The standard Diplomacy map of Europe, but you can choose what countries you want to be playable.
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Variant Parameters (Version: 1 / Code: 1.1.1):
Adapted for webDiplomacy by: Oliver Auth
Games finished: 1438 games
avg. Duration: 31.89 turns
SCs required for solo win: 18 (of 34)
Territories: 75 (Land=14; Coast=42; Sea=19)
Special rules/information:
In this variant you can choose which countries you want to be playable.
You neet to put the first letter of the countries you want to play in brackets and put them in the game-name. Example: "Testgame (IRG)" will set up a 3-player game with Italy, Russia and Germany.
You can put other words in brackets too, but they will be ignored. Example: "Testgame (ItalyVsRussiaVsGermany)" will work too.
You can use one or more "?" to mark a random country. After the game starts the "?" will be replaced with a country letter and all other players get their countries randomly. Example: "Testgame (?I??)" will open a game with Italy and 3 random countries.
If there is only one country (or none) recognized it will open a standard classic game with 7 players.
If your game-name has more brackets it will check everything between the first "(" and the last ")" for your possible countries. Example: "Testgame (I like this variant) you too? (FranceVsGermany)" will open a 4-player game with Italy, a random country, France and Germany.
If I find a better way to program the variant I might have to delete all old games played on the server.