A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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thethirdone (1008 D)
28 Nov 11 UTC
need a sitter
in: my 2 games.
until: further notice.
only requisite: 100% reliability rating
interested: send me a PM
4 replies
G (966 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
New Viking game, the variant looks epic!
2 replies
siemaskoIam (1057 D)
28 Nov 11 UTC
5 minutes left to join Viking Longboat!
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
27 Nov 11 UTC
Hussite Question:
Is Breslau adjacent to Gorlitz?
10 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
28 Nov 11 UTC
Reliability rating
Hi, I had to leave weDiplomacy for same time, so I missed some (several, actually) phases and my reliability rating went to 63%. Since I missed 64 of 339 phases, I guess the rating is not the percentage of phases not missed, because in that case my rating would have been 81%. So how is it calculated the reliability rating?
If it isn't a secret, of course :)
3 replies
siemaskoIam (1057 D)
28 Nov 11 UTC
Possibly USA map bug
I keep getting this message under the North Sea fleet:
alert Parameter 'fromTerrID' set to invalid value '26'.
Any ideas?
1 reply
MasterEddie38 (996 D)
28 Nov 11 UTC
Viking game trouble
Hey cant submit orders in this game, save and ready buttons arent working, actual order dropdowns respond slow, 2 different army symbols and no fleet one, I tried in both IE and chrome, my other games worked fine so I dont think its my internet...gameID=4521
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BenGuin (1529 D)
29 Oct 11 UTC
Variant Seris
I was thinking of making a series of variants from Ancient to Modern... more info to come in thread
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ezpickins (1717 D)
29 Oct 11 UTC
on the classic area?
BenGuin (1529 D)
29 Oct 11 UTC
So yea, I was thinking of doing a series of variants with regions around the same period they are:
Series 1: The Rise of Civilization: 2, 3 or 4 maps outlining the begining of civilization in Mesopotamia, China/India, and the Americas
Series 2: Bronze Age- Ancient China (the Zhou Dynasties including the two periods within it) map, Persian-Greek map, India Map, Roman Kingdom, and an map consisting of all of them entitled Alexander's Conquest.
Series 3: Age of Empires- Roman Republic/Empire map (Carthage, Egypt, Greece, Anatolia, Persia, Rome, etc), Far East (the conflict between Han, Parthia, Japan, India, etc) ; and one that outlines that stretches from coast to coast (Eurasia)
Series 4: Age of Confusion-The fall of the Roman Empire, The Three Kingdoms (fall of Han) period and the period of war following; and maybe some other though I'm not quite knowledgeable...
Series 5 to (5+#): I haven't thought these out yet
Series (6+#): WWI-one map consisting of major WWI powers/regional powers
Series (7+#): WWII-one map consisting of major WWII powers/regional powers, along with one based in the Pacific, Europe/N Africa, and the Far East... there wasn't much in Africa, or Middle East (countries like the Turks went nutural and countries like Iraq didn't really do much... Egypt/other countries that did something will be in the Europe/N Africa map) or the Americas (of which N America was a power/powers that went elsewhere to fight and S America didn't really do anything...)...
Series (8+#): Cold War: Proxy wars (haven't thought how much though)... will definitely do Korea and Vietnam, the two major ones
Series (9+#): The Modern Age-Iraq and Afghanistan war mainly, but will also include some rebellions like the ones for Arab Spring, and some wars/conflicts such as the ones in Sudan, Israel etc
Series (10+#): Redesign of the WWIV map to make stalemate less common (at sea) among other things

Series 1-somewhere in (5+#) or (6+#) will be played in Fog of War to simulate slow passage... depending on time, the area of Fog of War will vary. Series like the Age of Empire will have less fog of war due to the fact that it's the Golden Age that wasn't achieved for ages and wouldn't be achieved for ages more to come
ezpickins (1717 D)
29 Oct 11 UTC
there could be mongol and muslim eras/ maps
BenGuin (1529 D)
29 Oct 11 UTC
that's what I was thinking, but I'm trying to find a way to combine the entire world... oh and every game will have a set EOG to simulate the different periods
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Oct 11 UTC
lots of work there! Good luck with it!
BenGuin (1529 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
true, but not if there's a team behind me... what do you say?
airborne (970 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
I could work on designs?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
30 Oct 11 UTC
I'd like to be involved - perhaps we should start a tab over at the forum for people to work on this series.

