A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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BU115H!+ (1142 D X)
21 Dec 12 UTC
Live Anon Gunboat
Starts in 2 hours, 90 pt bet. PM for password. No NMRs plz.
0 replies
NigelFarage (1238 D)
17 Dec 12 UTC
The End Of The World Diplomacy IX (LIVE)
So, in honor of the Mayan Apocalypse, I want to start a World Diplomacy IX live game on here. Is anyone interested, and what's a good time for you? I want to have it on the 21st, or the night before, spilling over into the early morning hours.
24 replies
chris (589 D)
20 Dec 12 UTC
New doomsday game :)
1 reply
lordphoenix (953 D)
14 Dec 12 UTC
I miss this this game
Hello i haven't played on this in forever. I played on the original webdiplomacy and the one after it I believe it was Olidiplomacy. I would like to play a game of original. can i find anyone who would like to participate.
9 replies
lordphoenix (953 D)
18 Dec 12 UTC
36 hrs... From thread "i miss this game"
36 hours to join "the revolution"
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Gary123 (1297 D)
17 Dec 12 UTC
Taking over some Imperial Diplomacy II games?
After joining a few Imperial Diplomacy II games, I found out I didn't like the variant and I didn't have enough time for the games. I don't want to make the game unenjoyable for others, and I don't want to NMR, but I'm afraid I might have to if my life stays busy. If anyone wants to take over one or two Imperial Diplomacy games with all-right positions, please PM me and I'll tell you the details.
0 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
WWIV Team Game!!!
Hey, id like to start a team game, but only if there is an alternative to the three person team. Would anyone like to share insight on how to get it started? Would anyone like to commit to a game (regardless of whether or not you have a teammate in mind)??
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Seven teams of five each
What are you thinking? Pick countries beforehand, have a draft of countries....?
Let people join teams, or be assigned teams, or random, or anon but grouped by predetermined country...?
Have 7 team 'captains' that each select/invite/recruit their players?
yagoma (932 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
il join Dr. Recommended
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
I'm down for another team game. I like the teams of two...
Perhaps 17 x 2 players plus one brave player being by himself.
It's not the perfect solution but it is more fair than the 3-player goliath
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
Seven teams of five is also interesting, however.
They would have to be predetermined teams, I would think.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
The three player team isn't ideal, but it really made very little difference in the way the (present game) played out. If you as an individual (and a team) do not make alliances outside of your team, you are cooked. Before starting another of these games, I'd strongly recommend collecting a lot of feedback from lessons learned form passed team games.

There are many more distructive problems to this concept than the perceived advantage of a three nations team. I am playing as a member of the three nation team Frankly I have found my teammates to be more annoying than my enemies and I'm not allowed to attack them to correct their behavior. If anything being saddled with a second mandatory ally is a curse not a blessing.

Boosting the teams to 5 players might work, but as we have discovered int hese games the game dynmaic breaks down if the teams are clustered. Cypeg said it best, when he said that you simple recreate the Colonial (map) CF. Now I like Colonia, and the team game has some fun elements to it, but it's also very cumbersome and needs some tweaking.

The player that initiated this idea has since NMR'd, CD'd, and and abandoned all of his games at VDiplomacy. So it may be difficultt o recapture all of the ground rules for the concept. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing, since his rules were confusing, contradictory, redundant, and unnecessary.

In general when playing team games it makes sense to allow players to assemble their own teams. Equal sized teams makes sense too, but having a few singles or triples in the two man tteam doesn't necessarily ruin it. But for the sake of discussion, why not look at seven five man teams? Players could assemble their own teams or be placed into a pool of mercenaries that would be formed into teams of leftovers. However, to offer the game a truly interesting wrinkle, make the nation assignments random. That way there are five nations scattered around the map that must figure out how to work to their team's best interest.

Another angle would be to allow teams to form but NOT announce their membership until the end of the game. That way you would not be able to tell a mandatory team alliance from a forged alliance.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
Everyone moaning about the three player team now had a chance to take it and no one wanted anything to do with it because it had to include Egypt. The thinking was that Egypt was an unplayable position based upon past results/statistics. But that logic is flawed, and the past Egypt players simply played bad games. Many players have played Egypt very successfully as many of you are aware. Suggesting that the three man team received som overwhelming advantage is rather insulting because it discounts the amount of effort put into the game. Furthermore I played most of this game Contradicting what my other two partners were doing. I had an alliance with another team that my teammates attacked and destroyed against my wishes, leaving me to fend for myself. I only survived long enough to reconcile with my partners because I functioned effectively as a solo nation.

