It changes so often.
Fluminator (1265 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
It's funny how different countries find different words offensive.
In North America, "crap" is considered okay but "shit" is offensive.
I think it was Britain "shit" is okay and "crap" is offensive.
They both mean poop. Lol
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
It's not even about PC. It's just plain offensive stuff like if you call black people the n-word.
Fluminator (1265 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
A while ago I mentioned someone went "trans" and offended a whole bunch of people who made it seem like I ruined their day because it implied they weren't born that way. Ever since then I've just given up on it all. People on social media are just looking to be offended because it's the socially right thing to do.
Not saying you're like that Skylin, just felt like ranting.
Fluminator (1265 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
Also, to clarify, the people I was talking to weren't trans.
Yoyoyozo (1273 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
Skylin who even used the n-word? Those two words are definitely different, especially considering the fact that you are comfortable with saying tranny but can only refer the the other as the "n-word"
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
I was using that word since we were directly touching on it but I don't feel like using the n-word unnecessarily. No one used the n-word though. I'm just making a comparison of the 2 words and their severity.

@Fluminator: Yeah no worries.
Windir (1570 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
This isn't about civil rights. It's about morons getting offended because someone didn't use the correct word in a sea of ever-changing definitions.
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
This particular word however has been around for quite a while as a slur. Stop trying to use that as an excuse. The wider population of LGBT people aren't tumblr.
Windir (1570 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
It's been around for quite a while as a non-slur. The point here is it's just impossible to tell half the time and we shouldn't bother ourselves with it.
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
I'm just going to disagree with what you're saying and we can move on. Talking in circles at this point.
Yoyoyozo (1273 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
the word gay has been used as a slur much much longer though, yet it's the G in LGBT. The word queer is also a slur, and it's the q in LGBTQ. What's your point? People use abbreviations for things. Hell, LGBT is an abbreviation! Tranny is much faster to type than Trans person, and transgender.

Lastly, google the definition of the n-word. right off the bat it says something along the lines of "taboo" or "offensive" where as if you google tranny, it says "informal" or "slang." I'm sick of your elitist attitude where no one can use slang anymore and everyone has to use the politically correct term for everything or else be called out for it. It's actually a very common word in vernacular and I'm tired of people trying to shut word slang words off as offensive just to make themselves feel like a keyboard warrior. You're not. It's actually kind of annoying. Let people be ordinary people and not politicians.

Jesus, I've been holding that in for a while.
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
I really don't want to continue talking about this as I already said and if you google it expands upon it from it just being informal and slang. A pejorative and often considered a slur.

If you refuse to believe me, just ask here:
Many trans people visit it daily. Just ask if tranny is a slur and see what the general response is.
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
11 Sep 15 UTC
@Fluminator - interestingly I don't think many people here in Australia consider crap or shit offensive.

Whilst this has been an interesting discussion, we seem to have moved off topic.

Welcome to our WebDippers who've moved across to give VDip a go. Enjoy all the variants guys and gals.
Fluminator (1265 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
Haha. Fitting username.

@Yoyo, to be fair, the point of this site is to make us all politicians. :P
krellin (1031 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
@Windir......In the morning to you.

Do you know of what I speak?
krellin (1031 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
A word is not a slur if it was not intended as a slur. If you wasn't to be a narrow minded arrogant prick and police the use of every word in a rapidly fluid language, where meanings of words are constantly in flux... Go for it.

I refuse to live in your world.

Trust me, if I want to offend someone, "Tranny" is pretty fucking low on my list of words to use.

Lighten up
krellin (1031 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
GAME: Who's in. Ugh....32 D, full press, WTA, mall to fit #of participants, or by majority suggestion.

1. krellin
2. .....
Fluminator (1265 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
Eh, it's been awhile since I've played one. Maybe I'll join.
Yoyoyozo (1273 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
1. krellin
2. Fluminator
3. Yoyoyozo
Skylin (815 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
Whatever Krellin. I already said let's just disagree and move on. You just do not understand and you obviously didn't even try the link I posted.
krellin (1031 D)
11 Sep 15 UTC
Skylin - there is nothing to disagree about. You are wrong. You - and all the obnoxious people like you - think that YOU and YOU ALONE are granted the power to be the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong, of what is offensive and unoffensive. Fuck you. I find YOU and people like you offensive. I understand you *completely* are a narrow-minded judgemental fool who thinks the world should revolve around whatever you think, but you are too stupid to realize that cultural differences - between color, relgion, geographic region, age, etc etc etc means that it is IMPOSIBLE to have any sort of "universal" declaration of what word is offensive from day to day. THEREFORE, jackasses like you that seek to DICTATE to others when they are offensive based solely upon YOU narrow understanding of the world offend the shit out of me.

