Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for WheelSnipeCelly (1075 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
58196 Big Josh Blasts the Past KnownWorld_901 Drawn 36 1036
58504 MG 1/25/24 Hundred Survived -5 1031
58520 MG 1/27/25 opener practice 1 ClassicFGA Won 1 1032
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Defeated 0 1032
58519 MG 1/27/25 (7 SCs or 8 turns) SailHo2 Won 3 1035
58505 MG 1/24/25 SA SouthAmerica4 Survived -5 1030
58158 Great Heathen Army DarkAges Defeated -34 996
58534 MG 1/28/24 Barbarians Imperium Survived 6 1002
58560 MG Hundred 2 Hundred Survived -17 985
58554 South of Sarah (5p) SouthSahara Survived -22 963
58558 North Sea 4p NorthSeaWars Survived -15 948
58604 MG Foggy 1066 #1 TenSixtySix_V3 Defeated 2 950
58559 Cold War 4p ColdWarRedux Survived 3 953
58602 MG Atlantic AtlanticColonies Drawn 0 953
58601 MG Chess Chesspolitik Won 4 957
58565 MG Treaty 8 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -15 942
58511 Big Josh at the Modern Modern2 Drawn 41 983
58566 Chromatic 2: Electric Boogaloo Chromatic Won 105 1088
58648 Oh, my sweet baby angel Classic Defeated -13 1075
58810 Big Josh Rises Again AmericanConflict Survived -1 1074
58683 Nautical Diplo ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 14 1088
59023 b-7 Classic Defeated -13 1075