A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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taylor4 (936 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
Kalling kamikazes 2 Kolumbia
Need replacement gameID=6575
Balance of power Fall of American Empire IV
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Mar 12 UTC
The most awesome facial hair of all time
This topic just needed its own separate thread to relieve pressure in the "Where U From" thread. I claim that late Hapsburg Empire aristocrats beat Civil War generals and Gilded Age Industrialists. Discuss. No one has argued for the Akkadian Empire yet.
5 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Need a replacement for Japan
Good position, pretty early on

2 replies
Cordedkrieg (833 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
World War, Baby!
Join to game on World map!
0 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
28 Mar 12 UTC
See it,,,lol
Italy: Retreats
The fleet at Trieste retreat to Albania.
The army at Holland disbandBuild fleet at Holland.
1 reply
Alcuin (1454 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Bug in Known World 901
It's possible to move a fleet from Gulf of Aden to North German Sea. Could this bug be removed please... and where certain players have taken advantage... well it's rather unsporting isn't it? Could their moves be rescinded?
6 replies
crixno (1248 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Roman Empire Collapsing
here are my ideas for a variant i'm making! Plz let me know your ideas and other stuff!
22 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
suspect player
in case we suspect a player/s of foul play or playing too many games with another player, who do we contact?
1 reply
G-Man (2466 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Quick Map Development Question
I'm working on the initial map for my classical Greece variant and could use a tip.
G-Man (2466 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
I've taken an old map and erased everything on it and am now drawing in the territories and supply centers. (It's slow-going with work, but I hope to have the initial map done by summer).The map is Known World-size and I'm working in PhotoShop. I find it hard to draw smooth steady curved lines on the computer. Sometimes I can select an area and use the stroke method to create lines around the selection, but other times this is impractical as there are too many boundaries, centers... that it will pass through. So, I'm wondering, is there any way to draw smooth, steady, curved lines without a stylus in PhotoShop or perhaps another program, like Gimp...?
adalephat (733 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
I have some ideas to make a variant, but I don't know how to program it, and apply ot to the site. Can you help me a bit?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
The best borders on this site are done pixel by pixel... :-/
The colonial largemap took about 2 month... (ouch)
G-Man (2466 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
There's a developer's kit both in the Help section and in the forum here adalephat. You'll have to dig a bit, but it's there.

Thanks Oli. So, I guess the best method is to enlarge as much as possible and then draw the line where you have the most control? Then I guess I can select each territory and use the stroke method to fill in a more even and less jagged line around them. But yeah, it's very time-consuming and I've only got a few hours per week right now.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
27 Mar 12 UTC
On the lab I made a small tool for resizing. It's not very good, but a good start.
If you have the smallmap ready you might send me a PM, so I can give you a developer-account on the lab.
G-Man (2466 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Thanks, but I'm still designing the variant. My first goal is just to complete the map and make sure there are no major flaws (getting to the level of where Abstraction III was when it was implemented here, or so, where there would only be a couple of minor changes after some play-testing). Then I can get into all the tasks I'll need to do to get it up and running here. Once the map is almost complete, I'll look to get setup in the developer area, but I expect that will be a couple of months still. Thanks again.
sqrg (1186 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
There are many more efficient ways to do this. Altough drawing by hand gives you most control (and there are always some parts I need to draw by hand), you can use the computer to, you know, do it's job and save you manual labour.

I use the GIMP for this example ( and it's pretty awesome. I'm sure photoshop has the same functionality, though.
Instead of thinking borders, you should think areas. Color in a territory, but don't draw a border yet. Then select the area with the fuzzy select tool, Select -> Border... choose 1 pixel wide (or more if you want) and tadaa! You have a selection of just the border. Use the Bucket fill tool to fill the whole selection with black and you have drawn a nice border to your area.

It takes some practice with selecting and deselecting areas, but it's possible to draw the whole map without borders and then add them using this trick. Also watch out you don't get double borders. Also some basic tutorials about using layers etc. will help a lot too.

