A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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BenGuin (1529 D)
04 Oct 11 UTC
CHALLANGE-BenGuin Invitational: Napoleon Total War
0 replies
Moutonoir (1124 D)
04 Oct 11 UTC
Oli, please unpause
Please unpause my game
seems like my opponent has gone from the game
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Oct 11 UTC
New feature "Hide Arrows"
Each map now has a "hide arrows" button.
It removes all the arrows from the map.
You might need to reload the game-panel a few times to load the new code into your browsercache.
10 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
02 Oct 11 UTC
Wait, have I misunderstood something all this time?
Can unit A support hold unit B while unit B is attacking a foe? I'm playing against somebody who plays well and they've done this a few times now. Have I been missing opportunities?
8 replies
To Oli
Can you change my name from 'Otto Van Bismark' to 'Otto von Bismarck'?
4 replies
airborne (970 D)
02 Oct 11 UTC
Hussite Wars Playtest 1
0 replies
Join my game please
its who controls america and its called politics
1 reply
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
17 Sep 11 UTC
Orders not loading
Orders are not loading in gameID=3423. Is this correctable, Oli?
2 replies
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
28 Sep 11 UTC
WWIV gunboat
21 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
30 Sep 11 UTC
Re: Medieval Diplomacy 1.14
Hey airborne, how's development of Medieval Diplomacy 1.14 coming? I would love to play this next.
6 replies
Otto Von Bismarck (996 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
as a diplomat
For all you players out there who aren't fluent in English writing, please study grammar. It will benefit you in your daily life whenever you practice speaking english with others as well as help you become a better player in diplomacy. Everything is on the internet.
Poor grammar reflects shallowness of thinking.
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Dejan0707 (1986 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
More important than grammar is certainly effort. more than once I experienced that I wrote long, detail massages, full of plans, possibilities, rumors and such...and the response was simple...OK. Lack of effort is not really desirable virtue in possible ally.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Allright, 2 things here:

First - I can see Ottos point. Poor grammar CAN make one appear to be more shallow in thought than they really are. Unfortunately, that can cause people to make decisions to either attack, or not attack then based solely on grammar. I know that I've attacked players with poor grammar more than once simply because I felt like we weren't communicating well.

On the other hand, English is a tricky language, and expecting people to be perfect in it is silly. Hell, I'm a native speaker and my grammar isn't perfect. Perhaps we should encourage non-native speakers to 1: let everyone know you're not a native speaker, and 2: if necessary, post in your native tongue and let the other person put it in a translator. It might not be perfect, but it might help get the point across better that you're quite an indepth thinker.

Just my $.02
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Sep 11 UTC
"Your an idiot as well. And no, a verb isn't missing. your is you're."
Ahhh: your=you're !! Now I got it. Thanks Bismark.

I think that if English speakers would type correctly, I'd learn English so much faster because in my language to each letter corresponds one sound and only one and vice-versa. So if you add or take out a letter then the sound (and the meaning) changes. It's hard for me to get that "nite", that is not in my vocabulary, goes for "night". And why not for "knight"?.
So if someone types words uncorrectly then HE is to blame, NOT ME that I'm doing the best that I can, typing carefully and slowly in a foreign language.

When I'm not sure I always ask explanations. And if somebody is willing to understand me, I'm always avaliable for explanations.

Laziness in typing very often reflects laziness of thinking.
This would explain why so many of those lazy typers usually don't make many efforts to understand what I am saying. They don't do the best that they can.

This is a pity, because sometime I translate into English some nice idiomatic phrases of my country. The first that comes to my mind now, in English would sound like:
"Only a real idiot is idiot enough to call someone else an idiot."
Explanations needed, anyone?
@Daiichi Not out of self-interest my friend, but for better gaming.
I'm constantly keeping myself aware of grammar. Ever since I started SAT in particular.. often i google up things. everything is on the internet.
poor grammar can determine how one reads certain things.
and Daiichi, did you even read butterhead's first comment? it doesn't make any sense at all. btw, the content, not grammar.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Guaroz - out of curiosity, what's your native tongue? Also, that quote is awesome :)
lol nice
point taken. my apologies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
29 Sep 11 UTC
@ Drano, I'm Italian. You?
@ Otto, apologies accepted. :)
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Schools of Education decided in the 1980s that teaching grammar was ineffective or culturally oppressive or ideologically impure (or more probably hard and not fun for teachers); therefore, for people my age, the public schools were convinced to not teach us grammar at all. We were somehow supposed to learn it on our own through writing and reading without any formal instruction. I hope this was simply one of the numerous insane fads that Schools of Education embraces in their ongoing efforts to experiment on kids in every manner other than tying teacher compensation to performance or subject specific knowledge.

One of my favorite stories is in David Rockefeller's memoirs. The five sons of John D. Rockefeller Jr were turned over to a private school affiliated with Columbia University's Teachers College. They are also famous examples of people with dyslexia. My being dyslexic caused me to learn about a fair number of famous people with dyslexia. Dyslexia is to a degree genetic, and Nelson Rockefeller's being severely dyslexic and his four brothers somewhat so is a famous example of gene linked clustering. The interesting part is that these five men had many children, everyone of them. These many children then in turn produced many grandchildren. And as David pointed out not one has ever shown any sign of dyslexia. So the more probable explanation is that the Columbia Teachers College experimented on the children of the richest man in the world and somehow failed to teach any of them to read properly. Then when their failure became undeniable, the children were diagnosed by Columbia as having learning disabilities. They all grew up believing that something was wrong with them. Three became governors of states where, guess what, they agitated for policies to help identify children with learning disabilities and showered money on the parts of the system that serviced such kids.

