A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Shep315 (1435 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
who wants to try to unify the italian states?
SacredDigits (978 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
Is it just me, or does it feel like every game here is with the same people? LOL.
butterhead (1272 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
Indeed, Indeed it is...
Shep315 (1435 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
well there is only like 20 or so of us that are really active
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
haha, 34... about... otherwise we wouldnt have that chaos game going.
Shep315 (1435 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
yeah so probably 35, i dont play chaos, too chaotic
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
not anymore
Shep315 (1435 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
yeah lol
I feel I am obligated to join as an "active player"
and to redeem myself after my last go as Firenze ended in failure when Pisa stabbed me and was in cahoots with the Pope.
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
you are obligated to join so we can have epicness in that me you and Shep are playing again.
SacredDigits (978 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
What am I, chopped liver?
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
no, Its just that me Imperial and Shep have an epic battle going on all over Vdip and Facebook.
You know eachother face to face then?
Also, joined. And i got one of my friends who likes diplomacy to join the site. I doubt he'll be as active as me since i am on med. leave this year and so have a whole bunch of time but he should be moderately active. As a fair heads up, he's JubJub109, and i think he has joined that game too. (Independently of me, he just thought it looked like a cool map.)
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
No, we don't know eachother F2F, we just randomly joined a ww1 game together on FB, than random games here and always joke around and stuff. although Ironically Imperial does live in the same county as me...
oh cool. I didn't even know there was fb diplomacy :)
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
indeed there is... its called PHPdiplomacy, It is an older code version of Webdip.
Oh cool! I mean, between here and webdip i tend to get my fix, but it's always good to know :)
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Jan 11 UTC
there's also another variant site here:
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Jan 11 UTC
and grrr - If I had points I would surely join
butterhead (1272 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
well go get some points than!!
Stormy is a disapointment, leaving this game like that. It brings tears to my eyes.......
@SacredDigits: We have yet to chop you, that is next week, you are still liver, though. ;)
Agreed on the first account, i don't know about the second. Anyone else having trouble accessing webdip?
(Sorry if i shouldn't have asked that here, but i figured most the active people are viewing this thread anyways and any replies generated by the question would just draw attention to the thread and game.)
Shep315 (1435 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
3 spots left!
SacredDigits (978 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Webdip went down for like four hours last night, and it hit a pause on all the short phase games. I'm looking forward to the chopping.

23 replies
Benibo (1143 D)
24 Jan 11 UTC
Open game
France has left this game
He is in a reasonable position, and he can get two builds without much trouble.
I am inviting you to join.
5 replies
MasterEddie38 (996 D)
28 Jan 11 UTC
haven problem
hey Oli no map is showing in this game
1 reply
LoveDove (1368 D)
27 Jan 11 UTC
New Game, Low Bid!
Come help us carve up the American Empire.
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butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
Oli, help...
It is build anywhere, I gained 3 builds this year, but It will only let me build one unit...
2 replies
Haven Problem
I had a fleet in Cathal in the Haven game "First Game HAVEN"
Despite the fact that Cathal borders Crystal Lake, it will not let my fleet hit Crystal Lake, and now it is causing me to be stabbed because my ally thought I was "untrustworthy" for not hitting Crystal Lake. May this please be fixed so this kind of problem doesn't happen again?
4 replies
Zachfactor (1074 D)
27 Jan 11 UTC
New Game: Crowded varient
7/11 Players so far! Game ID is gameID=357. Please join! Thanks!
1 reply
Zachfactor (1074 D)
26 Jan 11 UTC
New Game: Crowded varient
1/11 so far! Please join! The gamer ID is gameID=357.
14 replies
papamac (1046 D)
24 Jan 11 UTC
New Colonial game
Come and play.
1 reply
Daiichi (1339 D)
24 Jan 11 UTC
Heaven's doubts
About the Heven map: Is it build anywhere?
How do exactly the Eternal-builds work? They count as natal SC for everyone? just that? Also, each country has a natal SC with an especial icon on it, similar to a tower (for example, Mt Nimro for the gnomes) does this SC have any special effect?
5 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 Jan 11 UTC
Colonial Dip- Trans-Siberian Railroad
Will it ever be changed to include the Railroad?
Its just every game I have ever looked at in this, Russia is the first dead, and Turkey, the closest neighbor wins as a result.
I really want to play this version, but I wont do so until Russia can utilize the one advantage he is given in this game. So my question is, will this ever be implemented?
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Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
23 Jan 11 UTC
Plenty slots left! Come and join! Let's all try out the new variant!
3 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Jan 11 UTC
Spain to portugal via convoy.
basically, I have a fleet in Portugal and an Army in Spain, can I move Spain to Portugal via convoy and Portugal to Spain?
6 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
War Declaration Games
I thought since our south american war declaration game just recently ended, i figured id get some feedback from the players. What works, what doesn't, whether or not anyone wants to play more games of this type and if so what maps. I myself am leaning towards 1880 and colonial, but id like the feedback
32 replies
Daiichi (1339 D)
23 Jan 11 UTC
It's just me the only one having trouble accesing WebDip
I have not been able to acces the big page ( for more than a day. And most of my games are 24 h / phase... Anyone's having the same problem?
"This webpage is not available.
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address."
I'm using chrome, ubuntu, and i'm from Spain, if that matters...
3 replies
IKE (1179 D)
22 Jan 11 UTC
Anon gunboat
25 D 24 hr phase custom start classic map.
You know you want to kick my ass, so do it:)
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Musico (579 D)
22 Jan 11 UTC
Some help here, Oli?
Something's up with our inaugural Haven game. It's the first Autumn, and the map is totally gone. Any help?
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Jonnikhan (1554 D)
22 Jan 11 UTC
Let's try out the new game called Haven
Game: Realms of Conquest
10 D; 36 hour phases
Come One, Come All!!!
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fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Jan 11 UTC
Who's up for a haven game?
The new 19 player variant looks fun.
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
21 Jan 11 UTC
Is anyone else having problems getting to the webdiplomacy site??
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MasterEddie38 (996 D)
21 Jan 11 UTC
Haven lets try it
guys this map is a little absurd but probably a bunch of fun, lets give it a try
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RoxArt (1732 D)
21 Jan 11 UTC
2 more please
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Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Modern Diplomacy II
A new small-pot game on the variant Modern Diplomacy II
1 reply
Jimbozig (1179 D)
20 Jan 11 UTC
can someone else join this
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HeavyRevy (1077 D)
19 Jan 11 UTC
Fantasy World First Try - Needs Players!
Thought the variant Fantasy World looked interesting. Looking for players. Please message me if you'd like the password. Password protected to help prevent meta-gamers. Looking for players with an interest in finishing the game and honest game play. No meta-gamers or civil disorder prone players please. Best of luck!
7 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Jan 11 UTC
Anyone up for an 8 hour lepanto?
If so post here...
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fasces349 (1007 D)
19 Jan 11 UTC
The Chaotic Gunboat
I will be creating a game with the above name.
5 D, 14 hours, WTA
Anyone up for it?
6 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
19 Jan 11 UTC
Fast Lepanto
Whos up for an 8 hour phase lepanto game?
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RoxArt (1732 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
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Musico (579 D)
19 Jan 11 UTC
Anyone up for some FoW?
0 replies
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