Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Redstone1230 (1315 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
59283 Old world battle round 2! Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1000
59544 romo 8th Classic Drawn 114 1114
59680 genshin--2 CelticBritain Defeated 0 1114
59403 Her Majesty Classic Defeated 0 1114
60010 Classic-Gunboat-900 Classic Defeated -23 1091
59638 95th Rifles Classic Drawn 123 1214
59990 Pan-Hellenic showdown AgeOfPericles Drawn 30 1244
59965 Don’t Pick on France - 1 WWII Drawn 22 1266
59623 Massive game KnownWorld_901 Drawn 49 1315