We can call it the vdip community maps.
G-Man (2516 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
I have an idea for an ancient Greek city states and powers variant that would consist of all of classical Greece, including a bit of the boot of Italy and about a third of Turkey. This would be a 16-power variant with 8 city states in western and northern Greece and 8 city states in eastern and southern Greece. Most powers would start with three units, but four of the more central powers would each have a 4th unit offset by the positioning of the power's home centers and type of unit.

Rules would include being able to build in any open center you own, transform units to armies and fleets in your own centers, and neutrals would contain standing armies that disband when dislodged (just like the Known World 901 variant). My aim is to create a large but very balanced variant in terms of both power positioning and land and sea distribution.

I will design the map, but I'm not sure how to go about implementing it?

The powers would be:




Oli (977 D Mod (P))
30 Oct 11 UTC
G-Man (2516 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
Awesome. Basically, this is exactly the same as my idea at the core, but my take includes more of large Known World/Modern/Aberration/ Sengoku-like treatment to the map, particularly with the utilization of diverse, but simple land and sea spaces. I'll take a close look at this map to see what works and what is worth expanding upon though. Thanks.
G-Man (2516 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
Age of Odysseus
Age of Aristotle
Age of Sophocles
Age of Diogenes
Age of Socrates... that is the question?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
30 Oct 11 UTC
I could help on everything concerning Rome and Italy. Series 2-3-4 gave me some idea about it. I've started looking for Roman Kingdom maps in order to create a 15-20 players map on either ancient Italy or Med (or both). Here some:
...and I'm going on searching. Maybe you starting have the same ideas I have, looking at these.
Tadar Es Darden tought me many things about the creation of a map, so I think I could be useful on many tasks, including coding links between provinces or setting provinces' names & types and so on. What I really suck at is drawing maps. Tadar gave me GIMP and I discovered that I'm absolutely not good at computer-graphics programs. :(

So BenGuin, just let me know if there's something I could do.

Oli (977 D Mod (P))
30 Oct 11 UTC
If you want to create new maps it's absolutely necessary that you create the smallmap and the largemap (and the name-overlays). There is no coding experience needed (I can help with that), but the maps are essential. Most variant ideas die after some brainstorming because they fail to deliver a map.
G-Man (2516 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
"If you want to create new maps it's absolutely necessary that you create the smallmap and the largemap (and the name-overlays). There is no coding experience needed (I can help with that)."

That would be great. Let me know the format, sizes, and anything else I need to know. I only have some rough layouts drawn by hand so far, so it will take me some time to design, test, and edit my map. Realistically, I would like to complete it in about five to six months.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
30 Oct 11 UTC
The smallmap should have a width of max 750px or it does not fit in the webdip layout.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
30 Oct 11 UTC
@Oli. Yes I know :) That's the exact point where my new variant project failed. And Tadar has disappeared before he could teach me that.
Coding looks simple, I'd need someone who teach me how to use Gimp. I wasn't even able to modify an existing map :(
BenGuin (1529 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
Ok, first I would like to thank everyone for their excitement. Before we get started, we need to put everyone into divisions according to their expertise. We need a European Department, a Far East Department, a Indian/Australian Department, a Middle East Department, an African Department, and an American Department... Can everyone list what they are good at and why, thx
BenGuin (1529 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
oh and we are going to start Series one and two first... the first maps will be that of the Mesopotamian states, the Chinese Tribes, the Indo-Aryan synthesis, and the Greeks... and then we can add them together into one map
BenGuin (1529 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
the seconds ones will include as states before, the Zhou Dynasty in China (warring state and Fall and Autumn periods), India (pre-Mahajanapadas and Mahajanapadas period), Rise of Rome, and the Persian-Greek conflict (redesign of the current Greek Map)... the overall map will be entitled Alexander's Conquest (which will stretch from Gaul to China)
airborne (970 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
European Department, I'm familar with European history and I have created quite a few maps about Europe. I'm also familar with Middle Eastern History and American History, I was part of the beta team on ConquestofNations for the Middle East and 1900.
airborne (970 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
I can start with WWI and WWII maps this weekend
BenGuin (1529 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
thanks Airborne... can you head the Coding department?
id help with design as well maybe.
airborne (970 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC, I'm really bad with it. Like my throwing, I throw like a girl but I kick like a man because I play soccer anecdote aside...
BenGuin (1529 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
... I have no experience coding whatsoever... I'm only good at History, research, and drawing... ps can everyone give me their Gmail account if you have one? I plan on doing this on Google Wave
airborne (970 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
I have a similar skillset
ezpickins (1717 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
i've a Europe WW2 map.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
30 Oct 11 UTC
Maybe instead of a google wave use the offifial dev-forums. It's easier to follow...
BenGuin (1529 D)
31 Oct 11 UTC