Now shut the fuck up and join the game.

1. krellin
2. Fluminator
3. Yoyoyozo

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Anon (?? D)
20 Sep 15 UTC
Colonial 1885
Looking for players
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Skipper1942 (1160 D)
20 Sep 15 UTC
Cold War
One more player and we're off and running:
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mfarb (1338 D)
29 Aug 15 UTC
looking for a >= 4 day game
I see a lot that I could join but they all have passwords. anyone want to create one or pm me a password?
27 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Sep 15 UTC
Replacement for France needed

We need a replacement player for france in this game, thanks.
0 replies
Casey (807 D)
16 Sep 15 UTC
Diplomacy Notifications
Hey, everybody! I know this is probably a long shot, but does anyone know a way of getting notifications when you receive a message or a phase processes? Perhaps there is a way to create custom Chrome notifications or something, I don't know. Again, this is probably a long shot but if anyone has an answer, that would be great!
1 reply
charlesf (1000 D)
13 Sep 15 UTC
1936 Variant: Tournament Invitation
I am seeking participants in a small tournament featuring my 1936 variant.
3 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
06 Sep 15 UTC
Replacement Needed
France has had to leave the site and asked that the moderator team find a replacement. Please send a PM if you are interested in taking over the position. gameID=23401
5 replies
equator (1514 D)
08 Sep 15 UTC
Westeros variant
Isn't there any Westeros variant yet?
24 replies
Hannibal76 (978 D)
09 Sep 15 UTC
Viking Diplomacy
I'm from Webdip and heard what was going on and am interested in starting a viking diplomacy game. Join me.
5 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Sep 15 UTC
Perhaps, I am too easily entertained
a point of reference for sports fans (and people who think that the footsieball is a sport):
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
07 Sep 15 UTC
Huge code-update...
I've merged the vDip-code with the latest developments of the webDip-code. The most prominent feature is that you now can select games to "Spectate". These games will appear on your home-screen.

Please report any bugs here or in the mod-forum. There where many changes, so I can't promise a 100% bug-free release.. :-) But I will fix these bugs really fast as you report them...
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Sep 15 UTC
gameid=23999 New Game
gameID=23999 KING OF GUNBOAT 250 pt buy in. Day and a half phases. Classic map. WTA.
0 replies
noggindorf (1000 D)
02 Sep 15 UTC
1900 map
Is there a reason 1900 isn't a variant or did I just not see it?
3 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
19 Aug 15 UTC
vDip Census
Hi everyone - I was thinking it'd be cool to get in touch with the main players of the site to an analysis of the vDip community. Might discover some cool and interesting things. Thoughts on questions that should be asked or methodology?
18 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
02 Sep 15 UTC
WTF happened to the Vae victis game?
After getting 15 heavy hitters signed up and then agreeing to start the game's been pulled. What happened?
1 reply
The "posted in" star has gone away?
Am I the only one who no longer sees this?
5 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 May 15 UTC
Some pretty damn cool maps:

I was browsing and came across some interesting maps. Whet anyone's appetite?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Nov 14 UTC
A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries
160 replies
qznc (1237 D)
11 Aug 15 UTC
Academic Paper on Diplomacy

"We found that there are subtle but consistent patterns in how people communicate when they are going to betray."
7 replies
Beobo (1014 D)
20 Aug 15 UTC
Leningrad builds
Can you build two fleets in Leningrad/st Petersburg?ie build a fleet in north coast and another fleet in. Leningrad south coast?thanks!
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Aug 15 UTC
Pause for holiday in GameID=23791
I need a pause for gunboat game between 22/08/15-31/08/15 thanks.
1 reply
tja52 (990 D)
12 Aug 15 UTC
Europe 1939 Placement
How does placement work on this map? Waiting for our game to start and curious. Are there set positions? I see no listing.
0 replies
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