Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 09 PM Thu 09 Nov 23 UTC
Youngstown Gunboat -14
1 day /phase
Pot: 50 D - Autumn, 1917, Finished
Youngstown - Redux, No messaging, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Gavino 765 -> 826 Drawn (21 SC) 23% 80% 61
SteampunkShogun 2261 -> 2268 Drawn (20 SC) 90% 80% 7
VanZ 1653 -> 1676 Drawn (16 SC) 68% 80% 23
武神 1418 -> 1450 Drawn (14 SC) 56% 80% 32
x3n 1535 -> 1562 Drawn (10 SC) 62% 80% 27
Bump the Younger 1282 -> 1254 Defeated 49% 10% -28
Redesdale 1047 -> 1027 Defeated 37% 10% -20
Lorenz1521 1174 -> 1150 Defeated 43% 10% -24
heruighi 1051 -> 1051 (loss-prevention) Defeated 37% 10% 0
LovelyPinkEgg 1607 -> 1568 Defeated 65% 10% -39
thor001 710 -> 688 CD 21% 0% -22

Gavino (Drawn / 21SCs / 765->826) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 3% 50% 47% 0% 75.24 0
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 11% 50% 39% 0% 75.24 0
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 18% 50% 32% 0% 75.24 0
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 15% 50% 35% 0% 75.24 0
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 23% 100% 77% 20% 75.24 11.54
Redesdale (Defeated) 34% 100% 66% 20% 75.24 9.88
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 28% 100% 72% 20% 75.24 10.83
heruighi (Defeated) 34% 100% 66% 18% 75.24 8.79
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 13% 100% 87% 20% 75.24 13.16
thor001 (CD) 53% 100% 47% 20% 75.24 7.05

SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20SCs / 2261->2268) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 97% 50% -47% 0% 75.24 0
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 80% 50% -30% 0% 75.24 0
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 87% 50% -37% 0% 75.24 0
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 84% 50% -34% 0% 75.24 0
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 91% 100% 9% 20% 75.24 1.43
Redesdale (Defeated) 94% 100% 6% 20% 75.24 0.87
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 92% 100% 8% 20% 75.24 1.14
heruighi (Defeated) 94% 100% 6% 18% 75.24 0.77
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 82% 100% 18% 20% 75.24 2.73
thor001 (CD) 97% 100% 3% 20% 75.24 0.41

VanZ (Drawn / 16SCs / 1653->1676) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 89% 50% -39% 0% 75.24 0
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 20% 50% 30% 0% 75.24 0
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 63% 50% -13% 0% 75.24 0
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 57% 50% -7% 0% 75.24 0
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 70% 100% 30% 20% 75.24 4.49
Redesdale (Defeated) 80% 100% 20% 20% 75.24 2.99
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 75% 100% 25% 20% 75.24 3.75
heruighi (Defeated) 80% 100% 20% 18% 75.24 2.67
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 53% 100% 47% 20% 75.24 7.13
thor001 (CD) 90% 100% 10% 20% 75.24 1.54

武神 (Drawn / 14SCs / 1418->1450) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 82% 50% -32% 0% 75.24 0
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 13% 50% 37% 0% 75.24 0
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 37% 50% 13% 0% 75.24 0
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 43% 50% 7% 0% 75.24 0
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 58% 100% 42% 20% 75.24 6.36
Redesdale (Defeated) 70% 100% 30% 20% 75.24 4.49
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 64% 100% 36% 20% 75.24 5.46
heruighi (Defeated) 70% 100% 30% 18% 75.24 4.01
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 39% 100% 61% 20% 75.24 9.14
thor001 (CD) 84% 100% 16% 20% 75.24 2.46

x3n (Drawn / 10SCs / 1535->1562) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 85% 50% -35% 0% 75.24 0
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 16% 50% 34% 0% 75.24 0
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 43% 50% 7% 0% 75.24 0
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 57% 50% -7% 0% 75.24 0
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 64% 100% 36% 20% 75.24 5.39
Redesdale (Defeated) 75% 100% 25% 20% 75.24 3.69
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 70% 100% 30% 20% 75.24 4.57
heruighi (Defeated) 75% 100% 25% 18% 75.24 3.29
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 46% 100% 54% 20% 75.24 8.15
thor001 (CD) 87% 100% 13% 20% 75.24 1.96

