A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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guak (1262 D X)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Sitter or Pause needed
Hello, I am Venezuela and am going away on an unannounced job trip tomorrow night to a place where I will have no internet access at all and won't be able to return until late Sunday night or early morning.
14 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
First ever game of Chaoctoboat!
Totally random! It's 5 credits each, a bit like a scratch and win ticket honestly, but I'm willing to give it a try unlike real lotto draws :D Let's see if we can get one going, just to say we did!
2 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
17 Jun 11 UTC
The vDip GuestMap
Please read some guidelines inside, they are important.
(disregard the previous post)
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Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
23 Jun 11 UTC
Gonna try this again: a small-pot Mat Against Mate game ~

1 reply
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Mate against Mate
Guys here's a small-pot Mate against Mate ~ Feel free to join ~
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
22 Jun 11 UTC
Random 1v1. Are you lucky enough? xD
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Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
The Big Map is Back!
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twid (952 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Bet size 1
Whenever I create a game, and no matter what bet size I specify, I end up with a bet size of 1. Has anybody else experienced this problem?
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BenGuin (1529 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Help! I can't put in some orders... In gameID=1582
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AdamNTM (965 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
For a MOD: Game "Quest for the Golden Fleece" CRASHED???
Please help!
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ashleygirl (1285 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
First off I do not want to offend anyone, please don't take this the wrong way. Why the fighting and name calling? Not everyone has the same style of play...that does not make them bad people. This site is supposed to be fun. Oli and others work hard to create variants and keep this site going, so for his sake, lets heed the last words that show up whenever he posts a new variant...HAVE FUN!
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canaduh (1293 D)
21 Jun 11 UTC
Unable to move
Hi, Oli :I cannot move from RIA to KUA in World War IV game - It just freezes when I try to put in the 'via land' component.

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Pimlico (1097 D)
20 Jun 11 UTC
New Game Greek Economy "The Strong Economy"
Looking for players for this one. Please sign up
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Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 Jun 11 UTC
Random 3 way battle!
Full press. May the negotiations begin!
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kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
19 Jun 11 UTC
WWIV - Gunboat - More Needed!!!!
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RoxArt (1732 D)
03 Jun 11 UTC
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Jun 11 UTC
You know.....
I've been winning for almost a week now.
1 reply
myrmidon (798 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
ClassicVS without England and Russia
I wanted to try a new ClassicVS game out without having England or Russia... join up and lets see how it goes
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kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
17 Jun 11 UTC
FoW WWIV more needed!!!

