A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
02 Apr 12 UTC
World Chaos
This may seem a little crazy, but would it be possible to make a Chaos variant of World Diplomacy IX where each player controls two provinces in completely different areas? It would require a lot of people but I think it would make a very interesting game...
0 replies
JLB (761 D)
01 Apr 12 UTC
One player needed for Pirates game.
0 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
01 Apr 12 UTC
RR Boost game
Hey all. Advertising on forum for another player. He started a game for those of you looking to get a few more phases in to get an "A" rating. Classic WTA gunboat with custom start. Minimum buy-in, 10 days to start, 2 days a phase.

0 replies
raapers2 (1787 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Concede Button
In light of the new option to change the total SCs needed for a win, I was wondering if it would also be possible to add a 'concede' button in the row with draw, cancel, etc.
75 replies
tt612 (1404 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
101 reasons why you should join Chaos
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Myself538 (1018 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
Reason # 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862840...) I'll hit you with a pie if you don't
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
66) You can never be in enough "entertainment value only" games
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
67) Because game limits are meant to be broken
King Atom (1186 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
68) Because Chaos is for everyone.

69) Because tt says so.

70) Because there is always the chance...that you will get Smyrna.
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
71) You can attempt the challenge to survive he first year as Spain
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
73) Spain will survive if you unites with Portugal in the Iberian Union
King Atom (1186 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
Hey wouldn't this be great as a team game?

72) Was skipped...
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
74) We did try it as a team game once, but like 3 countries were the same dude, stupid multi...
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
76) how is that a reason?
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
77) Well we did need another reason! :P which is also the reason for this reason, ya dig?
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
78) no
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
79) we are one less than half way there, join
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
80) we are now half way there, join
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
81) And we still have a whole week left!
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
82) JOIN!!!
King Atom (1186 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
83) 75) was skipped.
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
75) no it wasn't
Shep315 (1435 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
84) It'll be just like the Hunger Games
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
85) the real reason I made this list? To sink the winning thread
butterhead (1272 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
86) 85 is not working
Strider (1604 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
101) sorry jumping ahead but did't read then all.
Just to be in it °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° yeah
87) because 17 people have joined
butterhead (1272 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
88) because we are only 15 away and need to play this game!!!
King Atom (1186 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
90) Because you have to bump often
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
91) The link is at the top
When viewing it from the home page (on the sidebar the thread is shown) you cannot see the link.

92) Just because
tt612 (1404 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
but you still would have to open the thread to see yours as well.
I know.
King Atom (1186 D)
23 Mar 12 UTC
93) Idiots...idiots everywhere...

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162 replies
Is this possible?
Is it possible, as Germany (with support from Italy), to take over France by Autumn 1940 in this variant:
5 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
sitter needed
i will be away for a week and im in many gunboats so i cant pause most of my games...could someone play my games for the next week?
12 replies
Geronimo (1195 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
please contact me quickly as I have a rule query in an active game
1 reply
Praed (868 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
Two replacements needed for Fast (12hr), Classic, Full Press
France and Russia available. Game hasn't started yet so we're at Spring 1901.
3 replies
Raro (1449 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Join Destructor Force!
A fast and fierce gunboat! gameID=7041

4 replies
Mafialligator (863 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Ridiculously high reliability requirements
Hey, everyone? I don't think we need to insist on every game involving people who've already played 500 phases and never even missed one. I think anyone with a reliability rating over 90% is probably perfectly reliable and maybe just once or twice had a problem with their internet connection.
It's a neat feature but let's not go overboard hmmm?
31 replies
Avast ye lubbers! Join me game, if ye got the salt!
Aaaaaarrrrrgh you ready to Swaaaaashbuckle? Choose yer own scalawag and try to survive the canon fire.
Release the Kraken!
6 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Just started a world war 4 map i need a lot of players
1 reply
cypeg (2619 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
I still believe it is a bug
the game is h
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) cannot support move to.from and now the fleet at SIR cannot convoy army from
3 replies
Varianto (1894 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
someone please take over USA?

All options open. No one attacking you (yet?).
0 replies
Praed (868 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Fast (12hr) game

Non-anon, full press.
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Greek Gunboat

Join now or Thucydides will philosophise you to death.
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Sitter Action
Attention VDip Community, I am going out of town for seven days following this sunday. I would appreciate it greatly if some kind sir would step up and sit for me.
10 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Looking for a replacement in a Greek game
We are just starting, still in bidding phase. Please join up as Persia if you can.

0 replies
payne4life (1036 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
The CHaos Game is too crazy
What mad man made this game.. my head is throbing when i read these messages... and it cost me 30 D to join my first game... AYUDAME!
8 replies
sampson2 (843 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
New game of Classic, Fog of war

Any queries just ask
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
20 Mar 12 UTC
Fight for Honor, Fight for Glory, Fight for Prestige!
I am looking for a few good men (it would be nice to have women, but they are in short supply here) to compete in the Prestige Series!

107 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
Kalling kamikazes 2 Kolumbia
Need replacement gameID=6575
Balance of power Fall of American Empire IV
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Mar 12 UTC
The most awesome facial hair of all time
This topic just needed its own separate thread to relieve pressure in the "Where U From" thread. I claim that late Hapsburg Empire aristocrats beat Civil War generals and Gilded Age Industrialists. Discuss. No one has argued for the Akkadian Empire yet.
5 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Need a replacement for Japan
Good position, pretty early on

2 replies
Cordedkrieg (833 D)
28 Mar 12 UTC
World War, Baby!
Join to game on World map!
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~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
28 Mar 12 UTC
See it,,,lol
Italy: Retreats
The fleet at Trieste retreat to Albania.
The army at Holland disbandBuild fleet at Holland.
1 reply
Alcuin (1454 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Bug in Known World 901
It's possible to move a fleet from Gulf of Aden to North German Sea. Could this bug be removed please... and where certain players have taken advantage... well it's rather unsporting isn't it? Could their moves be rescinded?
6 replies
crixno (1248 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Roman Empire Collapsing
here are my ideas for a variant i'm making! Plz let me know your ideas and other stuff!
22 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
suspect player
in case we suspect a player/s of foul play or playing too many games with another player, who do we contact?
1 reply
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