
  • Rank: Political puppet (1,000 D)
  • Position: 3673/3862 (top 96%)
  • Available points: 100 D
  • Points in play: 0 D
  • Total points: 100 D
  • Game messages: 2

  • Reliability:
  • Reliability rating: 100%

  • Last visited: 27 Jan 24 UTC
  • Forum posts: 0

  • Joined: 27 Jan 24 UTC
  • User ID#: 22886

ghosty's games

Showing results 1 to 1 of 1 total results.

Finished: 05 AM Sat 27 Jan 24 UTC
5 minutes /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1962, Finished
Cold War, Public messaging only, WTA, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by tahabad (1000 D)
tahabad (1000 D)
Won. 18 supply-centers, 13 units
ghosty (1000 D)
Survived. 6 supply-centers, 8 units