A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Mapu (2086 D (B))
16 Oct 14 UTC
Currently Logged In Symbol
Does knowing if someone is logged in serve any good purpose? It seems to me that the only thing it does is give people a tool to try and figure out who's who in anon games. Could it be safely removed? Comments welcome.
118 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
18 Oct 14 UTC
Regarding the pervailance of attacking Austria...
I'm honestly perplexed at the current trend amongst Italian players to attack Austria from the outset. Honestly the strategy simply makes a stronger Turkey. Could someone please explain to me why so many consider this to be a good opening?
44 replies
Anyone else just get a disgusting PM from mapleleaf?
When are they gonna ban this idiot for being, well, a Canadian Idiot?
13 replies
Beobo (1014 D)
12 Nov 14 UTC
Convoy two spaces
Hey vdiplofans
I have a quick is possible to convoy two spaces? Meaning a troop can be convoyed by two ships and move therefore two spaces?in my case the map is full Europe, I'm the Egyptian and I would like to know if I can convoy a troop from Cairo to Naples through a ship in eastern med and Ionian Sea

Many thanks for your help!
5 replies
Synapse (814 D)
14 Oct 14 UTC
Holiday to Moscow
Hey I’m going to Moscow for a holiday in January; I was just wondering if anyone had been and had any advice or recommendations for my visit there. I’m going for a week with a couple of friends.
10 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
06 Nov 14 UTC
Nederlanders en Belgen gezocht
Zijn er Nederlanders / Belgen die de Dutch Revolt variant willen spelen?
12 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Nov 14 UTC
Build problem
There's a problem with gameID=20969 builds and using the Mods link to report it isn't working. Since it's a private variant, I'd like to not disclose it publicly. Are there any available alternatives?
1 reply
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
12 Oct 14 UTC
I'm going to Alice Cooper...
Mrs mapleleaf bought tickets. The women amazes me still. I am blessed among men.
21 replies
zurn (1178 D)
05 Nov 14 UTC
Diplomacy: The Movie
I'm not kidding. OK, it's simply called "Diplomatie" (mostly in French), and it has nothing to do with the board game, but it's a decent talking heads movie set during the liberation of Paris in WW2:

Who knows, you might pick up a negotiation tactic or two...
0 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
31 Oct 14 UTC
happy 40 oli thank you for everything
28 replies
Gregorus (1102 D)
29 Oct 14 UTC
What happened to these orders?
In our game, ID 21086, I'm either missing a rule or an order somewhere, or the moves were resolved wrongly.
4 replies
Need a sitter for France
don't have time to coordinate in my map. If you want to try the position, which is a little bad but still okay, then chat me privately
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Oct 14 UTC
Need sitter for Germany in World War IV sealanes game

It's a difficult position, but not indefensible. Post here if you're interested.
2 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
26 Oct 14 UTC
4 replies
Synapse (814 D)
15 Oct 14 UTC
Let's assume for a moment that you play for the maximum number of points attainable per game. (WTA)
48 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
24 Oct 14 UTC
I pointed out an Islamophobic thread to zultar.
The thread was locked, then that Islamophobic lackey of americans banned me. Tuan is a bigot. I pity his offspring.
18 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
23 Oct 14 UTC
Halloween Stories
In recognition of this fun holiday, I figured some of us should share some Halloween tales. Have at it. Personal experience (paranormal experience, party story, you as a youngin' trick-or-treating with your lads) scary story, any Halloween literature, differences between Halloween country-country, family tradition, etcetera. Have fun with it- Looking forward to seeing some neat responses.

Happy Halloween Everyone!!
24 replies
Let's try again...
Several old WebDippers and a couple.folks from here started what was turning into a good game only to have an unreliable player who shall remain nameless (just check my recent draws to find out who) went and CDed. Let's try it again. The Varian is a fun one and we just need a replacement for...
67 replies
bruckner85 (981 D)
13 Oct 14 UTC
WWII Italiana
Mi rivolgo a tutti gli utenti italiani di questo sito!!!
E' in attesa di partire una partita WWII, pot 20 per giocatori italiani. Scrivete se interessati a me e io provvederò a fornirvi la password!
Mancano solo due giocatori, accorrete!!!
5 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Sep 14 UTC
Championship Belt, up for grabs...
12 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
16 Oct 14 UTC
Is Webdip down again?
Well, is it?
5 replies
Synapse (814 D)
10 Oct 14 UTC
Can we get this Middle East test game going?
6 players needed for testing the Middle East variant on the lab.

