Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 11 PM Wed 19 Aug 20 UTC
Private Aferbia
1 day /phase
Pot: 40 D - Autumn, 2024, Finished
Africa, WTA
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 3 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Stinky Will 1208 -> 1387 Won (34 SC) 63% 100% 179
Kmacattack 886 -> 863 Survived (15 SC) 43% 0% -23
bricknastyy 975 -> 949 Survived (13 SC) 48% 0% -26
Sick of beer 887 -> 864 Survived (1 SC) 43% 0% -23
SROGATORY 1159 -> 1126 Defeated 60% 0% -33
Sprogasm 925 -> 901 Defeated 45% 0% -24
Parthario 925 -> 901 Defeated 45% 0% -24
Scrawdaddy55 1030 -> 1002 Defeated 52% 0% -28

Stinky Will (Won / 34SCs / 1208->1387) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Kmacattack (Survived / 15 SC ) 68% 100% 32% 100% 69.73 22.5
bricknastyy (Survived / 13 SC ) 63% 100% 37% 100% 69.73 25.73
Sick of beer (Survived / 1 SC ) 68% 100% 32% 100% 69.73 22.54
SROGATORY (Defeated) 53% 100% 47% 100% 69.73 32.9
Sprogasm (Defeated) 66% 100% 34% 100% 69.73 23.89
Parthario (Defeated) 66% 100% 34% 100% 69.73 23.89
Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated) 60% 100% 40% 100% 69.73 27.82

Kmacattack (Survived / 15SCs / 886->864) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Stinky Will (Won / 34 SC ) 32% 0% -32% 100% 69.73 -22.5
bricknastyy (Survived / 13 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 0% 69.73 0
Sick of beer (Survived / 1 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 0% 69.73 0
SROGATORY (Defeated) 35% 0% -35% 0% 69.73 0
Sprogasm (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 69.73 0
Parthario (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 69.73 0
Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 69.73 0

bricknastyy (Survived / 13SCs / 975->949) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Stinky Will (Won / 34 SC ) 37% 0% -37% 100% 69.73 -25.73
Kmacattack (Survived / 15 SC ) 55% 0% -55% 0% 69.73 0
Sick of beer (Survived / 1 SC ) 55% 0% -55% 0% 69.73 0
SROGATORY (Defeated) 40% 0% -40% 0% 69.73 0
Sprogasm (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 69.73 0
Parthario (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 69.73 0
Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 69.73 0

Sick of beer (Survived / 1SCs / 887->864) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Stinky Will (Won / 34 SC ) 32% 0% -32% 100% 69.73 -22.54
Kmacattack (Survived / 15 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 0% 69.73 0
bricknastyy (Survived / 13 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 0% 69.73 0
SROGATORY (Defeated) 35% 0% -35% 0% 69.73 0
Sprogasm (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 69.73 0
Parthario (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 69.73 0
Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 69.73 0

SROGATORY (Defeated / 0SCs / 1159->1126) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Stinky Will (Won / 34 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 100% 69.73 -32.9
Kmacattack (Survived / 15 SC ) 65% 0% -65% 0% 69.73 0
bricknastyy (Survived / 13 SC ) 60% 0% -60% 0% 69.73 0
Sick of beer (Survived / 1 SC ) 65% 0% -65% 0% 69.73 0
Sprogasm (Defeated) 63% 0% -63% 0% 69.73 0
Parthario (Defeated) 63% 0% -63% 0% 69.73 0
Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated) 57% 0% -57% 0% 69.73 0

Sprogasm (Defeated / 0SCs / 925->901) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Stinky Will (Won / 34 SC ) 34% 0% -34% 100% 69.73 -23.89
Kmacattack (Survived / 15 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 0% 69.73 0
bricknastyy (Survived / 13 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 0% 69.73 0
Sick of beer (Survived / 1 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 0% 69.73 0
SROGATORY (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 0% 69.73 0
Parthario (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 69.73 0
Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 0% 69.73 0

Parthario (Defeated / 0SCs / 925->901) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Stinky Will (Won / 34 SC ) 34% 0% -34% 100% 69.73 -23.89
Kmacattack (Survived / 15 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 0% 69.73 0
bricknastyy (Survived / 13 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 0% 69.73 0
Sick of beer (Survived / 1 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 0% 69.73 0
SROGATORY (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 0% 69.73 0
Sprogasm (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 69.73 0
Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 0% 69.73 0

Scrawdaddy55 (Defeated / 0SCs / 1030->1002) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Stinky Will (Won / 34 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 100% 69.73 -27.82
Kmacattack (Survived / 15 SC ) 58% 0% -58% 0% 69.73 0
bricknastyy (Survived / 13 SC ) 53% 0% -53% 0% 69.73 0
Sick of beer (Survived / 1 SC ) 58% 0% -58% 0% 69.73 0
SROGATORY (Defeated) 43% 0% -43% 0% 69.73 0
Sprogasm (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 0% 69.73 0
Parthario (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 0% 69.73 0
