A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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airborne (970 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
Ancient World?
This seems to be a very balanced map I would however make a few changes if I was to try to put this on this site.
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
spiral of doom
2 replies
Raro (1449 D)
03 Dec 11 UTC
New Variant? enhanced naval combat ideas
Hi folks,
I have an idea for a variant that might be able to improve some of our large games, particularly the WWIV map.

Its conception has come from previous discussions particularly about gameplay being affected by lack of sea-zones or ease of setting up a stalemate. Please read below:
32 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
Need a replacement!!!
We've been waiting to start this game for eight days. 7-day phases allow for the busiest person to find the time to play. Cuba never showed up and we need a replacement player. Please check out gameID=4575 and join!
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
13 Dec 11 UTC
1 missing to start
cmon :)
0 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 11 UTC
what do you think about the eurocrisis ?
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airborne (970 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Damn Berlusconi, God save Belgium, Nigel Farage for the win
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 11 UTC
But Berlusconi is gone.
GOD save Germany.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 11 UTC
The politicians are kinda unable to restrikt the markets
airborne (970 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
He stepped down, yes but I mean dman him for destorying Italy basically.
Germany is at least a functioning nation-state. Belgium is a country and should stay a country!
Karl Detroit (1167 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Well, I'm not that firm with UKIP propositions, but it seems that Farage is also a
pied piper like Silvio.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Nov 11 UTC
We're so happy the skunk resigned, we're so sad he didn't do it 3-6-9-11 months ago, when it was clear he couldn't run our country whithout a (real) majority in our House of Reps. Actually, it was clear even since 2009: after 1 year of government, in spite of the great majority he had then in the HoR, he basically had done NOTHING.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 11 UTC
orathaic (952 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Begluim is a country? i thought countries had functioning governments...

how long have they been negotiating on forming a government?
orathaic (952 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
oh, and there is nothing wrong with devolution, breaking up countries, and forming supra-state entities to tied together these units... better than being stuck with a single system which ensures nobody is happy.
airborne (970 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Super-state? Belgium? Sigh, whatever I guess it would be hypocrisy to want Belgium to stay a single country and the want for Scotland to become independent. However, I will say this, the possible collapse of Belgium will most likily not be pretty and will most possibly result in violence.
airborne (970 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
BTW the United States is considered a "superstate" and both Belgium and USA are considered "Federations," "is a type of sovereign state characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central (federal) government."
orathaic (952 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
Supra, not Super... i was referring to the larger body which Belguim has pooled some of it's sovereignty with... And yes, self-determination for all.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Nov 11 UTC
I'm not at all convinced that Monti will be any more able to do things that Berlusconi or Prodi before him. Having lunch with all of the Italians at work on Wednesday, I was baffled by their optimism. But maybe it is just that they are all from the North and they see a crack up coming out of all of this. The Catalans are all overjoyed by the crisis as they see a crack up of Spain coming out of it and view Spain's economic success as the main obstacle to their independence.

As for Belgium, I'll point to Alexander Hamilton here in the USA. Debt binds and a lot of debt binds more tightly. The Flemish and Walloons may find themselves chained together by their monstrously huge National Debt. Economic disparities will make break up hard. Plus you have to remember that bonds issued by an entity called Belgium will all go away and will have to be replaced in total immediately by bonds issued by these two new entities. Ask Italy and Greece what it is like rolling over even relatively small portions of large debts in the Euro these days.

