A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Awesome2211 (789 D)
11 Feb 13 UTC
The quest of mordor
We need 7 more people in this game so join?
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Feb 13 UTC
China, land of confused children......discuss
So a friend of mine is having a birthday on Tuesday. On Sunday, it will be Chinese New Year. What must life be like for Chinese kids with birthdays over the last few weeks? I must admit my suspicion of any calender that yields a number of birthdays per year via a random stochastic process.
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Feb 13 UTC
Colonial Game - 2 needed, 31 hours left
2 needed, 31 hours left

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Feb 13 UTC
Live Gunboat Games Advertized Here
For all you who want to play but webdip is too slow.
3 replies
Synapse (814 D)
27 Jan 13 UTC
WWII Variant (preview)***
Hi I'm working on a new variant for WWII, please let me know how the map is. Also I don't have any idea of php so please can you tell me how to 'run' diplomacy to test it out? Or can I just submit it to the mods?
41 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Feb 13 UTC
Australia, land of pussies.....discuss
Australia has now implemented a national policy barring children in public schools from having candles as part of birthday celebrations because of the germ spreading associated with blowing out said candles. Beyond the fascistic nanny state aspect of a Federal Government taking an interest in such matters at all, can any right thinking person take seriously a country that would empower such authorities?
29 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
06 Feb 13 UTC
live game anyone?
anyone up?
2 replies
Triskelli (735 D)
01 Feb 13 UTC
New Variant under development!
Give opinions and feedback at
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Dharmy (956 D)
03 Dec 12 UTC
Viking Diplomacy has 26 SCs for Victory Conditons, TOO FEW!
26 of 87 SCs on Viking Map --> 26/87 = 0.29885...
18 of 34 SCs on Standard Map -> 18/34 = 0.52941...
31 replies
General Cool (978 D)
02 Feb 13 UTC
Messed up variant?
So, out of four times playing the Classic Chaos variant, I have been Marseilles in three of them. What's up with that?
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
04 Feb 13 UTC
Lets try Live Imperial II
Do you have the time?
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
02 Jan 13 UTC
Contract NON-Anon Gunboat VI
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
44 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Feb 13 UTC
Game of Thrones themed map?
I know we're doing a Lord of the Rings variant(I'm in a game on the lab vdip site) but how about a Game of Thrones map? That'd be pretty slick, could even make it into two different variants, one with only Westeros which would be more like Classic variant and one with the lands beyond the narrow sea which would be more like modern dip 2 or even imperial dip 2
10 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
17 Jan 13 UTC
Which era most deserves a variant that doesn't yet have one here?
Self-explanatory title. Personally, I think a "Colonization of North America" map might be interesting, with colonial England, France, Spain, Portugal, along with Native American empires and powers, like the Aztecs, Incans, Narragansetts, Pequots, &c. So far as I know, there's nothing like that up yet. What else would you like to see? Maybe we'll get some good ideas.
59 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
Succession EOG
Congrats to Decima a good win. A couple things I wanted to talk about including why everyone voted Draw so early and also how to form stalemates. gameID=11133
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Hominidae (726 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
Join this Modern Diplomacy game!
I gave this game a 2-day start time by accident. We need six more people!
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Mapu (2086 D (B))
26 Jan 13 UTC
World Game only needs a few more players

Several good countries still available... Don't let it expire -- join now!
16 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 13 UTC
sitter needed!
i need a sitter for the first ten days of february...anyone want to sit my games meanwhile?
im mostly well positioned :)
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
23 Jan 13 UTC
New Fog game
1 reply
Imagonnalose (992 D)
16 Jan 13 UTC
Crowded Game interest
Hey guys, just looking around to see if there is any interest in a crowded variant game? I want it to be a tactical nightmare so it will be gunboat. But I would prefer it to be a fairly classy match. Since I can't claim to have the best RR in the world, I'd prefer you to at least match my RR. PM any interest. The game will be password protected.
11 replies
Strauss (863 D)
23 Jan 13 UTC
Fall America, 1 days, 12 hours /phase
Still need 3 players -> gameID=12105

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Jan 13 UTC
Fog of War?
Anyone interested in a classic Fog of War game? Join in!
2 replies
iLLuM (1569 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
Ambition & Empire Variant

