A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
10 Jan 14 UTC
Awesome map variant, chaos! Click here to check it out: gameID=17570 please join our game.
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Jan 14 UTC
replacement for excellent position needed
0 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
26 Nov 13 UTC
Fogboat invitational: type your daily memories. Game-2
Classic - Fog of War gunboat, type your notes during the game.
Details inside.
50 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Jan 14 UTC
Need a replacement
1 reply
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
06 Jan 14 UTC
Imperial II question
When a country goes CD and units have to be dibanded in the build phase, usually the units that are furthest away from the own HSCs are being disbanded, right?
But as you can build in every HSC you own. So what happens there?
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Jan 14 UTC
New chaos map! gameID=17570
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steephie22 (933 D)
14 Dec 13 UTC
Currency/valuta diplomacy game
I know something like this has been done before, but then there were effectively 2 games being played. I want to make it one game. The basic was that next to playing on the board you trade in valuta.
25 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Treaty Game
Hey folks. I'm trying to get a treaty game going. It's WW2 so I just need 4 more players. Rules and link will follow. PM me for password.
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Dec 13 UTC
wwIV sealanes
I wanted to ask what people felt about including a transform option in this variant?
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Andy olla (917 D)
31 Dec 13 UTC
Andy olla
Send out your best vDiplomacy!
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Anon (?? D)
24 Dec 13 UTC
The Colonial Fight to the Death

A colonial gunboat game. Full NMR protection, need ALL SCs to win. Let's do this.
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Anon (?? D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Replacement needed. Good position.
0 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
not Wilsonian...or is it?
I know I saw something about it in the forums a long time ago. What is the rules variant where you have to declare war before you can attack a player? I wanna say Wilsonian but I think that's gunboat. Can someone enlighten me?
5 replies
Jonathan (1002 D)
29 Dec 13 UTC
Move tester
Hi guys, does anyone know an applet/website where I can test moves to see the outcome? I am uncertain about some situations in my current game and want to find out what the best move would be.

3 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
13 Sep 13 UTC
New Variants in Development
Since some of my variants are played here, I wanted to let you all know I have another "one and a half" variants in development, the "one" being Spice Islands, (Southeast Asia and the adjacent Islands), and the "half" being East Indies (a combination of my existing Maharajah's variant with Spice Islands). Starting maps can be found at . I'd love to get comments, so I can make improvements before I finalize the maps.
89 replies
Sumner (1001 D)
28 Dec 13 UTC
New Game :1914!
We need four more players to join the 1914 game.
7 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
28 Dec 13 UTC
New Year kickoff
Hey all, to get this new year started, I'd like to invite persons who would like to spend 200+ points on a classic semi-anon diplomacy game. If you are interested, please post within, nothing like a new years resolution to blow money!
1 reply
GunLoader85 (1051 D)
27 Dec 13 UTC
Looking for a sub
I am looking for a sub from tomorrow until tuesday.

1 reply
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Dec 13 UTC
Any one for a live game now?
0 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
23 Dec 13 UTC
merry Christmas all :D
Thanks all vdip players for a wonderful year with lots of fun games! Thanks all and have a good time with your families :D
14 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
23 Dec 13 UTC
Looking for a stand-in
Looking for someone to watch over two of my games for a few days (between Christmas and NewYear). I'm happy to return the favour on another occasion next year. Anyone?
0 replies
sinax (1006 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
it's cool!!!!!!
hey guys! ROMEWARD BOUND is waiting you! it'scool, and you can amuse yourself in a map very dufferent from the classic one!

come in! we need only 6 players more among 12 to start!
3 replies
nesdunk14 (767 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
Imagonnalose second bracket
Hey all, just thought maybe more people wanted to play one on one than were able to fit in the first bracket. For all the rules, see Imagonnalose's post below. Please write here for slot requests.
0 replies
sinax (1006 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
join us!!!!
Palimpsest needs only 2 players more to start!!!!

it's a huge and cool game: join us!!!!!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
fog of war game
Awesome mode: fog of war. Classic map, only 2 coin bet. Still need 4 people, choose your own country. First come, first serve! gameID=17370
0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
18 Dec 13 UTC
Super Bowl 2014
So I've got the Seahawks winning the Super Bowl. (And before you panic, my team is the eagles...I don't predict them making it this year ..... sniff....)
30 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
13 Dec 13 UTC
Mod forced pauses/extends
See below.
86 replies
Wade (1004 D)
17 Dec 13 UTC
Name Change
I joined playing a private game with a few folks I went to High School with. I wasn't really planning on playing anymore after that. But I ended up enjoying the game. Is there a way to edit my profile name?
7 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
03 Dec 13 UTC
Death And The King's Horsemen - Game 3: Official Game Thread
This is the official game thread for Death And The The King's Horsemen - Game 3
48 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
21 Oct 13 UTC
The King is Dead!
So I was just thinking about an old forum post that I read (I believe on webdip) about a variant of Diplomacy that I thought would be extremely interesting. More to follow.
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steephie22 (933 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
I could live with what Raro says too although I like it a bit less: the traitor effectively plays a casual diplomacy game with higher VC. Or am I getting this wrong? Then the traitor can at least draw. Winning still seems pretty impossible unless people just give him the win...
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
28 Oct 13 UTC
I have to agree with drano. The entire point of this game is for each side to play their role and try to win, despite some being significantly more difficult than the others. You get dealt a role and you have to orchestrate your game according to your role's objectives and if you can't do that, then you lose!