Bump the Younger (Defeated / 0SCs / 1282->1254) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 77% 0% -77% 20% 75.24 -11.54
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 9% 0% -9% 20% 75.24 -1.43
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 20% 75.24 -4.49
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 42% 0% -42% 20% 75.24 -6.36
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 36% 0% -36% 20% 75.24 -5.39
Redesdale (Defeated) 63% 0% -63% 0% 75.24 0
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 0% 75.24 0
heruighi (Defeated) 63% 0% -63% 0% 75.24 0
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 32% 0% -32% 0% 75.24 0
thor001 (CD) 79% 100% 21% 10% 75.24 1.59

Redesdale (Defeated / 0SCs / 1047->1027) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 66% 0% -66% 20% 75.24 -9.88
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 6% 0% -6% 20% 75.24 -0.87
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 20% 0% -20% 20% 75.24 -2.99
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 20% 75.24 -4.49
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 25% 0% -25% 20% 75.24 -3.69
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 0% 75.24 0
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 43% 0% -43% 0% 75.24 0
heruighi (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 75.24 0
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 0% 75.24 0
thor001 (CD) 68% 100% 32% 10% 75.24 2.37

Lorenz1521 (Defeated / 0SCs / 1174->1150) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 72% 0% -72% 20% 75.24 -10.83
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 8% 0% -8% 20% 75.24 -1.14
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 25% 0% -25% 20% 75.24 -3.75
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 36% 0% -36% 20% 75.24 -5.46
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 20% 75.24 -4.57
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 0% 75.24 0
Redesdale (Defeated) 57% 0% -57% 0% 75.24 0
heruighi (Defeated) 57% 0% -57% 0% 75.24 0
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 27% 0% -27% 0% 75.24 0
thor001 (CD) 74% 100% 26% 10% 75.24 1.92

heruighi (Defeated / 0SCs / 1051->1051) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 66% 0% -66% 18% 75.24 -8.79
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 6% 0% -6% 18% 75.24 -0.77
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 20% 0% -20% 18% 75.24 -2.67
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 18% 75.24 -4.01
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 25% 0% -25% 18% 75.24 -3.29
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 0% 75.24 0
Redesdale (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 75.24 0
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 43% 0% -43% 0% 75.24 0
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 0% 75.24 0
thor001 (CD) 69% 100% 31% 9% 75.24 2.09

LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated / 0SCs / 1607->1568) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 87% 0% -87% 20% 75.24 -13.16
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 18% 0% -18% 20% 75.24 -2.73
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 20% 75.24 -7.13
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 61% 0% -61% 20% 75.24 -9.14
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 54% 0% -54% 20% 75.24 -8.15
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 68% 0% -68% 0% 75.24 0
Redesdale (Defeated) 78% 0% -78% 0% 75.24 0
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 73% 0% -73% 0% 75.24 0
heruighi (Defeated) 78% 0% -78% 0% 75.24 0
thor001 (CD) 89% 100% 11% 10% 75.24 0.85

thor001 (CD / 0SCs / 710->688) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gavino (Drawn / 21 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 20% 75.24 -7.05
SteampunkShogun (Drawn / 20 SC ) 3% 0% -3% 20% 75.24 -0.41
VanZ (Drawn / 16 SC ) 10% 0% -10% 20% 75.24 -1.54
武神 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 16% 0% -16% 20% 75.24 -2.46
x3n (Drawn / 10 SC ) 13% 0% -13% 20% 75.24 -1.96
Bump the Younger (Defeated) 21% 0% -21% 10% 75.24 -1.59
Redesdale (Defeated) 32% 0% -32% 10% 75.24 -2.37
Lorenz1521 (Defeated) 26% 0% -26% 10% 75.24 -1.92
heruighi (Defeated) 31% 0% -31% 9% 75.24 -2.09
LovelyPinkEgg (Defeated) 11% 0% -11% 10% 75.24 -0.85