As for Scotland, are you freakin' nuts. You have nothing. You make nothing. Your oil is running out. Your population is in absolute decline and you have been living parasitically off of another more functioning society for decades. You're honestly worse than Quebec. Being Abandoned to Freedom would be a horrific shock to the system for you. Decades of welfare dependency does not build functional self-sufficient people. Beyond the near impossibility of Scotland's tax base ever hoping to support the pension and healthcare cost of the population. But generally, Scots expect a level of government services and taxation that could never be brought into line on their more localized level.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
18 Nov 11 UTC
could you maybe always say whitch country do you come from so its maybe easier to understand your opinion ?
i think italy is the best example for europe: the rich north wants to separate from the poor south and found a own wealthy club without the south
airborne (970 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Nov 11 UTC
gopher I'm not convinced that Monti will solve all problems of Italy, but I'm sure he'll do so much better than the 2 clowns you said. He's not a politician, he's not a tax-frauder, he's not corruptor neither corrupted, he's not a media monopolist, he's not a bold sex-addicted. And, mainly, he's competent in economics, expert in european matters.
Today, in his speech to get the Parliament's "trust", he said he want to do many of those reform that are necessary for our Country. Some of them are "left" reforms, some more are "right" reforms. So, in his agenda, there are most of those reforms our "regular" politicians of each side are always promising since the '90s, and never did as they got the power. Nothing new, no magical formulas. Just the things it's since years we wait they're done, because they must be done. Will he succeede instead?
Well, during last year Berlusconi could count on a majority of 316 (over 630: half +1) Reps in the Camera dei Deputati (House of Reps). Today's outcome (voting on HoR's "trust" in Monti's Government) after the Camera discussed his speech:
Yea: 556
Nay: 61
It's a good - incredibly good - start (Berlusconi started with 344vs281). We all hope it will last because it CAN last. The air you breath is like "Who, in this grave hour, votes against Monti will lose Spring 2013 elections". They can't find a valid reason to vote against. It's what THEY proposed.
So don't be so baffled by our optimism. :)
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
18 Nov 11 UTC
Yes, everyone is better than Berlusconi.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Nov 11 UTC
GOD the rich north doesn't want to separate from the (not so) poor south. Yes, there is a Party sometime says this way and your Newspaper in your Country reports only this.
They want the Federalism, they say that the taxes northern people pay should mostly be used for the north. When the things go in a way they don't like they throw the toys off the cot and scream "Secession!". When the Elections are coming they become quiet and say "Federalism" because they know that otherwise they'd get less than half popular vote they get in the Federalist way. Basically they use "Secession!" as a Texas hold 'em Player would use "All in!".

Popular votes. Let's see which cards those Poker Players have.
In Italy there are 60 millons people. 50 millions are electors, 10 are minors. Italy is split in 20 Regions. The 8 Regions they claim being "the North", the only 8 regions they can get votes, count 27.7 million peoples, so about 23 millions electors.
Last general Elections they got:
3,024,543 votes, that is 6% of Italian electors and 13% of "northern" electors. And many of them (majority perhaps) are just federalists. So you would never have heard of them if they didn't ally with Berlusconi's Party.

No, GOD, the rich north doesn't want to separate.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 Nov 11 UTC
Our Italians are one from the South (Naples), two from the Middle (Rome and Prato) and three from the North (Milan and two little towns in the Bologna Region). The Northerners that I've known not just here but over my lifetime seem to view Southerners as almost sub-human. Every Catalan I've ever known has explicitly said that they want independence, but I've never heard a Catalan speak of Spaniards the way Northern Italians speak of all other Italians.

Italy has grown slower than Japan over the last 20 years. Italy is basically dying as a society and I'm doubtful that there exists a political solution to what I view as a cultural crisis. Monti seems to me like bureaucrat and little more.....worse yet he is a regulator. At best, he is a technocrat, and there is not a great history of technocrats succeeding in the political sphere.

@GOD, Minnesota (in the US) is the Gopher State. If you've ever read Sinclair Lewis' series of novels, that is why the town is called Gopher Prairie. But I'm actually from Texas.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
20 Nov 11 UTC
is monti in a party or something like that ?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Nov 11 UTC
No, he has never been.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 Nov 11 UTC
Yet another bad sign....
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
21 Nov 11 UTC
a president without a party ?
orathaic (952 D)
21 Nov 11 UTC
yeah, this is meant as a temporary measure, to put someone neutral in charge - with a specific mandate to solve the debt crisis in italy, and once he's done the political parties will go back to fighting for power.

it would be unimaginable for him to retain power for any longer than necessary.