The special thing: There are neutrals and each major power has influence points to order the neutrals around.
5 replies
equator (1514 D)
20 Jan 13 UTC
what about music
examples of epic music I like to hear when playing dip:
O Fortuna-Carl Off
Duel of the Fates-John William
O Varium Fortune-Corvus Corax
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
19 Jan 13 UTC
Whoever is Mali in H. Rider Haggard's Prize
You are a SOB for saving on a retreat phase for 7 days
I can't believe I joined this game I didn't notice the phase was 7 days, what a jerk. And worst part is there's no diplomacy because messages are disabled, if anyone else from the game reads this, attack Mali
9 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
Variant Possibility Question
I'm unfamiliar with coding, but I had a question. Would it be possible to have a variant with an "elective SC?" That is, a number of players vote on which power gains control of an unconquerable SC that can't be built in? Ideally, the list of electors would be limited and there'd be a way to determine how many votes they get, but right now, I'm curious about the general case. Thanks!
4 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
game needs players
1 reply
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
Most Admired Historical Figure
Another topic I'm sure most people here will have strong opinions about. Have at it!
60 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
11 Jan 13 UTC
3 replies
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Ultra High Unit Games/Variants
Derp-Summary message for long dumb post.
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
We all know classic diplomacy, the classic variant, which is what the game was when it was first created and marketed as a physical board game.

With online play and the advent of variants we see plenty of new features and generally completely ways to play. With different units and special rules in some games.

But honestly the strongest feature online play has is that there is no paper. The ease with which you can file orders, and handle the map and orders is infinitely superior to physic diplomacy. The fact that it was such a chore to process orders in physical diplomacy is what I believe limited it to what it is now, a very well balanced, map in which you start with three/four units. Because if more units were in play throughout the game, it would be nearly impossible to facilitate the game physically.

As such, newer variants follow very similar setups to the original (well perhaps except for the annoying tendencies for new variants to have many open supply centers for every single country).

But what I would like to see with the fact that online diplomacy isn't constrained with the difficulty of processing many orders, is variants in which countries start with 20+ units, a widely split board, and perhaps special rules allowing all units to move 2 spaces/have two actions as can be seen in specific variants right now.

This would reflect a greater amount of tactile strategy. Although the fact that more tactile strategy would be involved could perhaps lessen the importance and focus on diplomacy and negotiations, due to that fact that you would be more able, if capable and efficient, to defeat greater odds without the aid or misdirection of others.

It could be balanced so that much focus stays on relations through close supply centers and what not, but generally the focus of the game would shift, which isn't really a problem, it's just a different way to play, and would be interesting to have one or two games going.

A few changes would need to be made as well although. One thing, which I think normal diplomacy may also benefit from, is single countries only get a fraction of units for the supply centers they hold, and this fraction is smaller the more supply centers are controlled. This would highlight the efficiency of smaller countries, and offset the unfairness that we see in larger maps such as WWIV, where larger countries will have vast unthreatened interiors so they can focus all their forces at the edges of their empire, thus making them much more effective for having just as many supply centers as other countries that are smaller and have supply centers that are almost exclusively close to borders. This would likely be more prevalent a problem with the increased emphasis on tactics, and a system like this would help to give an advantage to those who use diplomacy and alliances, rather than just relying on numbers.

Secondly, with how many more supply centers and units an ultra high unit game would have supply centers would make more sense not to be a single territory, but rather be a collection of territories. The supply center would only change hands once one country controlled all the territories, then it, and it's benefits would shift to that country.

This would also say, that since supply centers aren't single territories, and with the high amount of units, one "supply center" wouldn't provide one unit, but rather a larger amount of supply points (I say supply points since earlier I proposed a ratio.

Lastly, since armies can move two, fleets would need to be buffed, since they do not have access to two territories inland, but only the coast. They could be buffed with perhaps being able to convoy and support move in one turn, or other things. Their importance may be buffed normally through the fact that so many would be needed to convoy. It may be better simply to change it so that a fleet can hold an army rather than having to set up a convoy chain.

With holding armies further things could be instituted such as an easier process with which to destroy units, perhaps even the destruction and burning of occupied supply centers, but this is just spitballing.

Anyways, yeah. I would try to make this variant if I had the time/knew how to make variants.
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Umm... can you give us the shortened summary version of what you are wanting to try?
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
16 Jan 13 UTC
Lots of mobile units, so there is more a factor of strategy.

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