URL is:
9 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
12 Oct 14 UTC
Autumn and Empire EOG/AAR
A game that lasted forty game years, from 2101 till 2140.
World War IV - WTA - EoG: 100 SCs - Game won by cypeg

We all invested and devoted significant time, sweat, emotions, thoughts. Thank you everyone for playing this exciting and thrilling game. I believe most would love to hear an after action report by all those players who contributed to the changing dynamics of this game.
cypeg (2619 D)
12 Oct 14 UTC
pyrhos (1268 D)
12 Oct 14 UTC
It was interesting although I was eliminated early (still watched the game and reading the chat). It would've been awesome to be one of those later players trying to stop a solo.
cypeg (2619 D)
12 Oct 14 UTC
Oceania - End of Game Report
This is my view of things Naturally it will conflict with others and I apologise for any errors

Early game - The battle for the Pacific and the staging ground for S+N America:

The initial stage of the game found me looking in the surrounding players the key ally to work with in order to eliminate the others without coming into future conflict with my ally, and mostly, someone who can see my vision of an open minded alliance. That player was Indonesia played by B-RICH. We teamed up got control of the Pacific after some battles and diplomacy against Australia-Philippines and Japan. From that moment on, cypeg mentality kicked in. I like to wage wars on multiple fronts, a strategy that many disagree with, but I find challenging for my tactical skills. So I sent some of my fleets to sail by the pacific American waters. There existed a smart alliance and the most threatening one. Inca had invaded California and Colombia got Mexico in a very swift and clever way. But luckily Inca got stabbed and I used him as a barrier in order to box Colombia inland and at the same time to gain time till I got my first army unit landed in LA. Both plans worked out perfectly.

On the other side of the globe things were still murky, with no major power alliance yet. Even better, major players like Ruffhaus and Desert Fox were being tackled in Africa and Europe. From that moment on I knew our alliance was gonna see us through the end game. I mailed B-RICH with my hopes and dreams and he agreed. We had the best chemistry and a sensible game play that would see us control the flow of the game till the end.

Mid game: Creating a base of operations in East Russia, Canada and Argentina.

Me and Indonesia teamed up with ccga4 who played Song empire. We agreed that he was vital to stop Russia who started to become dangerous. That allowed me to check the two main land powers, got them stalemated, and I got control of Vladivostok and KHB, as a future stab base.

My main focus was America. I fought Canada and took him out because he was trying to defend against Cuba and USA at the same time. Similarly I was able to control Argentina. Two fronts to send more armies, plus navy around Asia, I was playing at the edge of things, as my lines were thin.

At the same time I manouvered around Argentina, Indonesia got control of South Africa. We controlled almost all the seas. None could even touch us as we had the most powerful and only navy of the game. We took our time and gradually landed armies in the two continents and waited for opportunities to show up.

The biggest one came when Amazon stabbed Colombia. Dr has this survival mode from time to time that usually ends up in killing me. However this time I got to use it against him. I allied with Colombia and started pushing upwards breaking the stalemate lines of the area. This also forced Colombia to abandon North America, left Cuba alone, and I was able to take one center after the next.

End game - The final push

Things got very interesting diplomatically. Indonesia and I decided to stab Song and see where it takes us. Indonesia got the most of it, more than 10 centers while I got 4. This allowed him to build up a massive fleet that got me shitting my pants for a bit. Good thing I had a few spares around and we agreed that we shall create a stalemate line that guaranteed that none of us would be able stab the other and get the solo.

After a few battles Colombia, Amazon and Cuba became friends again and shut the door for me completely. I needed another plan. How can I break them now?
I turned to USA. We agreed to split north America, respect our borders and focus on the Caribbean. I got the perfect ally to open another front for the Latinos. But still it was difficult. They defended outstandingly. But I saw a gap in the line that needed me however to coordinate Indonesia, Usa and Russia in order to remove from Amazon control of WSA and CPV. It took some effort but finally it succeeded. The road to success was now open.

The game was going to end in a 4way draw between Oceania-Indonesia-USA who teamed up to reduce the draw as small as possible, and Russia for he was in the middle and both me and Indonesia wanted him alive in order to prevent the other from soloing . I honored this agreement, and promised to end game in a 4way draw once Amazon was out. However, USA and then Indonesia NMRed. It was THE chance. I broke through the Pacific stalemate line and that was it. On my defense, I didn’t kill Amazon so technically I didn’t break my promise :P

I once again apologise to B-RICH for he totally deserved to be in a 4way draw. He played Indonesia perfectly and one mistake shouldn’t be punished so hard. Usually it doesn’t but that is the nature of this game.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
14 Oct 14 UTC
Cuba-- End of Game Report

I'll go ahead and throw in my two cents about how this game went.

