A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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kikker82 (1102 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Cruel World
i know i'm probably brakin' some code by talkin' about this but...

can we all gang up on Columbia until he starts finalizing his orders.
17 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
08 Feb 12 UTC
I am leaving v dip
I am leaving v dip for two to three months due to my Class XII senior secondary Exams. So can we draw. Or you win without playing. So have happy playing Hope we are friends now?!
2 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
My Variant(s)
Hello all. I was just informed that there has been an adaptation of my Known World 901 variant here, and it is fairly popular. Thank you for the work involved, and I hope you enjoy the variant. I am very flattered.

P.S. Feel free to adapt and play more of my variants. I especially recommend Maharajah's Diplomacy Some scale as Standard, the rules are not too far off, and it has proven to be very balanced and the feedback has been good as well.
45 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
09 Feb 12 UTC
A Good Error
Umm, Oli? Why the hell do I have a "Donator-Silver" Mark next to my name?
I don't have any money to give you, only personality conflicts.
8 replies
Mack Eye (1080 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
GB question - Pauses
So...I know that we are not supposed to be discussing specifics re: Gunboat games on the forum...
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airborne (970 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
English Civil War Diplomacy Variant?
Is this a good idea if so how to go about making the variant?
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gman314 (1016 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Whittle Down Tournament spares
We need two spares for the Whittle Down Tournament. No phases have processed so you do not have a positional disadvantage. We will accept any players with at least 5 D and who have been on the site long enough to have no reliability rating problems. PM for game link and password if you are interested.
6 replies
JeffDG (1191 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Automatically Proceeding if only one option
This would be an excellent enhancement, particularly late in the game when someone is on the verge of defeat and loses interest.
2 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
08 Feb 12 UTC
Annoying Message :'(
here is a message, in theory you should be able to go on "messages" look whqat happened and then the sign that you`ve got a message disappears...but there is no "messages" option!
4 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
"Whittle Down" Tournament Sign-up Thread
Sign up for "Whittle Down" Tournament here!
Details inside and on
176 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
07 Feb 12 UTC
two more players!
3 replies
kaug (1220 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Haven Question
How come ShiningStream and Ahnondo Plain are connected? Does not look like it on the map and just noticed the samurai moving a fleet from one to another
1 reply
Ienpw_III (980 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
Unread message in gunboat game.
Someone missed the first phase in a gunboat game I'm in and now there's a permanent "unread message" notification at the top. Is there any way to get rid of it?
4 replies
taos (839 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
i am looking for midle east or asia players for webdip world cup
please contact me in
i am taos also there
you dont need to be the best or experienced
0 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
05 Feb 12 UTC
How to make a map?
Is that requires knowledge of some language?
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King Atom (1186 D)
06 Feb 12 UTC
Superbowl XLVI
Giants win...
Madonna gives me a headache...
44 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
I came all of the way over to this foreign site... To play a classic game.
One day phase, 5 point bet, points per center. If you want to join, let me know and I'll PM you the password. Let's go!
1 reply
When will they find the Higgs Boson?
It needs to happen soon. Its taken long enough already!
5 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
06 Feb 12 UTC
Getting my own phpDiplo variant set to "practice" tactics.
Hey guys, I'm wanting to get my own set of variants, such as the traditional variant and the build anywhere variant, to practice tactics and look at the game from all points of view. Its something to do on my own time, that sort of thing. But i'm only literate when it comes to the computer to a certain point. If anyone could show me the guiding light, I'd appreciate it.
2 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
05 Feb 12 UTC
VDip Policy Question
If a country goes abandoned, is it automatically announced? And if a country is taken over by a new power, is it automatically announced?
6 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
06 Feb 12 UTC
countrys sent CD
game not startet yet but qould be nice if you coud take over one of the two cities :))
0 replies
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GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
02 Feb 12 UTC
Anyone interested in paying a world IX?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
20 Jan 12 UTC
Gamers Wanted.
Think you have what it takes to defeat the mighty King Atom?
If so, you probably do! But don't take my word for it...sign up for my all-new tournament idea! Details to come at a latter time.
83 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
05 Feb 12 UTC
Three player game!
0 replies
ezpickins (1656 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
Whatever happened to VPL and AVPL and NASDAQ and whatever it was those people called themselves?
6 replies
Abstraction III
36hr phases
0 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
Replacement Needed. Good Position.
A replacement is needed for the South American Tournament game for Brazil.gameID=5487. Join quick before position worsens.
WARNING! If you join this game and finish within in the top 5 players, you will be placed into the second round of the the tourny. If you do not wish to do so but want to join, I can arrange something so that you can play only this game. thank you
2 replies
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
01 Feb 12 UTC
How many concurrent games are you running?
I just counted and discovered I'm in 13 games right now with 4 waiting to start...
(not to mention 4 more over on webdip. On top of that, I'm TA'ing one SoW game and soon to be TA'ing a second..)

