A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Myself538 (1018 D)
02 Dec 12 UTC
Degenerative Diplomacy
Read below for more
11 replies
NigelFarage (1238 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
It seems ridiculously imbalanced. Anyone finish a game of it yet? How did it work out?
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
Imbalanced in what way?
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
Which one? The Roman one or Colonization one? Well I guess it doesn't matter because they are both inbalanced
NigelFarage (1238 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
The new one, Imperial Diplomacy II. England starts with 14 scs, while mexico only has 3
hellogoodbye (1244 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
All those countries, like Prussia and Austria, are stuck between everyone in Europe with nowhere to expand, while Britain can expand freely without fear of getting flanked
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
Balance is speculative. You people can only count supply centers. That's all well and good at the end of the game but the philosophy here is the same as the one that gives Russia four centers in the standard game. England starts with 14 centers but in effect is playing 7 fairly weak positions. England must ally or die. Mexico on the other hand starts with three, but is extremely difficult to kill. This game has been played hundreds of times before it's arrival at VDiplomacy. I suggest that the peanut gallery experts above try it out before asserting it as imbalanced.
Tyran (1335 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
I'm playing it now and I feel it is pretty unfair. England is insanely far in the lead. Even if only half of your "fairly weak positions" manage to secure a build you still have so many units and supply centers you might as well be playing all the countries that start with less than 10 scs at the same time.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
09 Dec 12 UTC
I play as Mexico...could have been a better starting postion, but its not bad at all :))
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
09 Dec 12 UTC
How about playing the game for more than a year or two before making a general knee-jerk assessment? It's quite possible that whomever is playing England is simply doing a very good job and actively diplomatically. Stop counting supply centersfor one second, and analyze the game a little bit beyond that basic point. It's amazing what you might learn. The fact is that all of you above have never seen this game played to it's conclusion. I have. I have GMd and played this map over 50 times, and Britain is not the powerhouse that you people are making it out to be. It's got a big target on it's back fromt he word go, and is far more likely to be eliminated or completely marginalized than to survie. And as some (Britian) players are finding out already this position requires maintaining relationships on seven to eight fronts at all times just to stay alive there. It's a lot of work, and you're constantly a stab target. And that on a site with a bunch of dot grabbers is a very scarey place to be.

The fact is that if England only gets' 7 builds in the first year, it is absolutely screwed. England has the need to constantly build ever season because the colonial outposts it owns are extremely difficult to hold. But hey, you're the experts because you've played all off two turns on this map.

fasces349 (1007 D)
09 Dec 12 UTC
how about stop bitching about imbalance and if you don't like the map, don't play it. Thats what I like about this site, There are 84 different variants, if you don;t like a variant just don't play it
fasces349 (1007 D)
09 Dec 12 UTC
that wasn't directed at Ruffhaus since I actually agree with him, but to people in general

10 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
07 Dec 12 UTC
VDip super SLOW
It's been very very slow the past day or two. Does the server need a reboot or something? Anyone else seeing this?
10 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
3v3 Team Game
Looking for 3 players who want to play a team game in Greek Diplomacy. My team will be Sparta, Athens, and Pella. The other team will be Byzantium, Sardis, and Rhodes.
2 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
07 Dec 12 UTC
"Lets create a new empire together"
I haven't played in a while, and I'm taking it slow.
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
06 Dec 12 UTC
EoGs for the 1066 V2.0 test
Here's the game, I'll type up my take on it later (when I'm at my computer and not iPad lol)
3 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
06 Dec 12 UTC
How do I find a game I joined that hasn't started yet?
I want to leave a game of Imperial Dip II I joined but want to leave it because it has a 3 day phase, but I can't find it in search anywhere
1 reply
Özil (782 D)
04 Dec 12 UTC
Imperial II
On the variant description the map is too small :-(
23 replies
crixno (1248 D)
04 Dec 12 UTC
Imperial Diplomacy II
I am so happy that they finally put Imperial Diplomacy II which is my favorite Diplomacy variant of all time onto Vdiplomacy! I don't know if my suggestion on the variant posting forum about getting this variant onto Vdiplomacy was ever looked at abut maybe it was...
3 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
04 Dec 12 UTC
Better handling for large-maps?
Any programmers out there?
3 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Dec 12 UTC
1066 V2.0 Test Games
As you may or may not know, some time ago, myself, butterhead, fasces, and gobbledook ran some test games on the 1066 map to help determine strategies for the map. These were rather helpful (to me at least) and I'm looking for some brave souls to help out on some more, since we have a new version of the map.
6 replies
El Cremoso (1728 D)
04 Dec 12 UTC
live duo map
need one for live duo map. turns at 24 hours, but will play as fast as possible.
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
03 Dec 12 UTC
Classy Fog
20 point buy in 1.25 day phase WTA
Join if interested. :)
0 replies
Abdul (876 D)
02 Dec 12 UTC
5 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
03 Dec 12 UTC
College Football Question
How often has a bowl game featured a rematch from that season? Has there ever been one between crappy teams before? Iowa State vs. Tulsa is just a game that has to be re-played.
1 reply
AbsoluteZero (1002 D)
01 Dec 12 UTC
WWIV One more player needed!
Let's start this soon!
1 reply
Blank Cheque (1006 D)
02 Dec 12 UTC
Looking For a Substitute
I am looking for a substitute for one of my game's, in which I am playing as France. The condition is quite good at the moment (with over 6 SCs, I am not disclosing the exact amount because it is fog of war), but I do not have enough time to play that game.
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Nov 12 UTC
Are you an apocalyptic demography geek like me?
Last year, in 2011, sales of adult diapers in Japan began to exceed sales of those for children. It is already tomorrow in Japan, and tomorrow is wrinkly.
17 replies
bojieh (847 D)
01 Dec 12 UTC
I am having a very busy life lately, which makes me miss lots of turns in the games I've joined. I feel bad about spoiling other people's fun doing so. Is there a way to be replaced without missing two turns in a row?
4 replies
Slyguy (1029 D)
27 Nov 12 UTC
gameID=11242 Please Join!!!
7 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
30 Nov 12 UTC
I would never be stupid enough to come back to webdip as sandiegosmith but excellent word play. :)
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Soon, again
My last game took so long that my farewell thread locked. So.....
27 replies
amisond (1280 D)
05 Nov 12 UTC
Celtic Variant
Comments/thoughts on the new variant + any problems you find.
16 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
10 Oct 12 UTC
Age of Pericles
In Asia Minor, is the lettered D sea all Marmora Sinus? Because I have a fleet in Ionia that can only move to Lesbos, Caria, or Rhodius Sinus, and not Marmora Sinus, as I would expect.
28 replies
Anon (?? D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
Loading order failure...?
The screen just stops at the "Loading order...", not allowing me to make a move. Is this happening to just me or does anyone else have this problem?
3 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Naming games
Please, be creative when naming games. It adds flavour.

That is all.
7 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
29 Nov 12 UTC
Webdip birthday
Can someone who has access to webdip tell my friend redhouse happy birthday for me? It's redhouse(4 digit year) I just can't remember. Please and thank you!
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
Sail Ho Live Gunboat
0 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
15 Nov 12 UTC
New Africa variant the colors are messed up
Example of a map

Notice Ethiopia is red in the chat boxes but is peach colored on the map(between red sea and nio) and that's not the only mistake only problem is I'm not sure which countries are which
10 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
26 Nov 12 UTC
Your favorite variant
Sandgoose wants to try playing YOUR favorite variant. Go on and post here and let's get some folks to join!
2 replies
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