To start off, obviously it was key to seek out allies. I was in a unique position of choosing whether to try for a foothold in NA or SA, both of which were equally challenging to navigate. SA was populated with many experienced players, so I sought out a way into the diplomatic landscape there. Eventually, I worked out an understanding with Columbia and Amazon that would be vital for my success throughout the game. In NA, US and I were able to stay peaceful enough as I sought a foothold in Texas and Mexico.

As I began to be surrounded by allies, I was faced with a decision to make regarding what to do next. Unfortunately, before I was able to do anything, all of my allies began to turn in on me. I was screwed beyond repair. However, I somehow reworked Columbia and Amazon back onto my side and I was able to re-establish myself in the gulf of mexico.

Things stabilized for a while for me; US and I worked out a brief ceasefire as I helped move against Canada. However the imminent threat of Cypeg moving into NA was quite obvious. I began to work a potential new ally in discussing the possibility of stabbing Columbia with Oceania's help. In all honesty, as the board began to develop, I kept the disucssion about it open, yet never really considered doing it.

The potential for a draw neared. The major players (Oceania, Indo, US, Russia, Amazon, Columbia, and me) were sustaining themselves while the rest disappeared. You may note I included Amazon, Columbia, and myself although our center count was significantly diminished from the rest.

We began to realize our only hope was to stick together. We worked out stalemate lines, and eventually, we found one that was rock solid. If we kept up our ends, we could hold out indefinitely against the attacks of Indonesia, Oceania, and US. And we did. We must have held that line for 10-15 years without budging more than a territory or two. After an unfortunate NMR by myself, a crack appeared in only a single place in the line. It was recoverable, but that would be if we got there before Cypeg. But of course, he saw the chink in our armor and we were lost.

I looked and looked, but no other stalemate was holdable after we lost our line. So, I made the decision to try and better myself by turning on Columbia with the help of Oceania. It was a high probability that it would end up with me dead either way, but it was my only chance to survive. As SA dwindled, it became apparent we couldn't stop them and that someone would try for a solo. With all the NMRs happening, I figured a solo would happen eventually, so congrats to Cypeg! And well played to all the others, especially those who also invested a year of time into this thing!

mfarb (1338 D)
14 Oct 14 UTC
definitely worth scrolling through see the progress. you should create a time lapse in movie maker or power point. i cant imagine having to input moves for that many units. it would be hard not to nmr!
cypeg (2619 D)
14 Oct 14 UTC
The interactive map helped tremendously. Without it we would have made lots of erroneous moves.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
14 Oct 14 UTC
a gif would be nice!
Wiesl (1079 D)
15 Oct 14 UTC
"My main focus was America. I fought Canada and took him out because he was trying to defend against Cuba and USA at the same time."
Eventhough it is true that I (Canada) chose my allies (Illinois and Texas) wrong, since they weren't able to defend theirselves even with me holding their back, i would have been (maybe much) longer on the board when I was not on vacation for 1 1/2 years (2110 - 2111) whichwhile I got crushed from all sides. Obviously it wasn't looking too good for me since Cuba wasn`t willing to stay peacefully with me so I can defend myself against Oceania and USA, but still those three rounds of NMR were my death sentence.

8 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Oct 14 UTC
Fog of War (New)
Classic Fog gameID=20969 starts when full.
8 replies
Windir (1570 D)
12 Oct 14 UTC
What is the victory condition for the Dark Ages variant?
The "special territories" section of the variant specifies that 19 centers are required for victory as a simple majority (18.5 rounds to 19), while the variant parameters states that 20 are needed. I saw a game drawn with one player owning 19, so this leads me to think that the latter is correct. Is this some kind of error, or did the creator decide on making it 20 instead while forgetting to change the special rules/information?
2 replies
Leopard (1045 D)
05 Oct 14 UTC
I hate the moderator.

He banned two of my accounts on WebDiplomacy.
24 replies
interesting dilema regarding whether something is metagaming or not...
More within...
22 replies
tru ninja (0 D)
09 Oct 14 UTC
2014 Webdiplomacy Tournament
Last call for entrants. It will be a fantastic and expectantly CD-free tournament. I will message players about board to maintain anonymity in 2 days.
3 replies
tru ninja (0 D)
05 Oct 14 UTC
2014 Webdiplomacy Tournament on Webdip
For anyone interested in a REAL tournament, we on are putting together a 3-round tournament. There's a $10 buy-in. WTA, 36 hour phases, anonymous, classic map with full press. Prizes include plaques for top 3 places and best country awards. Games are filling until October 11th. Games start October 12th.
83 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
08 Oct 14 UTC
Heya you
Coma joina our game, "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi!"

1 reply
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