@Butterhead----English is the language of the greatest number of people on here, even though the site is German. Fairness has very little to do with it. Lingua Franca means literally French Tongue precisely because it was the language most spoken by educated people during the 17th Century and so was the universal language of Science and Intellectual Discourse. Such is English today. Perhaps it is working with so many non-natives but I have not had too much trouble understanding people. But I have a high tolerance for things other than lying and laziness and massive Mythos level douchiness.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
My freshman year of HS was when they removed the TSWE from the SAT. Then most good colleges started making people take an SAT II Writing for an additional fee to ETS. I understand that they have now added something similar back in now. Somehow we used to take a full SAT and the TSWE in a good measure under 3 hours.....a far more reasonable amount of time to ask a teenage boy to sit still.
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 11 UTC
@Bismarck: okay, maybe I schould learn english, but it would be also kind of you to name yourstels "Otto VON Bismarck and not "VAN".
This is importtant because VON is german and VAN belgic or something like that I think.
Also I`M quite shure that I speak english good enough that my chatpartners understand me; till now I never had problems.
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 11 UTC
*very kind
Raro (1449 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
I thought the "van" was the point of the name.
LoveDove (1368 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
You won't think it's funny when you're living in a VAN down by the RIVER!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Moment of silence for Chris Farley.
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 11 UTC
Who`s that ?
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 11 UTC
Otto, why are you so angry about people might can`t speak english as well as you do, when, you havn`t played ONE game here yet o.O ?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
He is clearly in an anon game, GOD.
read my profile. i know its otto von bismarck. i screwed up yea.
i'm not angry, i'm just promoting players to improve for a better game experience.
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
30 Sep 11 UTC
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
30 Sep 11 UTC
But can be only in two-three games.
You wouldn`t get much info about the players here from this.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
30 Sep 11 UTC
dammit, we always end up with pedants.
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
30 Sep 11 UTC
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Oct 11 UTC
i read the first page and The Bismarck Character appears so funny in how ignorant he truly is.
thank you for your idiotic comment
GOD (1858 D Mod (B))
01 Oct 11 UTC
stay polite

56 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
25 Sep 11 UTC
21 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Sep 11 UTC
Newbie-stop active now too...
You can now create/join only 1 game for 3 phases played (does have nothing to do with the reliable-rating). And a very new player can join 2 games without any phases played.
14 replies
--- (716 D)
28 Sep 11 UTC
Join this game!
A diplomacy game encompassing the entire world!
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
27 Sep 11 UTC
Need A Greece
...Otherwise we will Draw...
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 Sep 11 UTC
Reliability rating now live...
With the ongoing discussions about CDs and people holding back their orders I decided to implement a reliability-rating.
37 replies
Raro (1449 D)
26 Sep 11 UTC
Bug in greypress game
Oli, please take a look at gameID=3574

This game has just started, but orders are not loading for myself and other players. Also, players are reporting trouble utilizing the 'greypress' feature.
Thank you.
2 replies
master (1008 D)
26 Sep 11 UTC
Support 3 - the last one :-)
Army 1 supports Army 2 holding
Army 2 attacks an enemy army and stays on place
Army 2 ist attacked by an enemy army with one support
what happens?
3 replies
master (1008 D)
26 Sep 11 UTC
Support again
Army 1 supports Army 2 to attack Enemy Army A
Army A attacks Army 1.What happens?
1 reply
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
26 Sep 11 UTC
an observation on Economic Dip.
see below.
3 replies
red squirrel (1613 D)
22 Sep 11 UTC
Economic Diplomacy

WTA 30 D
1 reply
master (1008 D)
25 Sep 11 UTC
Army 1 supports Army 2
Army 2 supports Army 3
What happens with the support for Army 3 if Army 2 ist attacked by 1 enemy Army?
4 replies
vanisher (919 D)
25 Sep 11 UTC
about open games
A game has two left players and I'd like to replace one but no the other.
The system has a criterion to decide which player I'd be replacing if pressed "join" button?
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 Sep 11 UTC
Pregame chat now for all games...
I've added a pregame-chat now for all games (and it works for anon-games too).
8 replies
joepo12 (679 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Classic Map - Fog of War: Players needed
0 replies
joepo12 (679 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Live game
Please join gameID=3557.
0 replies
GinoKay (953 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Players needed - Sengoku
Greetings all! I've just found VDip and love it because of alll the variants! I'm looking to get a ame of Sengoku (Diplomacy on the island of Japan) going and, if you're interested, please go to
0 replies
Sea Urchin (1161 D)
24 Sep 11 UTC
Fun Live Game
Here's a fun live game for four people gameID=3553 The password is four.
2 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
22 Sep 11 UTC
Losing Powers and Non-Timely Orders/Abandonmnet
This appears to be quite common. I've got abandoned powers or powers who stop placing their orders in a timely fashion once they're losing in every game I'm playing. Is this as common as I think here, or just a bad draw of players in the games I'm in?
16 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Sep 11 UTC
Anti-Winning thread.
just to be contrary.
12 replies
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