Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Twisted (1320 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
59373 FREE ME FROM THIS PRISON OF FLESH Chromatic Survived 38 1038
59491 Balkanized BalkanWarsVI Defeated -18 1020
59670 Basel Brouhaha ClassicFvA Survived -7 1013
59522 UK Diplomacy AnarchyInTheUK Won 194 1207
59680 genshin--2 CelticBritain Drawn 52 1259
59691 genshin- WWII Defeated -35 1224
59787 Scottish Diplomacy Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated -29 1195
59741 Alacavre-2 Alacavre Defeated -41 1154
59904 big dick small balls HeptarchyIV Survived -39 1115
59990 Pan-Hellenic showdown AgeOfPericles Drawn 32 1147
59623 Massive game KnownWorld_901 Drawn 91 1238
59660 He who controls the spice...-2 SpiceIslands Survived -23 1215
59469 A Modern Europe XXX A_Modern_Europe Defeated -1 1214
60256 Humanoid Swarm of Mosquitoes FantasyWorld Drawn 43 1257
60173 Drano019 appreciation game Africa Drawn 42 1299
59700 Gobble Earth Gunboat GobbleEarth -29 1270
59226 901 Gunboat-3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 84 1354
59952 Island Hopping-4 EastIndies Defeated -34 1320