Anybody else concur that I have an addiction?
airborne (970 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Only 8 at this point in vdip.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
01 Feb 12 UTC
Bah, thats no addiction!
all in all i have 18 games with two waiting for start, but i wouldnt call me adddicted, so you arent addicted too. :))
taylor4 (936 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
It better be better than sex, since Pfizer 1 M birth control pills are RECALLED
orathaic (952 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
01 Feb 12 UTC
Alcuin (1454 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
14 with none waiting to start but with a game on Medieval Dipl;omacy and several on
I hade 28 once on v and webdip but down to 8 now.
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
02 Feb 12 UTC
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
02 Feb 12 UTC
sorry reduced to 13 now
G-Man (2466 D)
02 Feb 12 UTC
Three is my limit. If I'm just about to be eliminated in a game, I can handle four. But I really enjoy the diplomacy aspect of the game and only play variants with seven or more players, so anymore than three active games makes it too difficult to keep up with all the conversations I like to have. And even with three active games, I like to have one with week-long deadlines and one with 2-3 day-long deadlines, to space moves out and give diplomacy its full due.
King Atom (1186 D)
02 Feb 12 UTC
I got sixteen running now, but half of them are my own variant.
ODaly (1080 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
8 between here and webdip. I got a bit out-of-hand joining games lately. I try to stay at about 4 (though exceptions made for gunboat and live games).
SacredDigits (978 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
15 all told, but 3 aren't yet started, one is about to end, I've been eliminated in one, and I'm at one center in one. So more like 9. But two are Haven and two are the new variant, so I get a little confused by which power I am in each.
kaug (1220 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
I have had over 30 at one point so no you are not yet an addict
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
03 Feb 12 UTC
well, considering I'm working on a master's thesis in electrical engineering AND working a half-time job in industry that's more like 30hrs a week, I'd say I've got a pretty full load of diplomacy going on top of all that, especially since, like G-Man, I'm big on the diplomacy aspect of the game and like to talk to as many people as possible as often as possible.

Glad to hear though that I'm not the only poor sod who's addicted to this game.
Well this game is useful. I got an academic team question right because of it and we won the match!
EvW (1691 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
7 games atm + two where I'm already dead and 2 that yet have to start.
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
I am playing in 3 games, waiting for a 4th to begin.

The games are all slow paced (Leif knows about the viking game we are in, which after 10 weeks of play, we are in Spring of the 4th year (so only played 3 years)
Wolfman (1230 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
13 games on here, just eliminated in 3 of them. Waiting on the Whittle Tourney to start. On webdip have 5 running and a paused that finally just got canceled by the mods. I would have to say I am addicted too.
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
When I open Google Chrome it lists the sites I have visited in terms of number of times visiting in last 3 months:
Vdiplomacy is first
Webdiplomacy is second
Facebook is third

I'm not addicted ;)
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
03 Feb 12 UTC
lol @ fasces349.. Mine's about the same except I'm not on facebook, so my third is (kinda like an online version of axis and allies).

fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
I'll look into it, but I am very selective as to what I play.
BenGuin (1529 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
SAME HERE!! well... kinda of... I stoped Webdip... my ranking is
Lord of Ultima
Globe and Mail (For debate... NOT ADDICTED)
Gmail :P
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
@Ben: my 4th is the economist for the same reason, I didn't know you were Canadian...
BenGuin (1529 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
I just moved last year... KOOL!!! My sixth is The Economist and somewhere down that line is the New Yorker... great magazines... :D
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Feb 12 UTC
@Leif: I went onto, didn't like the premiem, extreme account options. It was a half decent game but they lacked good maps (unless you paid).

@Ben: Globe, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, the economist and The Week are the news papers I read.

I read the globe for local news (never go to their site, just read it in the morning at breakfast)

NYT cause I found their US election coverage to be far superior to the competitors (and cause unlike Globe, Economist and others their website is free to use for infinite articles), come November NYT will probably be forgotten.

The week is for international news, however recently our subscription expired and we haven't bothered renewing (I like it cause generally each article is split into 4 sections: Intro and details, a quote from a liberal paper, a quote from a conservative paper, and a conclusion. I like it cause they report unbais news by showing what both the left and the right gather from various situations.)

The Economist for pretty much everything, I read it almost cover to cover every week and read it through class when what were doing is boring.

WSJ when I don't think the economist went into enough detail on the subject.
BenGuin (1529 D)
04 Feb 12 UTC
lol... I mostly read: The Globe and Mail, The Economist, The New Yorker, The Guardian, NY Times, the Toronto Star.... oh don't forget Reuters... I read the Globe and Mail, the Economist, at lunch during school... both are GREAT debate materials (particular the debate on the Economist site)... The Toronto Star is for breakfast, school bus, and before School... their articles are on interesting topics... NY Times and Reuters in my opinion is great for US coverage... they are mostly unbiased... New Yorker have A LOT OF ARTICLES OF DEPTH... great magazine... the Guardian is also good debate material... kind of interesting that I read so much news considering that I'm in the beginning of my High School career... :P
BenGuin (1529 D)
04 Feb 12 UTC
oh and also, JOIN LORD OF ULTIMA!!!

28 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
KingDip is Coming Your Way!
Yes, this is still happening. Sign up now...etc. etc.KingDip Tournaments are being thought of. Earn Honor to prove that YOU are the true King of VDip.
See thread for details:
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