A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Wolfman (1230 D)
08 Apr 12 UTC
Possible Summer League
Looking for 1 game to play this summer. I was thinking 4 or 5 day phases. No complaining on not readying orders. As I know I will be very busy myself. Figured if I found enough interest in playing we could pick a variant based on how many are interested. Reply if your interested in playing. Maybe a larger bet to make it worth the wait. However, not looking to put all my eggs in one basket (honor of Easter today). Let me know if your interested and you feel on the entry fee.
ezpickins (1656 D)
08 Apr 12 UTC
I shall play, not looking for anything over 50
Wolfman (1230 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
That's 2, any other takers.
I will play, with a small bet (15 pts or less)
I love long games. Should have joined my 10 day a phase world game :D Already been a month or so now and only in turn 2 :D
Wolfman (1230 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
Is it named Longest game ever?
Wolfman (1230 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
15 pts sounds good to me. I would like to see a lot more people involved so that the overall pot is higher. For those that may not like the longer phases. I do personally and will be so busy this summer and want to only join games that I know I can turn in orders for and not miss.
LoveDove (1368 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
Sounds interesting. Put me on the maybe list, depending on the variant.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Apr 12 UTC
I might be in, again dependent on the variant.
Wolfman (1230 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
This post is also being considered as a combining of a WWIV post from Diplomat33. Please check both out.
Wolfman (1230 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC

This is the location of the WWIV posting that we might try to combine and make it the variant for this concept.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
09 Apr 12 UTC
I would be involved depending on the variant.
Wolfman (1230 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC

Here is a link for the WWIV combined Summer League and all SC needed idea. Feel free to join.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Apr 12 UTC
Erm... I think that might be a little too much for me.
LoveDove (1368 D)
09 Apr 12 UTC
If it is the map size that concerns you, worry not. You typically start out messaging only the people near you or anyone with whom you want to scheme. I usually go through this map never talking to most of the players...
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
No, I'm playing a WWIV at the moment, but I'm not sure I would want to play one game up to 244 SCs - it would take a looooong time...
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
I'll join, as stated in a different thread
Wolfman (1230 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
I don't believe that anyone will ever get to 244 Captainmeme. It is to ensure that it last for sure through Summer and give everyone to not have to think of who is getting close to soloing soon. I have only played in one that anyone has ever solo'ed it. He had a couple members that had been his allies that allowed him his last few to make it. The whole map was uniting against him. That was when he got to near 45. I don't think anyone will allow someone to get that big if at all possible. So I will guess it will have to draw in the end. Just how many will be standing by then will be the test. Some will just unite to help draw it near the end too. So keep that in mind as you consider joining.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Apr 12 UTC
Also, my Internet on my iPod crashes when the WWIV map is on the screen :D
Not much of an excuse, but it means I can't check those games as easily as I would like.
Wolfman (1230 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Bump,... we have 11 members already. Nice and non time consuming with no chance of ending before the summer does. Most likely will draw after the summer season.
LoveDove (1368 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Ah, I wasn't planning on such an early ending... If we're going to start I'd like to play it out at least until a stalemate and not a timed event. Otherwise you should put an end of game timer on it. Maybe we need to make separate games?

To all who haven't joined, would a 4-5 day WWIV prove more palatable?
Wolfman (1230 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
Bump, have had a few pull back out after joining. We have 12 interested for sure, with 3 days left to join. If we don't feel this up in time. I will most likely start up a new variant based on the number of members that have joined this one. It will have Summer Game in the title and be kind of similar. As that it will be set for a week long phase length and will require a complete taking of all SC's available to get the solo win. So if your still interested we can get this type of game going just might not be this particular variant.
Wolfman (1230 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC

The other will not get filled. Here is a Pirate variant.
LoveDove (1368 D)
18 Apr 12 UTC
Pirate seemed less popular, so we're doing Known World 901. gameID=7623

I guess one could always join both games.