If i'm not mistaken, at least.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
21 Nov 11 UTC
but thats not democracy
that are things that were yoused to do in the romen republic
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
21 Nov 11 UTC
GOD the point is that Berlusconi in December 2010 lost the majority in our House of Rep virtually but not formally (he kept 1 vote of majority in 630 Reps). This situation couldn't let him have Governments Acts appreved by the Parliement. Two Reps with a flu were enough for a Government Act to be sinked. But if a Rep asked to the House "should the Government resign?" then 316 Reps voted 'NAY' even if ill, flued or moribund. We basically had no Government since Dec 2010 to Nov 2011.
So while Zapatero resigned before Spain got in bad waters and they voted yesterday, Berlusconi didn't. This situation went on for a year until 2 weeks ago that fake majority of 316 become 314 and Berlusconi had to resign. Italy was in trouble with URGENT decision to take. No time for a 60 days-long Electoral campaign. Out President finally read our Constitution and did what he did because he could, and the Parliement approved (556Y / 61N).
If Berlusconi, instead of being glued at his Prime Minister's chair until the last second, resigned 3 or 5 or 7 or 11 months ago as everybody asked him, now we'd had the election made.
When he finally did it was too late and our President wisely decided for a new Government. No Government for 60 days more would have meant finance default.
Next election will be mandatorily within April 2013.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Nov 11 UTC
1) when the Roman Republic used to do things like this, they gave the man dictatorial powers and afterwards he had to leave the City forever. Monti will not have anything close to dictatorial powers. A Prime Minister rather by definition must have a legislative faction to govern. A Technocrat, with no legislative support and no faction behind him upon whose votes he can count, will not have a high probability of success.

2) Do you really want to claim that elections in Italy result in anything? What needs to be done in Italy is basically the platform Berlusconi has been running on for decades. He has won at least two massive majorities on more or less the exact kinds of reforms that Italy needs.

3) You don't think that a crowbar was involved in Zapatero's removal from his chair? Spain has been in semi-crisis for much longer than Italy has. The Socialists got nearly wiped out in local elections ages ago and Zapatero announced that he would never resign.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
21 Nov 11 UTC
so the conservatives will win in spai
orathaic (952 D)
21 Nov 11 UTC
@Guaroz, thanks for the details of the italian situation, what i'd heard living in Ireland left me with little of that details, and just a vague idea of what was happening...

@Democracy, it's a representative democracy, the reps (parliament) voted in favour of the new prime minister. The people don't seem to have a problem (or they'd already be out in the streets protesting)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
21 Nov 11 UTC
1) I like you knowing Roman history, but do you have some example closer to 21th century?
The point is that Monti will (hopefully) make many of all those unpopular but necessary reforms our coward politicians (whether from right, left, middle, middleright, middleleft or wtf-ever formula they invent every election) always announce and NEVER make.

2) That's why people is tired of Berlusconi. His platform WOULD BE good (aside that it doesn't even mention any willing to fight to tax evasion, great issue in our Country) but it's just promises, just empty words. He has never kept his word in spite of the large majority he had every time he has been PM. This time, after 2 years he basically did nothing, in Dec 2010 many tired Representatives started to vote against him. Not enough, we needed 2 more.

3) I don't know spanish politics. I was only saying that B. refused to resign and this didn't let us having elections. Because somebody here said "that's not democacy" or something. So if B. did like Z. did, we'd have a new Parliement now, like the Spain has.
"Crowbar" is less metaphoric than you believe, talking about Berlusconi. When he finally stood up they found some cyanoacrilate on his chair. Really, I don't know how to explain how you feel when your government doesn't govern for a year long because he doesn't have a real majority anymore in the House, but everytime there was a "fire the government" amendament it got rejected for 1 vote, and because of this 1 vote B. said "I got the majority, I don't resign". A nightmare. He didn't govern for a year long! Government Acts were rejected by the House. Two months ago the House rejected the final 2010 balance annual report. What?!? the Parliement just said it DOESN'T APPROVE the way you spent money last year, and you don't resign? What do you want to do? Go back to the past and spend Country's money in a different way? Wanna call Robert Zemeckis? A nightmare.

