A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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gman314 (1016 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Whittle Down Tournament spares
We need two spares for the Whittle Down Tournament. No phases have processed so you do not have a positional disadvantage. We will accept any players with at least 5 D and who have been on the site long enough to have no reliability rating problems. PM for game link and password if you are interested.
6 replies
JeffDG (1191 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Automatically Proceeding if only one option
This would be an excellent enhancement, particularly late in the game when someone is on the verge of defeat and loses interest.
2 replies
GOD (1883 D Mod (B))
08 Feb 12 UTC
Annoying Message :'(
here is a message, in theory you should be able to go on "messages" look whqat happened and then the sign that you`ve got a message disappears...but there is no "messages" option!
4 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
"Whittle Down" Tournament Sign-up Thread
Sign up for "Whittle Down" Tournament here!
Details inside and on
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Leif_Syverson (1683 D Mod)
20 Jan 12 UTC
outta curiosity, how are CD's handled? Automatic double elim?
Venetia (1587 D)
20 Jan 12 UTC
I'm in, if you want me.
Venetia (1587 D)
20 Jan 12 UTC
Sorry, I forgot to post the updated list.
1) gman314
2) Vlad the Leninater
3) Diplomat33
4) mispelledlazer
5) Fasces349
6) Spartan22
7) Ender
8) Steephie22
9) octopus_seppuku
10) drano019
11) myLAAN
12) SacredDigits
13) The Ambassador
14) G
15) kaner406
16) gantz
17) butterhead
18) LakersFan
19) ezpickins
20) Venetia
butterhead (1272 D)
20 Jan 12 UTC
to help gman out in keeping track:
1) gman314
2) Vlad the Leninater
3) Diplomat33
4) mispelledlazer
5) Fasces349
6) Spartan22
7) Ender
8) Steephie22
9) octopus_seppuku
10) drano019
11) myLAAN
12) SacredDigits
13) The Ambassador
14) G
15) kaner406
16) gantz
17) butterhead
18) LakersFan
19) ezpickins
20) Venetia
gman314 (1016 D)
20 Jan 12 UTC
I'm not sure how we should handle CDs. That's the only topic that I didn't address. I think that yes, we should do automatic double elimination, but how do we handle the game they would have downgraded to? Do we get a replacement? Do we downsize it?
myLAAN (1109 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
Unless the CD happens just around the phase where the game is decided, there should be time for finding a replacement for the losers' bracket game. So, in the current game, the CD won't be replaced but a new player will substitute in the following one. At least that's my first idea.
butterhead (1272 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
Hopefully with having a sign-up thread like this we won't have any CD's, but in the case that we do, a player from a "replacement" list could take over the country that CD's and if they get eliminated they play the loser game... just a though
How many more do we need? About a dozen? Sign up, sign up for the all-singing, all-dancing Whittle Down extravaganza!
gman314 (1016 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
We need 14 more. I'll give it until the end of January and if we don't have enough I'll try to reformat with a 19-player game as the first one. The others will be kept as spares. Jimbozig also contacted me via PM as a possible sub. He doesn't have the time to commit to such a major tournament.
Myself538 (1018 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
I'd like in if i could

1) gman314
2) Vlad the Leninater
3) Diplomat33
4) mispelledlazer
5) Fasces349
6) Spartan22
7) Ender
8) Steephie22
9) octopus_seppuku
10) drano019
11) myLAAN
12) SacredDigits
13) The Ambassador
14) G
15) kaner406
16) gantz
17) butterhead
18) LakersFan
19) ezpickins
20) Venetia
22) Myself538
bozo (2302 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
1) gman314
2) Vlad the Leninater
3) Diplomat33
4) mispelledlazer
5) Fasces349
6) Spartan22
7) Ender
8) Steephie22
9) octopus_seppuku
10) drano019
11) myLAAN
12) SacredDigits
13) The Ambassador
14) G
15) kaner406
16) gantz
17) butterhead
18) LakersFan
19) ezpickins
20) Venetia
21) Lief_Syverson
22) Myself538
23) bozo
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
out of interest; will the initial WWIV game be anon.?
butterhead (1272 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
kaner... he said in the beginning that all games would be anon...
butterhead (1272 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
4th post(after Diplomat's posts
papabearbrodie (874 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
I am interested
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
1) gman314
2) Vlad the Leninater
3) Diplomat33
4) mispelledlazer
5) Fasces349
6) Spartan22
7) Ender
8) Steephie22
9) octopus_seppuku
10) drano019
11) myLAAN
12) SacredDigits
13) The Ambassador
14) G
15) kaner406
16) gantz
17) butterhead
18) LakersFan
19) ezpickins
20) Venetia
21) Lief_Syverson
22) Myself538
23) bozo
24) papabearbrodie
gman314 (1016 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
They have to be anon. Otherwise alliances between players could very easily appear.
gman314 (1016 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
adammaa (1323 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
I think I'll do this