Furthermore this notion discounts the automatic targeting that occurs against the three nation team, behavior thathas continued throughout the game. And there's nothing preventing two pairs of teams from uniteing and forming a four man team for all purposes, as some of the people moaning now have done!
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
17 Nov 12 UTC
The two team games I've been a part of for WWIV (both of which were rather unsatisfactory for various reasons) were a five player team game and a buddy up team game.

The five player team game is the one I would be willing to try again as it's rules were much more clear, however CD's eventually caused this game to be drawn before the mid game. Thread about that last seven teams of five game:

The hardest part would be getting the 35 required players all to not CD, thus I'd recommend high RR (say 90+) on the join parameters and lots of active recruiting by those involved to get enough people to get this off the ground.

The other twist that I would think might improve game play is to do random or semi-random nation assignments as RUFFHAUS suggested (avoid standoff behavior in year 1 by giant alliance blocks). Alliance membership being anon would be much harder (and probably require a GM to moderate) but also might be interesting.

Sign me up, but I'd also want all the rules ironed out and an agreed pause/replace policy for NMR's/CD's for this SRG so that it doesn't fizzle out like the last one.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
The 3-player team may not have been that significant at the earlier parts of the game (in the current ongoing game) but it is quite important at the stage where we are at now. While, yes, your neighbors should have been more aggressive in the early game, now the entire theme of the game is making sure that the 3-man team does not run away with the win.
perhaps we should try a smaller map first to see how things run? say World Diplomacy IX?
yagoma (932 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
im in just send me a pm when u guys are going to start forming the teams and all that
EvW (1771 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
What about a gunboat team game? (:p)
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
I will play if you need another player.
dido. im in. it would be badass if it was choose ur own countries and non anon
mfarb (1338 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
No I posted this specifically for a WW4 two person team game without a three person team. With that being said I see three options.

A. 17 teams of two with one player to take it on by himself

B. 17 teams of two with one player who submits standard builds and then only inputs holds until the odd country is destroyed

C. 17 teams of two with one player who gets special permission from a moderator to create a dummy account and does not summit builds and does not get replaced when CD

The option for a three person team who has to get to 150 sc as oppose to 100 still doesn't solve the fact that there are three people on a team that can't back stab each other.

Personally i would love for everyone to agree on choice A. Would anyone like to volunteer to be the lone player? I believe it woul be fair for he or she to get first pick of their country.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
I'm in! I like choice A.
EvW (1771 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
B and C ->> NO

RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
I am in, and I will take the 35th nation.
EvW (1771 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
Two options then:
A) Countries get assigned an ally.
B) 2 players join the game as a team, and are randomly given 2 different countries (by the site)

I'd chose B. There will be teams with an advantage, but it'll be random.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
I certainly prefer selecting my countries with my partner.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
I still disagree that the three man team has any advantage. The three man team gets automatically targeted by all their neighbors, and has more work to do to succeed. If they overcome this, they deserve any advantage they have earned.

I was of a mind to take the 35th nation just to be helpful, but I've decided that I dont want to play team games. Frankly the team games proposed so far are really just a bad idea. The name of the game is Diplomacy. Froming manadatory teams to force communication and cooperation is contrary to the concept of the game. The only way it would actually be fun in my view is if the teams are secretly formed/assigned and given to a non-playing moderator/observor who tracks the team's progress, and enforces rules, posts standings, etc. That would add an extra element of interest to the game, basically forcing you to wonder if a nation is bound-allied by rule or by honor/obligation/favor/opportunity/guile. As the game progresses the pre-made alliances will become obvious, but no one would no them to start off. Doing this with seven five man team seems best since there are some people who are never goin to stop griping about the so-called advantage of a three man team.

EvW (1771 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
That would be interesting...
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
19 Nov 12 UTC

I like.. count me in if that ever gets off the ground.

(I'm becoming of the opinion more and more that most SRG's need a GM to run smoothly).
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
My two cents on the 3-man team is not that it unbalances the game dramatically. It is true that that smart neighboring players should keep that team in check during the early game. My beef is that the 3-player team sets the tone for the entire game. Either the 3-man team is beat down early on or else the entirety of the game is framed around the rest of the world having to team up to keep them in check.
In the team game that is currently in play, the 3-man team was not dealt with early on and is clearly the dominant force in the game. With their current team total of 60 SCs out of a needed 100, it seems that the 3-man team was dominant at about the half way point of the game. Like I said, this may have been fair and balanced but it has had a HUGE impact on the flow of the game and that is not quite as fun. It is hard to imagine that 17 2-player teams and 1 solo player would have such a dramatic global effect.
mfarb (1338 D)
20 Nov 12 UTC
so far:

single person team- butterhead: eygpt
team 1- mfarb congo & bluecthulhu kenya
TheHeat91 (1182 D)
20 Nov 12 UTC
When do you think this will start?
mfarb (1338 D)
20 Nov 12 UTC
Hopefully when we get 16 more teams the moderator will start a game
Mapu (2086 D (B))
20 Nov 12 UTC
Mapu and player to be named soon: India and Thailand.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
20 Nov 12 UTC
Mapu and Dr. Recommended: India and Thailand
J-Max (1080 D)
20 Nov 12 UTC
count me in if u still need more players

