Finished: 11 PM Fri 21 Aug 20 UTC
Private LM Random (IEF)
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1908, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game drawn

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Chat archive


03 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1901: Why is there a purple territory?
03 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1901: Wait - We can't have private messages? And agreed - what is up with the purple?
03 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1901: To answer your question, there are multiple messaging options for the game. This one is public which means everyone can see everyone else's messages.
03 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1901: I don't see anything in the variant description about St Pete being purple.
03 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1901: I'm looking forward to giving the public only a try. I was going to recommend if the game hadn't already been created
03 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1901: I agree. If we can find a public game that would be my vote.
04 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1901: Sorry, I forgot to hit submit on my orders.
04 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1901: Purple is gone
05 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1902: After the last game how scared was France that Italy might go for Mun?
06 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1902: It would have been interesting... as would North Sea to Belgium
06 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1902: Or Mar to Pie in the first turn
06 Aug 20 UTC Spring, 1902: Or Bre to Channel
06 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: Bounce city!
06 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: The goal is to get 18 centers (or prevent your opponents from gathering 18 centers) England and Italy share no border but England will respect French territory if they would like to put just a wee bit of pressure on unfettered Italian expansion as it is in our common interest.
06 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: I have no issue with France and don't plan to attack unless provoked. However I see that England is goating you into a war. Please let me know if you would like me to apply some pressure on England so you can take back your rightful locations such as Denmark.
06 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: France will continue to share it's love of baguette with it's neighbors. To ensure that all nations may have the opportunity to experience France's baguette equally, appropriate measures will be taken.
07 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: I prefer croissants...
07 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: I would expect Italy to be quite content to take 15 uncontested supply centers. There is no award for second place. The French offer stands. If France elects to pressure Italian forces, France sees no benefit in moving against French territories and weakening the French position against Italy. France can assume that I am lying, ignore the Med and allow Italy to position the fleets necessary to take MAR, ESP & POR for the 18 SCs needed to win the game. The English find that to be a boring outcome. It is simple logic.
07 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: The King of England has had too much to drink but believes the message is understandable. Elect to fight the English and Italy wins easily. Pressure the Italians and England has no motivation to move on France. A fleet heavy force can access 12-13 supply centers at best. Pressuring France allows Italy to position a blockade on the mediterranean and possibly take the Iberian; neither of which benefits England
07 Aug 20 UTC Autumn, 1902: England is trying to make for an interesting play. By attempting to have France look south, they are washing over the fact that there are three supply centers to split between France and England. Both countries are attempting to get to 3 supply centers this turn. As England is so interested in France doing the heavy lifting, I suggest England should sit on the sidelines and allow France to take the supply centers. According to England that would be the best course of action for both countries.