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Venetia (1587 D)
08 Dec 11 UTC
Classic with Switzerland.
Hi! Nobody ever thought of doing a variant of the classical with Switzerland as a SC? I think it would be very fun the struggle to control it between France and Germany and also Italy and Austria.
12 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
07 Dec 11 UTC
The insult other people thread.
A fun thread to throw humorous kind natured insults at one another. Keep it PG 13 and moderately decent so it is fun and not mean.
43 replies
Wolfman (1230 D)
11 Dec 11 UTC
Viking map Questions?
In we just had a extention on the phases. Due to a CD'ed France. He has been on but not playing. I seen there was ask of Oli to help move another game on after a 3rd restart. Has this been solved or will it keep restarting or 5 day phases?
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 Dec 11 UTC
Rinascimento enlisting
anyone willing to get a Rinascimento game going?
2 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
06 Dec 11 UTC
New Economic game.
Let's see who is the best capitalist.
7 replies
Karl Detroit (1167 D)
09 Dec 11 UTC
gameID=4677 on the fall of american empire map as an quick one on one game. Phase length is set by 6 hours but it meant to play quicker.
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GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
09 Dec 11 UTC
Game not processing
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El Cremoso (1728 D)
08 Dec 11 UTC
Sengoku Gunboat Game
Sengoku Gunboat
8 players, 12 hr. turns, good times.
Let's get this going.
1 reply
OstrichFace (1265 D)
08 Dec 11 UTC
Solo Cuba Win
First Cuba solo on this server in American Empire IV:
5 replies
sebastian1988 (955 D)
07 Dec 11 UTC
new game
new game gunboat! south america 8 players.
8 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
07 Dec 11 UTC
Replacement needed!
2 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Nov 11 UTC
Italian Team Game- Bidding wars revisited!!!
So we once had an Italy team game where the team captains bid on other countries to be on there team with a point-type system, but it never quite made it. I want to retry it.
103 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
08 Dec 11 UTC
Team Game and/or A Treaties Game
Is anyone interested in either?
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Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
07 Dec 11 UTC
Chaos game needs replacement!
game hasn't even started so please join :D
3 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
07 Dec 11 UTC
New Modern Diplomacy Game
There is a new modern Diplomacy game with a 2-day phase.
0 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
06 Dec 11 UTC
Variant Idea: ClassicTransform
I think the Classic map would be very nifty with a Transform function. It would really keep all the players on their toes.
IE: Fall 1901 Italy Convoys to Tunis. France thinks "oh, just a lepanto, im ok"
Spring Italy transforms it to a fleet, oh noes!
9 replies
wrighty77 (1179 D)
05 Dec 11 UTC
Build Anywhere - Can't Build!
I'm playing as Britain in gameID=4478 and have 9 units, but 12 scs. The game has just turned to builds but I have only been given 2 new builds. I thought in a build anywhere then I would be able to build 3 this turn as I have more empty scs.
Any thoughts or help appreciated!
6 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
06 Dec 11 UTC
2 more for a chaos game!!!

Come on guys, only two more!
4 replies
El Cremoso (1728 D)
06 Dec 11 UTC
Sengoku Map at 9pm CST
Need 7 more players for a fast Sengoku game. 5 min turns, chat allowed, 5 pts to play.
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Jonnikhan (1554 D)
05 Dec 11 UTC
Viking game stuck in loop
One player has CD'd and the system keeps restarting, waiting for a replacement. We are now experiencing our third reset. Oli, could you bypass this?
5 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
06 Dec 11 UTC
5 more needed!

Only 5 more needed for chaos! 16 hours left :D
1 reply
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
05 Dec 11 UTC
Replacement needed!
Burgundy is in CD so we need a replacement!
It's a viking game public press
12 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
04 Dec 11 UTC
Chaos game! 15 more needed!
5 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
05 Dec 11 UTC
chaos game!
8 more needed!!
0 replies
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