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Hollywood (1423 D)
10 Dec 12 UTC
Imperial Dip II(new map) suggestion
Wasnt sure where else to post this, but on the WWIV map, when submitting orders, it's been invaluable that when lands are noted at only initials even on the blown up map, that the initials are also in parantheses when you're submitting orders, it's very confusing right now in some select regions
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Nov 12 UTC
suggestion in order to reduce misorders
I don't want to annoy you with a discussion about the issues from misorders.
Simply they usually happen. Expecially when you have to handle a large number of units and you're not familiar with the regions' names. It's not unusual to make mistakes with all those large map variants.
50 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
13 Dec 12 UTC
Games with fascinating end maps on vDip
While wondering if I was going to join a Year 2020 game, I decide to check out the 6 games already finished and found this impressive, everything but Japan result. ?gameID=4221
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Blank Cheque (1006 D)
13 Dec 12 UTC
Question About Self-Dislodgement
Are self-dislodgements allowed?
1 reply
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
12 Dec 12 UTC
Variant Page bug: Bosnia
It seems as though the variant page has been hacked by Bosnians. Just kidding (hopefully) but the page is down. I tried to access the page and saw:
Error triggered: Undefined index: Bosnia.
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 12 UTC
Rule Change - Known World 901
see below:
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
Is this variant build anywhere?
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Anon (?? D)
10 Dec 12 UTC
Seven years' war! Public press enlightenment and succession!
Join the first public press version of enlightenment and succession, and see how exciting we can make this new variant! It's also WTA, with only ten poit buy in! Five more spots, hurry hurry hurry!
6 replies
Halt (2077 D)
12 Dec 12 UTC
Fast Game
Anyone up for a quick game of Europe 1939? Buy in is 20G with 5 mins/phase. gameID=11544
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tiger (1653 D)
12 Dec 12 UTC
This variant is based on WWII but starts in 1901 lol someone should fix this
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 Dec 12 UTC
Server reset!
I moved the database to a new server.
Should work much better now, but we lost the last 10 hours.
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butterhead (1272 D)
28 Nov 12 UTC
The Capitols SRG!
Just a thought for a SRG I had based off of Kal's comment in the Nuclear Diplomacy thread.
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Nonevah (804 D)
10 Dec 12 UTC
Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy struck and ended up taking out my power. While the power came back a few days after, my computer had broken down. I then had to get it fixed. And then, after that, I ended up completely forgetting Vdip for a week or two until now... what do i do?
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Myself538 (1018 D)
02 Dec 12 UTC
Degenerative Diplomacy
Read below for more
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NigelFarage (1238 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
It seems ridiculously imbalanced. Anyone finish a game of it yet? How did it work out?
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Mapu (2086 D (B))
07 Dec 12 UTC
VDip super SLOW
It's been very very slow the past day or two. Does the server need a reboot or something? Anyone else seeing this?
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Cunnilingus (1603 D)
08 Dec 12 UTC
3v3 Team Game
Looking for 3 players who want to play a team game in Greek Diplomacy. My team will be Sparta, Athens, and Pella. The other team will be Byzantium, Sardis, and Rhodes.
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drwiggles (1582 D)
07 Dec 12 UTC
"Lets create a new empire together"
I haven't played in a while, and I'm taking it slow.
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
06 Dec 12 UTC
EoGs for the 1066 V2.0 test
Here's the game, I'll type up my take on it later (when I'm at my computer and not iPad lol)
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Hollywood (1423 D)
06 Dec 12 UTC
How do I find a game I joined that hasn't started yet?
I want to leave a game of Imperial Dip II I joined but want to leave it because it has a 3 day phase, but I can't find it in search anywhere
1 reply
Özil (782 D)
04 Dec 12 UTC
Imperial II
On the variant description the map is too small :-(
23 replies
crixno (1248 D)
04 Dec 12 UTC
Imperial Diplomacy II
I am so happy that they finally put Imperial Diplomacy II which is my favorite Diplomacy variant of all time onto Vdiplomacy! I don't know if my suggestion on the variant posting forum about getting this variant onto Vdiplomacy was ever looked at abut maybe it was...
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
04 Dec 12 UTC
Better handling for large-maps?
Any programmers out there?
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