I've tried using GIMP before, but MS Paint is easier, but not as good as it is super limited.
sqrg (1186 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
@adalephat: go to it's a good start. You can always ask specific questions on the forum.
sqrg (1186 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
It's hard to write down how to use image editing software. I've figured a lot of stuff out by trying and especially by failing. I hear there are some good video tutorials out there too.
G-Man (2466 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Thanks sqrg, I was doing something very similar, which you just made easier. I was drawing a thin border for the land territories and then using the magic wand to select the inner area and autofill the 1 pixel area around it for a sharp border. Since the land territories look ok with a more jagged border, I was good. But for the sea spaces, I wanted smoother lines and this wasn't working. I'll try shading the sea spaces in with a broad stroke so I can then select and autofill the border there (and then change the sea space's color back). This should work so long as I can apply the outline of the shaded color with a broad stroke, so as to give it a smooth edge.
sqrg (1186 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Haha nice! Well most of my maps i make a clear distinction between land borders and sea borders. I think i stole this from the classic map or some variant, I will check. In any case i work like this: land/coast borders can be 'jagged' as you said, i prefer to call it 'curvy'. Sea borders must be straight lines or parts of circles and rectangles.
In GIMP i take the pencil tool. Draw one pixel at the start then hold shift and I just need to put one pixel at the end and BAM straight line. For other shapes use the appropriate selection tool and use the Select -> Border... trick again.
Have fun!

12 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Oli - I think there is a problem with pirates.
gameID=7059 - Northwest Caribbean went to Port Royal and Port Royal went to Northwest Caribbean - no bounce.
Surely there should have been some kind of stand off?
Thanks for looking into this.
10 replies
Terijian (1041 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
open spot 12 SC's
take over for CD in pretty good position.
doing better than more than half so pretty good shot. most anyone has is 15 so its not way behind
3 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
World War 2
Would there be anyone interested in playing on the WW2 with WW2 teams. Rules will come
1 reply
keeperteacher (902 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
im looking for some people for a classic map
0 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Reparations for being Ousted by Multi's?
7 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
EvT Games
Still trying to get an understanding of how this variant works.

5 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Lets see we can play it or not!
2 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Anyone up for a live game?
2 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Mar 12 UTC
100 games completed in 83 Days Tenure!
I have completed century of games!

15 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
25 Mar 12 UTC
What Does "smh" mean?
Crazy teenagers and their poorly educated textual messaging! I ought to smack some sense into each and every one of them! Back in my day, the only abbreviations we needed to know were "ICBM," "SDI," and "R.R. '85!"
10 replies
Piece of Land (965 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
The Big Fight!
2 replies
Cannot get orders in

9 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
25 Mar 12 UTC
I think there should be a muting stat next to "Liked" for both threads and individuals. I want to know.
0 replies
crixno (1248 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
New Games tab not working!!!
My "New Games" tab is not working! It says there are 28 new games but only 1 show up!!! AHHHH!!! plz help!
5 replies
Winning 3
Cause anythings better if good ol' Diplomat 33 starts it. And wins.
10 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
Winning 2
I will now institute my evil plan, I now declare myself the winner of the winning thread, this is the winning thread, let the game begin! mwahahahahahahaha
17 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
players needed for an epic battle for Italy!!!
password is: nodraws
just want a game where everyone agrees to only draw in event of mass NMR's-CD's or a stalemate. it's pick your country so join up!!!
20 replies
G (966 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
Posting in this thread disqualifies you from winning in any other thread.
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 Mar 12 UTC
1066 bug
It appears I can see north east north sea even though I have no unit nearby.
2 replies
Caedus (952 D X)
23 Mar 12 UTC
Touchy Variant Gunboat

Need just two more players
22 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
14 Mar 12 UTC
need someone to take over russia in youngstown! game didnt start yet
23 replies
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