When you are dealt a traitor, you should have to be the last player alive on the map, meaning you control the entire board. Granted, in a variant like WWIV, that is difficult so I can see where multiple traitors can come in handy. However, there should not be an easier VC for traitors just because it is difficult to play as them. You play both sides of the game while each side weakens the other and then you pick your time to strike and see if it gets you a win. If not, you gave it a shot with the most difficult role. I have been playing a card game similar to this with friends for close to five years now and I have seen the traitor win just once.
I'm still confused, if all that's left is rebels and the traitor do the rebels win or does he game continue?
Raro (1449 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
It's a 13 player variant right? 1 king, 5/5 knights and rebs, 2 traitors

I don't think that the traitors will have it too tough because they can play both sides as they see fit and be in good position for stabs. They also have better opportunity to win than the knights/rebs, so it evens out. I wouldn't say that traitors MUST stab either side, even if the king dies. If we want to keep the game going, then the Knights can elect a new king from within themselves and fight the rebels. The traitors can join either side and stab at will. Who cares? Let's play and have a little confidence that we can play a fun game without necessarily spelling out every possible scenario. Traitors can do whatever they want. Let's play!
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Raro -

Please don't start suggesting things like electing a new king, even in jest. People will take that and run with it.

Look people, it's simple. Just modify the rules so that the traitors don't have to eliminate other traitors. So basically they're just a smaller "team" that can play both sides as they see fit. Again, with the fact that roles are unknown, even 5 knights on the same team might be fighting each other. Some people seem to think that it's automatically a knights+king vs rebels vs traitors game. In actuality, since you can't be totally sure who's on what side, it will be a much more fluid game.
steephie22 (933 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
I'm fine with anything, just to be clear. I'll remove nyself from the discussion and see what happens. Tell me when I need to break some tie :)
Raro (1449 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
I'm fine with anything too, that's all I was trying to say.
How many ppl do we have/need?
steephie22 (933 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
I think we're waiting for one or two more.
steephie22 (933 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
We need 13 if we go with Imperial Diplomacy.
Raro (1449 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
At risk of igniting a furious debate, I wonder if I may pose a new suggestion unrelated to the traitors. It is regarding role anonymity.

When the game starts, it is my understanding that only the king's identity will be known. However, I think it might be wise that the identity of one rebel and one knight also be divulged. For intance, the "Governor General" and "Leader of the Resistance". I think it would be necessary for proper game-flow, and to set a foundation for knights/rebels to arrange their strategy. It also seems more realistic that the King has at least one loyal subject that he can undoubtedly trust, as well as the rebels having someone which they can ground their efforts to. If nobody thinks this is a good idea, then I'll shut up and we can start the game, but I just wanted to throw it out there to see if anyone agrees.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Who's all in right now? I might be convinced to join. My pending game list is getting long, but I might be able to squeeze another in.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Oct 13 UTC
That's an interesting idea Raro, and on larger maps, I'd be inclined to say it would work. After all, surely a large enough rebellion that can threaten an entire kingdom would have some sort of central figure? I don't think it would work on classic (after all, you'd know 1/3 of the rebels right off the bat, and 1/2 the knights, which would limit the ability of the traitor to impersonate people), but perhaps it would on Imperial. Definitely would work on anything larger, and in fact, I think it'd be a very interesting add.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
28 Oct 13 UTC
1. butterhead
2. Spartan22
3. Battalion (if there aren't enough people already playing)
4. steephie22 (same as Battalion)
5. Reserved spot for ScubaSteve if he wants (?)
6. Scordatura
7. Erudite
8. GOD
9. Captainmeme
10. General Cool
11. Raro
12. EmperorMaximus
13. DoubleCapitals

I think this is the list we had?
Erudite (1274 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Drano: Seems that if you join the game can begin, since ScubaSteve is MIA.

Some expectations I have:
-The King & Knights would seem to have the advantage in the long run since they have the King, and also the fact that the traitor must kill the King as his final victim means that he acts as a Knight for most of the game. This tips the raw numbers in their favor.

