A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
graykabes (1465 D)
Sun 11 PM UTC
Speed Europa Retreat Option Fix
So I am in the middle of a Speed Europa game. I was forced to retreat from Barent's Sea and the options I was given were Iceland, North Atlantic Ocean, and Serbia. Siberia borders Barent's Sea but Serbia does not (as you can probably imagine). I retreated to Serbia thinking that maybe it was a typo and I would retreat to Siberia. But I did in fact retreat to Serbia, with a fleet! So if somebody knows how to fix this, that'd be great. The game name is: Speed Europa Gunboat
4 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
12 Mar 11 UTC
Oli won.
On Imperial Civilization's off-topic thread (link inside), there was a brief stint of Second to Last Person to Post Wins. Now that the thread is closed, Oli won.
10382 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Advertise your NON-live games here!
In an effort to compromise the pro-ads versus anti-ads for games: Post here for your non-live games to cut down on the number of ads but still advertise games. Post game link, WTA or PPSC, and the bet. Note: this doesn't count for special rules games.
3396 replies
x3n (1540 D)
Wed 05 Jun UTC
Our PPSC game scored as if WTA
Pot = 40 points. Three-way draw at 11, 14, and 15 SC.
Game is listed as PPSC, but awarded 13 points (40/3) to each person.
I'm not worried about the points, but if it's a bug I wanted to let y'all know.
6 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
Mon 03 Jun UTC
Variants to Include in a Printed Collection
Several variant creators in the community are looking to create a curated collection of variants. The idea is that groups in the hobby will be able to have this collection printed and shipped to them. That way, the hobby can have easy access to alternatives to playing modifications of the Classic board if they can't get exactly 7 players to meet.
13 replies
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
Mon 27 May UTC
So how ranking changes are calculated?
I soloed two times in Classic, and each gave me about 200 points, and this variant has 17 players, so I thought it'll be about 450 points or so. Now I get 861 points and reach #21. So how ranking changes are calculated?
2 replies
AlphaCopernicus (922 D)
Wed 29 May UTC
Is it possible to delete your account?
I've had my fun and wish to leave, I have big things coming up and can't afford to be distracted. But I can't find any option to delete an account. Is there any way to do so?
8 replies
Seagull_Head (958 D)
Mon 27 May UTC
Applying to be a mod for private games
Hi, I have introduced my colleagues to Diplomacy and we all love it. However, for the next time we play, it would be great to be able to play with faster turns, but pause it over weekends and evenings.
Is there any way to get mod privileges without taking part in dozens of private games?
5 replies
erikip107 (2584 D)
10 Jan 24 UTC
ER Team Game Revival
Hey Folks! I was recently thinking about the Europa Renevatio Team game we did a couple years ago and I think we can do it again, better this time. Among the improvements, it may be ideal to determine the teams ahead of time and make them public so we can try to come up with a "balanced" set of 9 teams of 4. Would anyone else (err... 35 others?) want to give it a shot?
161 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
Sun 26 May UTC
VDippers going to WDC?
Hi folks, as listeners of the podcast know I'll be attending WDC when it kicks off in less than a week...
1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
23 May 24 UTC
May 2024 Deadline News is Out!
May Deadline News just released - preview of summer cons, interview with DBN's Bryan Pravel, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
MariTheAlien (1000 D)
11 May 24 UTC
Any SEA Players? Newbie here looking to find some community!
Hey! I'm Alien, a player based in the Philippines (GMT+8). I got introduced to Diplomacy around this time last year, and I'm finally getting back into the hobby since summer is just around the corner. It's been a struggle finding people to talk to or play with since this hobby isn't the *most* accessible, and most of the players seem to be from the US and EU. Is there anyone from in and around the SEA region looking to link up and organize some games?
4 replies
bache (1024 D X)
27 Apr 24 UTC
need more players for this map
3 replies
Chrimol (980 D)
10 May 24 UTC
Greek Diplomacy, need Athens and Sparta
0 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
09 May 24 UTC
IA Map Bugs with New Variant
I've got a variant I'm adding called Incensed. In the playtesting, there are issues with the interactive map. Certain regions work just fine. But there are some regions that don't get highlighted or can't really be clicked on. I'm not sure what the issue is. Seems like it also depends on what browser is being used, too. Any variant creators run into similar issues or know what might be the cause/solution?
1 reply
Kusiag (1000 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need players for 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
Need to fill: 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
6 replies
Seagull_Head (958 D)
28 Apr 24 UTC
Private game, players want to concede
Hi we are playing a private game at our workplace, two players wish to resign. However, it is not clear how this works. Any advice appreciated! Thanks
4 replies
PeterStretch (1053 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need one more for "WWVI Brawl" Join Code: Start
Gunboat, fog of war game. Classic map.