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King Atom (1186 D)
28 Nov 11 UTC
Vikings ALIVE!!
Live Vikings IV, anyone?
1 reply
RoxArt (1732 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
admin pls unpause!
pls... he is cd i think...
1 reply
RoxArt (1732 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
join viking
2 replies
G (966 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
This is a travesty
I know about not talking about gunboats in the forum, but this is an exception. Everyone's voting draw except two dudes who can't do anything unless someone else lets them, and it's gotten to the point where the person who was closest to going solo (before the stalemate stopped him) got bored and hasn't even submitted orders. Can anyone find anything redeeming about this game? No one's even been eliminated!
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
VIkings Viking Viking!
1 Day turn, Anon, Full Press, Low Bet
6 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
Quick 1 0n 1 Game
Who's up for a quick game?
0 replies
Who wants a quick ready based live game?
I want some people. So post.
16 replies
killer135 (656 D)
08 Oct 11 UTC
Formation of the Vdip Players League
In this thread, I want to recruit players to join a league where we can effectively play good games with few to no CD's and enjoy this site like it's supposed to be enjoy. Post to join
215 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
26 Nov 11 UTC
Join this game!
0 replies
nekudza (1063 D)
26 Nov 11 UTC
have a question - probable bug or i miunderstood smth
Can anybody explain why my attack mor->bav not succeed?
i had 2-power attacks bot against bavaria and swabia, but support from polania on mor->bav felt down.
2 replies
Daiichi (1339 D)
24 Nov 11 UTC
Econonmic Variant - 2 winners?
The economic map is a variant that requires less than the tipycal half of the board to win. given that fact, if 2 players reach the numer of SCs required to win at the same time, they will both win? They will draw? What will happen?
3 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
25 Nov 11 UTC
Come One, Come All!
New WWIV; gameID=4480; seeking players. Come One, Come All!
0 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
24 Nov 11 UTC
Error in Known World 901
An army in Aquileia cannot transform into a fleet despite being adjacent to Illyrian Sea. Any chance this could get fixed?
Game link:
German army in Aquileia is the unit in question.
3 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
Vdip Cup 2 Signups
Starting in Late November/Early December will be the second Vdip Cup. The first was largely success and I am proud to be announcing the start of the second one. Post here if you want to play.

28 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
Epic League
There seem to be two leagues on this site which have been created and haven't played any games yet. So, I will start my own: The Epic League. One game of Germany 1648 gameID=4471 has been created and will start in 10 days time. PM me for the password if you're interested. Phases are 36 hours and all games will be full press.
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 Nov 11 UTC
Once there was a thread on this site about Paradox Games
Anyone want to revive the conversation?
3 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
09 Oct 11 UTC
A challenge to the Vdip Players League...
I would like to issue a formal challenge to the VPL...
175 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Nov 11 UTC
Gunboat with Forum Chatter.
I would like to make a Gunboat game of 901, with the twist that players can discuss what is going on in this thread. THE RESTRICTION is that whatever you say cannot give away what power you are playing...
16 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
23 Nov 11 UTC
Forum search?
Is there anyway to do a search across forum posts?
1 reply
Imagonnalose (992 D)
21 Nov 11 UTC
Vdip ranking
Is there a place I can view the current Vdip rankings?
8 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
some games ;)
I try it with longer prephases to hope to get em full, pls join fast! :)
15 replies
idealist (1107 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
live 1v1?
anyone up for it? let me know then ill make a link
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