1) gman314
2) Vlad the Leninater
3) Diplomat33
4) mispelledlazer
5) Fasces349
6) Spartan22
7) Ender
8) Steephie22
9) octopus_seppuku
10) drano019
11) myLAAN
12) SacredDigits
13) The Ambassador
14) G
15) kaner406
16) gantz
17) butterhead
18) LakersFan
19) ezpickins
20) Venetia
21) Lief_Syverson
22) Myself538
23) bozo
24) papabearbrodie
25) adammaa
Wolfman (1230 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
gman314, might have been covered and I didn't notice. What kind of points will be needed and what kind of length of phases?
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
@wolfman- "All games will be Anonymous, PPSC, 5 point bet, 36 hour phases, full press, no set end time. The only exceptions are the Final and the Rat Wars games which are all WTA."
gman314 (1016 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
Thanks butterhead!
Myself538 (1018 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
Just a question, say someone isn't able to complete a phase, so they leave, and then a person who lost in a previous match joins in in that spot, how would that be judged? Ex: Someone who lost in around the first match joins in the near final game, and ends up winning? Fair or Unfair?
gman314 (1016 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
You can't play in the tournament twice. The replacements will not be players who were previously eliminated.
Myself538 (1018 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
But how would you know? Not saying I would do it or anything, but since their Anon games, you couldn't tell who was in them, untill it ended. You could just join to spam the game or something. You couldn't tell if you were playing competitors, ppl trying to annoy others, or just some innocent person who joined the game innocently. (hopefully) How would you go about this problem?
gman314 (1016 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Only telling the players playing in a certain game the password. All the games will obviously be password protected and while I will start the first game as well as all the others that I play in, I will ask other players in the other games to create them and then PM their competitors with passwords. If a replacement is needed, then they will be given the password for the game which they need to join.
Myself538 (1018 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
I guess that works.
Wolfman (1230 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Thanks butterhead. I think I would like to join. Sounds like a cool tourney. Sign me up.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
23 Jan 12 UTC
1) gman314
2) Vlad the Leninater
3) Diplomat33
4) mispelledlazer
5) Fasces349
6) Spartan22
7) Ender
8) Steephie22
9) octopus_seppuku
10) drano019
11) myLAAN
12) SacredDigits
13) The Ambassador
14) G
15) kaner406
16) gantz
17) butterhead
18) LakersFan
19) ezpickins
20) Venetia
21) Lief_Syverson
22) Myself538
23) bozo
24) papabearbrodie
25) adammaa
26) Wolfman
Please make the games at least 2 days a phase.

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176 replies
GOD (1883 D Mod (B))
07 Feb 12 UTC
two more players!
3 replies
kaug (1220 D)
08 Feb 12 UTC
Haven Question
How come ShiningStream and Ahnondo Plain are connected? Does not look like it on the map and just noticed the samurai moving a fleet from one to another
1 reply
Ienpw_III (980 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
Unread message in gunboat game.
Someone missed the first phase in a gunboat game I'm in and now there's a permanent "unread message" notification at the top. Is there any way to get rid of it?
4 replies
taos (839 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
i am looking for midle east or asia players for webdip world cup
please contact me in
i am taos also there
you dont need to be the best or experienced
0 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
05 Feb 12 UTC
How to make a map?
Is that requires knowledge of some language?
7 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
06 Feb 12 UTC
Superbowl XLVI
Giants win...
Madonna gives me a headache...
44 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
07 Feb 12 UTC
I came all of the way over to this foreign site... To play a classic game.
One day phase, 5 point bet, points per center. If you want to join, let me know and I'll PM you the password. Let's go!
1 reply
When will they find the Higgs Boson?
It needs to happen soon. Its taken long enough already!
5 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
06 Feb 12 UTC
Getting my own phpDiplo variant set to "practice" tactics.
Hey guys, I'm wanting to get my own set of variants, such as the traditional variant and the build anywhere variant, to practice tactics and look at the game from all points of view. Its something to do on my own time, that sort of thing. But i'm only literate when it comes to the computer to a certain point. If anyone could show me the guiding light, I'd appreciate it.
2 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
05 Feb 12 UTC
VDip Policy Question
If a country goes abandoned, is it automatically announced? And if a country is taken over by a new power, is it automatically announced?
6 replies
GOD (1883 D Mod (B))
06 Feb 12 UTC
countrys sent CD
game not startet yet but qould be nice if you coud take over one of the two cities :))
0 replies
0 replies
GOD (1883 D Mod (B))
02 Feb 12 UTC
Anyone interested in paying a world IX?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
20 Jan 12 UTC
Gamers Wanted.
Think you have what it takes to defeat the mighty King Atom?
If so, you probably do! But don't take my word for it...sign up for my all-new tournament idea! Details to come at a latter time.
83 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
05 Feb 12 UTC
Three player game!
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
Whatever happened to VPL and AVPL and NASDAQ and whatever it was those people called themselves?
6 replies
Abstraction III
36hr phases
0 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
Replacement Needed. Good Position.
A replacement is needed for the South American Tournament game for Brazil.gameID=5487. Join quick before position worsens.
WARNING! If you join this game and finish within in the top 5 players, you will be placed into the second round of the the tourny. If you do not wish to do so but want to join, I can arrange something so that you can play only this game. thank you
2 replies
Leif_Syverson (1683 D Mod)
01 Feb 12 UTC
How many concurrent games are you running?
I just counted and discovered I'm in 13 games right now with 4 waiting to start...
(not to mention 4 more over on webdip. On top of that, I'm TA'ing one SoW game and soon to be TA'ing a second..)

Anybody else concur that I have an addiction?
28 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
KingDip is Coming Your Way!
Yes, this is still happening. Sign up now...etc. etc.KingDip Tournaments are being thought of. Earn Honor to prove that YOU are the true King of VDip.
See thread for details:
4 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Silent Madness!
Join Silent Madness! A Chaoctopi gunboat!
2 replies

JOIN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
62 replies
~:Prestige:~ (804 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
i cant join any game! PLease do something
2 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Lord of Ultima
Anyone playing Lord of Ultima?
26 replies
rudekker (1017 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
Anonymous Fog of War

It's sorta one of my favorite boards, you guys.
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
bring it on!
I like this map, and want to get another game.
any thoughts on why there is no description?
2 replies
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