One more to start!
0 replies
Mitomon’s Gobble Earth Team Game!
Here we will start taking names for whoever wants to play Mitomon’s version of Gobble Earth Teams. The game will be anonymous and have random country assignments. These are the teams:
29 replies
bache (1024 D X)
22 Apr 24 UTC
any 1-1 game variant?
(except Coldwar Classic E-T,G-R)
3 replies
Mitomon (2196 D)
22 Apr 24 UTC
Colombia Solo'd in Gobble Earth?
When did this happen, how do I find the game, and was this a real game or a set up?
6 replies
erikip107 (2584 D)
18 Apr 24 UTC
Vdip Local Meta
Hey guys! I'm curious what you guys think of the local meta here on Vdip, especially compared to other places (i.e. live-person tournaments, webdip, personal friend groups, other & etc.). I've never played anywhere outside of Vdip, having learned the game here and never expanding elsewhere, and I'm curious!
9 replies
David Hood (976 D)
21 Apr 24 UTC
April 2024 Deadline News Is Out
April 2024 edition of Deadline just released on DBN. Includes interview with recent tournament winner Steve Hogue, a feature on a new virtual Backstabbr league with TD Tyler Francis, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
mc3639708 (1000 D X)
18 Apr 24 UTC
WHERE CAN I BUY COUNTERFEIT MONEY, (‪whatsapp +447436442801)
Buy high-quality undetectable grade AA+ counterfeit money Online, real fake passports,id cards,drivers license WhatsApp: ‪+447436442801

0 replies
MagicalSand (1822 D)
30 Mar 24 UTC
The Sandquest
So I've seen some players here go on some grand "quests" I'll say to play every variant on the site. I've decided I want to join the club and do so aswell, but I want to do so with some sort of cool "twist". Trying to solo every variant is a little impractical, and I'm not certain about something super simple like making them all gunboats. So anyone got some ideas?
18 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Sep 18 UTC
Variant Development Thread
This thread is made for the express purpose of cutting down of multiple threads that deal with new variants, ideas, concepts etc...
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@AJManso4 - visit and go to the most recent podcast episodes.

Start with around 43 mins in where we start about the initial idea.

We land on the variant name in the following episode (but only discuss it for about 2 mins)

The most recent one, Kaner goes into a lot of detail and it matches up with the maps around 1 hr 15 mins 45 secs in.

Players are Britain, Holland, France, Spain, Portugal and the USA.
AJManso4 (2318 D)
30 Dec 23 UTC
Oooo I see I see, shall do. Interesting
Wildmanwok (787 D)
03 Jan 24 UTC
I'm sure this has been thought of but why not Classic - layered but layer 2 is planes.

Start with 1 plane each, they can move 2 provinces, they support with only 0.5, every 3 SC's is worth a plane build.

Something like that.

folie (1743 D)
05 Jan 24 UTC
Interesting concept. However, I think it would be difficult (impossible?) to add a third unit through the vDip variant process and I've read on here that 0.5 levels of support/attack would also be difficult to implement. But you could be the pioneer!
schizo staccato (1106 D)
05 Jan 24 UTC
I thought that the attack at half strength was already implemented was the variant "1900".
Oh, and what about adding a third level with submarines? There had been an attempt to playtest that in playdip a couple of years ago (I think there could only be one submarine max. per Power), but it never started.
Flame (1073 D)
05 Jan 24 UTC
@Also interesting is an option Air Strike (destroy any foe unit on a map). Allowed once in a game for each power.
Quarantino (1485 D)
05 Jan 24 UTC
The Taifa Kingdoms variant looks great. Did the tests become too crowded? At first glance, the SC/non-SC ratio seems higher than Classic.
Wildmanwok (787 D)
07 Jan 24 UTC
I am playing a Taifa Kingdoms test game and I haven't found it too crowded. However I am going alright so that helps the positive feelings.

It is pretty hectic in the SW corner of the peninsula which is indeed pretty crowded. To make matters even more complicated is the one nation from Africa has no direct enemy for approximately 1 maybe 2 years, so when they arrive they should come with reasonable force.
ZTheConqueror (982 D)
07 Jan 24 UTC
Hi all! I'm running into a minor albeit annoyingly persistent issue with my map.

My smallmapNames and mapNames .png files look relatively good when opened by themselves from my Files DevTool section, but everything looked way worse in the test game I recently ran. You can see the issue I am referring to on the variant homepage below. It seems like all of the text has a rough, pixelated white edge. It makes the words really hard to read. This is less severe when I am viewing the map within the Map DevTool section, but it's still noticeable.

I feel like I'm missing something obvious here, but I've tried several solutions and still haven't resolved it. Anyone know of a solution?
Fake Al (1673 D)
07 Jan 24 UTC
You probably forgot to turn off anti-aliasing when you made your maps and mapNames files.
ZTheConqueror (982 D)
07 Jan 24 UTC
Thank you, that makes sense. I think you're right. I actually used ArcGIS to make the map and mapNames files, so I'm guessing that I forgot to turn it off there and/or transparency settings didn't carry over upon exporting the images like they were supposed to.