23 replies
javidtl (976 D)
18 Apr 12 UTC
Classic Chaos
This a Classic Chaos. We need 5 more people to join before we start. It's going to be funny, join it!!
0 replies
javidtl (976 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
Join this game
This is a Fall of the American Empire IV map. Please join it, it's going to be fun.
1 reply
G-Man (2466 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
Settings Page Error
When I try to update items on the Settings Page, I am getting the following error:
6 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
7 Islands
two new 7 Island games set up
3 replies
You Can't Handle the Truth!
Well, can you?
9 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
Wanted: Firenze
password: nodraws

we need a new Firenze in this game, pretty good position with opportunity to grow. The player was put into CD after a pause was requested by one of the other players and Firenze never returned to vote unpause
0 replies
amisond (1280 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
People not playing last turn
I have noticed in a lot of games when a player has no SC's left but still has units they are still give a build phase and will usually let it run the full time. Is there any way to change the programming so that if a player has 0 SC's then their units are automatically destroyed at the build phase?
23 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
16 Apr 12 UTC
Extreme Personalities (entertainment only)
Good show everyone!
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
14 Apr 12 UTC
Give country to another player feature...
New feature (but this is BETA).
33 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 Apr 12 UTC
Hey, Diplomats I am back from long trip. Thank you all for your support.
I was in Kasia, Uttar Pradesh, India near Kushinagar where Buddha Died(Maha Parinirwana). Rural but awesome. I was desprate to play again...I am back now...:)
45 replies
airborne (970 D)
06 Apr 12 UTC
A couple new variant concepts
As always comments are encouraged.
Ancient Med (7 Players) and An Unnamed Expansion map to Standard Diplomacy
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G (966 D)
10 Apr 12 UTC
Reliability rating oddity (not a coding glitch or anything)
Has anyone else noticed (or am I just imagining things?) that basically the only 2 ratings out there, with a few odd exceptions, are A/A+, and F? Seems weird to me, is there just a really really big split between reliable and unreliable players, with not much in between?
12 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
08 Apr 12 UTC
Playing Diplomacy With 5 Year Olds
That is what being on this site feels like.
18 replies
JLB (761 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
I'd just like you guys to know that I lost internet connection suddenly a few days ago and I don't know when I'll be able to get on regularly, I would really appreciate it if you guys would vote pause.
Thank you in advance.
(P.S. If you were wondering why this was posted in the forum it's because it's a gunboat game.)
33 replies
javidtl (976 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
Please join this game
It's a classic chaos. We are 22 so we need 12 people more to play. It will be fun please join this game:
0 replies
Praed (868 D)
15 Apr 12 UTC
Sitter wanted for Europe 1939
England, ok position, near end-game.
If interested, let me know and we can try the new Switch gizmo.
0 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
Need China
Just the beginning of the game.
0 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
Cancel vote?
Someone asked a good question. If playing a classic map (just example), France is defeated, and everyone remaining cancels, does France get his / her bet back too?
4 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
14 Apr 12 UTC
I'd like to make a site suggestion to improve the Search function. there is one in the games tab but is super complex and makes me sad. I'd like to suggest an individual search for reach subtab of games. see inside
6 replies
PowMacP (889 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Pirate map
Pirate Map
gameID=7321 Missing 3 players
PW: Purps
3 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 Apr 12 UTC
EOG: gameID=6708
The game was good but I missed one phase which put me on weaker situation... But bozo played it really well hence hats off to him. I wanted to ally with DR but he didn't seem to get it... But rest was fine,
0 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Ends of the World as we know it.
so i'm meetin' a buncha folks from around the world on this AWESOME site. i thought maybe we could take a lil poll and shove it right up our...wait a minute that's a different pole, and a different website. yeah, take a poll and say where we're from.
6 replies
Neil (957 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
A coherent alternative to kikker82's thread - Where are you from?
I have been curious...

Also, I'm from Canada.
4 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
13 Apr 12 UTC
Need an Oceania
Only 1 year has passed. No SC's threatened, guaranteed build waiting for next year, friends waiting in game. gameID=7228
2 replies
amisond (1280 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
Phase Length
I am playing a game at the moment where the phase length is 7 days. Most of the players want to draw the game because the game has been going for too long. If everyone in a game agrees is it possible for the phase length to be reduced?
10 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 Apr 12 UTC
Pacifist Variant!
Anyone want to have a go? I'm slightly editing the rules from the normal Pacifist variant - see inside for details.
28 replies
just a thought, but maybe this should be done so unless someone votes no it goes through? That way it could be used to push back an adjudication if it looks like someone will no show, and then you can find a replacement before they ever actually disappear?
5 replies
Fog of War game.
Anyone want to join my classic fog of war game. gameID=7476
0 replies
gantz (1859 D)
12 Apr 12 UTC
why the support was not broken?

I am talking about the convoy to Newfoundland from Germany, the idea was to move there Germany so then the support will be it a bug? or the rules are like that?
5 replies
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