So I propose that we include:
-1 King: Survive, kill all Rebels and Traitors
-4 Knights: Keep King alive, kill all Rebels and Traitors
-6 Rebels: Kill King w/o traitor being the only survivor
-2 Traitors: Kill all other ROLES (traitors can work together, if they find each other)

This layout seems to give Rebels an edge, but since the Traitor's should act like Knights that will be balanced out. It also implements the idea of having the traitors capable of working together. I don't think this is a very good solution to the traitor's extreme difficulty, but it seems people want that, and I just want the game to start. :)

Is everyone alright with this?
Erudite (1274 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
I like the idea of the Resistance Leader and King's Aide, but they bring up a whole slew of other debates, like should the Rebels lose if their Leader dies and should the traitor have to kill both the Rebel Leader and King's Aide last and such. Let's save that for if we play this on a second occasion.
steephie22 (933 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
I don't like drano's latest idea, it isn't as hard as you might think to discover who your allies and enemies are. Most rebels will just attack the king. Some might act like traitors themselves, maybe forced because they're surrounded by knights/real traitors... But in the end the only really dicey ones and, if done properly, hidden ones will be the traitors.

Erudite: you can't assume traitors will help the king most of the time, after all, if the king gets too strong the traitors are practically dead... The traitors will want to make sure the king stays alive for as long as needed, but nothing more... And if the king is Britain they can still do a lot of fighting against the king...

Having said that though I still like the division of roles you propose, IF we indeed agree the king is Britain...
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Oct 13 UTC
steephie -

You seriously underestimate what the Rebels can do. If they just flat out attack the offense, but they kinda suck at strategy.

Erudite: the breakdown on this map is going to be dicey. The 1:4:6:2 breakdown you suggested could work, but it could also be a colossal failure. What if the king is Britain, and France, Holland, and Russia are all Rebels, along with 3 others! That would be a complete nightmare and would most likely end pretty quickly. A lot of this map comes down to luck of the draw probably.

That said, consider me game if we can get going quickly. I'm a sucker for fun variants.
Erudite (1274 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Great, I guess that's as close as this group is going to get to a unanimous vote! The King will be Britain, and we will try a 1:4:6:2 breakdown. I agree that it will largely come down to which side gets lucky (oh god, let's not bring that topic back again) by drawing the right powers. However, I think that this breakdown is our best bet of balancing it out prior to the country draw.
Yeah good luck to the traitor who draws Mexico :p
Raro (1449 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Dare I intervene, but I think the breakdown is now slightly tilted in favor the rebels. I think the King + Knights should be equal to the total # of Rebels, the rest being traitors.

Perhaps 1 King, 4 knights, 5 rebs, 3 traitors (who have no affiliation but can bargain/ stab/ cheat their way to the top: (king dethroned [and] either majority leader/game winner could be criteria).

I just want to play, this sounds fun. I hope I'm the king so I can publicly scold and give orders to the entire kingdom. Or perhaps I would be a merciful and benevolent king? hmmm, I can't wait to find out. All hail the Royal King! Your loyal subject Sir Raro is at your Liege.

Battalion (2332 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
I'm ready to go. Rules are fine as they stand. Let me know when the party starts.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Oct 13 UTC
That breakdown could work too Raro, I just wonder if 3 starts to get to be too many traitors. Almost a quarter of the map as traitors seems kinda high. Then again, this is all guess work right now since it's never been done! I do like that it somewhat balances the groups though. About 40% rebels, 40% loyalists, and about 20% traitors. Makes it pretty nice.

Why not just take a quick vote? We could even run the vote while people are joining the game yes?

So -


1 King, 4 Knights, 5 Rebels, 3 Traitors: 2 votes (Raro, Drano)
1 King, 4 Knights, 6 Rebels, 2 Traitors: 1 vote (Erudite)
Battalion (2332 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
2 traitors for me
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Oct 13 UTC
1 King, 4 Knights, 5 Rebels, 3 Traitors: 2 votes (Raro, Drano)
1 King, 4 Knights, 6 Rebels, 2 Traitors: 2 votes (Erudite, Battalion)
Erudite (1274 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
The difference between the two breakdowns come down to one core aspect that no one can be completely sure about yet: will the traitors assist the Loyalists for the most part? Since the traitors have to kill the King last, they certainly won't go at the King with as much ferocity as could be expected of a Rebel. If you believe they will work with the Loyalists for the most part, then my proposed breakdown would be ideal, whereas if you think they won't, then Raro's would be.
steephie22 (933 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Ah but what they do depends on your breakdown. With Erudite's proposal I would be inclined to support the loyalists a lot, in the other case I would just go over anyone's back to get as powerful as possible at the start.

I vote the 3 traitor variant because it gives the traitor the freedom I think it should have.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Oct 13 UTC
1 King, 4 Knights, 5 Rebels, 3 Traitors: 3 votes (Raro, Drano, steephie)
1 King, 4 Knights, 6 Rebels, 2 Traitors: 2 votes (Erudite, Battalion)
Scordatura (1396 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
1 King, 4 Knights, 5 Rebels, 3 Traitors: 3 votes (Raro, Drano, steephie, Scordatura)
1 King, 4 Knights, 6 Rebels, 2 Traitors: 2 votes (Erudite, Battalion)
Scordatura (1396 D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
*4 votes for 3 traitors
1 King, 4 Knights, 5 Rebels, 3 Traitors: 3 votes (Raro, Drano, steephie, Scordatura)
1 King, 4 Knights, 6 Rebels, 2 Traitors: 2 votes (Erudite, Battalion, EM)

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