- Rank: Diplomat (1,681 )
- Position: 153/3862 (top 4%)
- Available points: 1,218
- Points in play: 0
- Total points: 1,218
- Game messages: 2,752
- All Game stats:
- Won: 11 ( 33% )
- Drawn: 6 ( 18% )
- Survived: 7 ( 21% )
- Defeated: 9 ( 27% )
- Total (finished): 33
- Civil disorder: 1
- Civil disorders taken over: 1
- Abandoned: 1
- Playing: 0
- Classic:
- Won: 3 ( 23% )
- Drawn: 4 ( 31% )
- Survived: 2 ( 15% )
- Defeated: 4 ( 31% )
- Total (finished): 13
- Classic Press:
- Won: 3 ( 33% )
- Drawn: 2 ( 22% )
- Defeated: 4 ( 44% )
- Total (finished): 9
- Classic Gunboat:
- Drawn: 2 ( 50% )
- Survived: 2 ( 50% )
- Total (finished): 4
- Classic Ranked:
- Won: 3 ( 27% )
- Drawn: 3 ( 27% )
- Survived: 1 ( 9% )
- Defeated: 4 ( 36% )
- Total (finished): 11
- Variant stats:
- Won: 9 ( 39% )
- Drawn: 3 ( 13% )
- Survived: 6 ( 26% )
- Defeated: 5 ( 22% )
- Total (finished): 23
- Reliability:
- Reliability rating: 93%
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
- Last visited:
- Forum posts: 0
/ - Joined:
- User ID#: 5429