Join up - but finalise as fast as you can please.
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Benibo (1143 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Game mechanics question
Can a fleet move from Portugal to Spain (sc), while at the same time another fleet moves from Spain (sc) to Portugal?
And, more important as there is an ongoing game, how does it work on this site?
7 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
Pause Request
Need a pause in gameID=1868 due to a hold out. Thanks.
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ashleygirl (1285 D)
18 Jun 11 UTC
sitter needed
I am in a WW IV game with two day phases and I fear that it will not be over in 2 or 3 weeks. Any interest in sitting please post. Sorry, no noobs.
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TBroadley (1202 D)
17 Jun 11 UTC
Race for the Tape
In contrast to Austria and Italy, Russia and Turkey often make a strong alliance against the rest of the board, called a Juggernaut. But what happens when there's no one else to ally against?
12 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
17 Jun 11 UTC
Antagonism: Classic VS!
Italy and Austria often go to war in the Classic map, and get pounced on by happy neighbours.
So what if we removed the pesky neighbours?
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
15 Jun 11 UTC
There is a really nasty bug in the ClassicVS variant
You might not be able to view your home-screen if you play 2 or more ClassicVS games. I'll try to fix this, but it can take some time.
You shouldn't joint too much games, and I might have to draw ClassicVS games as they make problems without announcing (did so on 2 games already)
3 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
Ankara Crescent
Since spam and creative forum posts are so popular on this site, I think that we should play Ankara Crescent. You cannot post twice in a row. I will start by moving from Berlin to Vienna by helicopter.
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whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
06 Jun 11 UTC
Damn your oily hide...
mesocell (980 D)
06 Jun 11 UTC
Whilst no one is looking, I move my fleet from Albania to Livonia via a new Diolkos carved out of the Russian steppe and Balkans using a red herring.
Success in Holburn! I'll build some trolls in Undermountain and send them into NYC. That's a good fit.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
07 Jun 11 UTC
My army which has been wintering in NYC retreats to Pennsylvania.
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
My Nunavutian Forces will ride our Polar Bear Allies into Norther Quebec, securing our supply of Snowshoes for the year.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
Unfortunately Faux your move failed, because my army in Northern Quebec was ordered to hold, and according to the North Pole Revision, 1977, holding armies in Northern Quebec, Greenland and Iceland cannot be dislodged by forces riding Polar Bear Allies.
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
Curses. Taken your Golden Compass Token and be done with it. I have plotting to do.
Moving NYC to Columbia, supported by Syria, dislodging the neutral drug lord. Anyone need some coke?
Shep315 (1435 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
ha, finally I can take the moon, by using an Apollo rocket from Houston supported by Neil Armstrong and JFK
Take the moon Shep, its only made of cheese anyway. Please let me know which variety when you get there. If Comté it may have strategic value. But if its that Edam rubbish you can have it. Oh, Holborn moves to Calgary.
mesocell (980 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
In a not so surprise move, Atlanta moves to Winnipeg with support from the NHL.
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
I'm ordering the army stationed in my backyard to grab shovels and start digging, and not stop until they reach China. I'm predicting they'll be bounced by Wile E Coyote, so I've negotiated support from Fauxlosophy's fleet in my bathtub.
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
We take the Whiskey that was offered to us in turn for this support and use it to fuel our Pubcrawl from Iceland through to Edinborough.
canaduh (1293 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
The recent EU rules on unique products means that the pub crawl through the "Edinborough" Fringe constitutes a violation of EU regulations so the Iceland Dublin move is blocked, leaving my fastnet racer ample opportunity to horbour on the Liffy, and paint Dublin the colour of guiness. Haaa!
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
The army in Somalia move to Dublin via Refugee Status. This move is supported by international and Irish law, and so may not be blocked. Now I can stop canaduh painting Dublin with such a horrible colour!
Gobbledygook you've obviously never heard of the Pacific Solution where you can stop all boat people and send them off to pissy little Pacific countries for a six pack of beer and promise of more. And for the record Siberia is supported by my hovercrafts in the Norwegian Sea into Clyde. By holding Columbia, Calgary and Clyde I'm now eligible for the Triple C badge of Awesomeness.
mesocell (980 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
But but you forget the stipulation from the Canton Continuity Commission, and 970 decree from Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor, that any claim to the Triple C badge must include the city of Constantinople. That city is currently held by default by gman. My fleet in Livonia S holds Constantinople, and makes generally rude gestures towards your armed forces.
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
My Army will move to Oslo on a ship made out of stray logs and twine with only a volleyball as a support.
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
Canada is outraged by the Triple C badge's occupation of Calgary, I attack the unit in Calgary with my fleet is Regina and support it with my army in Vancouver.
Shep315 (1435 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
the moon as it turns out is made of Swiss cheese, and my domination of it allows me to change Switzerland to a passable territory under my control and turns all my armies into Angry Birds, which I now move to Tokyo via slingshot
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
Unfortunately Shep, by the Godzilla Amendment of 1967 and Final Accord VII, Tokyo is always considered to have a Neutral Natural Disaster, Creature or White Haired Pretty Boy that can only be overcome by a tall haired teenager.
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
08 Jun 11 UTC
Fasces, as mesocell correctly points out I need Constantinople to be eligible for the Triple C badge. As a result I can only lay claim to the lowercase Triple c badge. Fortunately that allows me to pull my magic sword out from my scabbard and say, "By the power of Greyskull... I have the power!" Instead of pointing my magic sword at a scaredy cat I point it at your armies of Regina and Vancouver, causing their bodies to magically combine into just one unit. I can now use the Roddenberry Ruling of 1966 to teleport them into either the newly combined territory of Rencouver or Vagin... Wait a second!!!!
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
Damn my refugees got intercepted.
Fine, Army in Pacific Islands move to USS Enterprise via Beer-bribing.
Now I have an aircraft carrier!
Wyyrlok (871 D)
09 Jun 11 UTC
The disgrace of Anthony Wiener has now opened up an extra move to Serbia. I however, use the Canning principle to make it safely to Namibia
I call on the Rule of Pi to ensure my army in Mongolia successfully grabs Budapest.
Alcuin (1454 D)
10 Jun 11 UTC
Well that leaves that part of the board fairly quiet apart from the threat to Egypt, so I shall move from Wales to Patagonia by coracle.
I move this thread to the top of the Forum list, knocking the 'Winning' thread off the top.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
10 Jun 11 UTC
USS Enterprise moves to Mid-Atlantic Ocean. Prepare F-35 jets.
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
11 Jun 11 UTC
Our Northern armies advance on battered Seals to the hallowed shores of Rengina, supported by our Ungavanese Polar Allies.
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
11 Jun 11 UTC
I think Ambassador wins the game. Or, at least, he gets my vote.

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ezpickins (1610 D)
16 Jun 11 UTC
something strange
R,T, E, F
3 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
16 Jun 11 UTC
The WebDip GuestMap

Please read some guidelines inside, they are important.
11 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
A Couple O' Games
Thinking of taking a break soon, but I want to give it a few more go rounds before I go

8 replies
Catch23 (884 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Live Rinascimento Game
Summer Is here, and for High School, aswell as collage, school is over. So, if we could make a live, or semi-live (about 6hr phase) for the Italian Rinascimento Varient. Post if intrested. ( optional teams)
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