I appreciate your help. Thanks again!
ZTheConqueror (982 D)
09 Jan 24 UTC
Hi, I'm back again with two semi-related questions:
1. Is there a size limit for the unit icons?
2. Does anyone know of a guide or instructional resources for how to implement custom unit icons?

Upon reviewing other variants with both default and custom unit files, I don't think I have come across an army or fleet icon that has exceeded roughly 30x30 pixels. Is that the maximum? The default unit icons are a bit difficult for me to see sometimes, so I was hoping to change them to different, larger icon and then also vary the icon colors to mirror player colors.

I've looked through the guide to no avail. I also reviewed other variants with custom unit icons to see if I could extrapolate and then emulate the procedure for getting them to work. Unfortunately, I was not successful with that either.

I would be extremely grateful if anyone knows of a guide they can link or a solution for me to try. Thank you all again for help on my prior questions, and thanks in advance for help on this one! I've learned a lot during this process. It's been difficult but fun.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
10 Jan 24 UTC
1. Technically there is no limit in the unit icon size. So you can try bigger icons. But be aware that they may make it harder to read the map if borders or whole territories are hidden. Also the order symbols on the map indicating builds and disbands may look odd on too large icons.

2. We used to copy the same snippets of code all over the place which is cumbersome and requires you to be very familiar with the whole implementation. But there is a new way rolled out with recent variants that lets you re-use the existing implementations with just one line of configuration (teaser: I can very well imagine to have a UI soon in the DEV section that lets you configure "standard" extensions with just a view clicks). I will PM you with details.
ZTheConqueror (982 D)
10 Jan 24 UTC
Incredibly helpful, as always! Thank you a ton and I will look for your PM.
folie (1743 D)
10 Jan 24 UTC
Hi everyone! I had an idea for an experimental variant and whipped it up. The rules are essentially the same as vanilla Diplomacy, but with a change in scenery-- fight with dragons and knights over land and mountains! See the variant page for the detailed description (

The map is rather basic and probably unbalanced but I thought of it more as a proof of concept for what can be done by manipulating how a variant dev thinks about the terrain. For example, I could imagine a space themed map with armies on planets (land) and fleets traversing space (sea) and convoying armies to other planets, essentially turning the Mars variant's space slots into a whole map idea.

First test game open at Let me know what you all think!

(My other variant New Zealand is still in the works. Sealanes were a bad idea I think, I'll have to rearrange regular sea territories to manage the stalemate lines.)
han-shahanshah (1641 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
There's a similar concept with inverted sea and land territories. Vanilla armies become fleets, and vanilla fleets become armies. The new armies can move fleets across land spaces (representing portages/canal-building), but they themselves cannot be convoyed. This reversal would be useful for play centered on bodies of water, and since supply centers could be placed anywhere in the ocean the focus could be shifted to controlling key centers of shipping and trade.
Fake Al (1673 D)
20 Jan 24 UTC
I've made new versions of a couple of my variants -

Bronze Age:

bache (1024 D X)
01 Feb 24 UTC
Pander Beers (1148 D)
09 Feb 24 UTC
In the variant creation guide, there is a note to "contact Oli" - is that just to open a ticket in the Mod Forum requesting a variant to be opened?
Anon (?? D)
10 Feb 24 UTC
Second-to-last iteration of the Taifa map!
I have added one SC in Alpuente, which I'm hoping will help Zaragoza and/or Toledo (they need it), while also allowing for 2-player draws now. I've also changed again with the initial conditions of Granada; at first they were underpowered, then overpowered, hopefully third time's the charm.
Next iteration will look to play a bit with the seas and cut any last moment loose threads, and after that the variant will be ready to see the light! Thanks to everyone who has helped me test it so far and has given feedback, I'm creating two new games and I will greatly appreciate anyone who can jump in :)
Open chat:
ibuprofen (2081 D)
19 Feb 24 UTC
Introducing 15 player Pangea Diplomacy! By all means, let me know what you think.
Fake Al (1673 D)
19 Feb 24 UTC
Looks really cool, very unique take on the global diplomacy variants. Just looking, it looks kind of dense with territories and centers. What's the center and territory count?
ibuprofen (2081 D)
19 Feb 24 UTC
Much appreciated, its the idea that got me wanting to make maps in the first place.

202 territories total, 161 land 41 ocean, 90 centers, 45 home 45 neutral. 46ish to win I think? Yeah Ill openly admit there's a few places I'd agree are pretty packed, more ocean tiles? Less centers? I just tried to keep it within reasonable bounds of other variants of similar proportions. Any critique is welcome
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
19 Feb 24 UTC
Love the idea! Is it custom builds, or preset start? If preset, I could see an initial advantage for the inland powers if the neighboring coastal powers are too fleet heavy to start.

Also, I realize it's completely done on purpose, but I always giggle a bit when I realize that powers on completely opposite sides of the map are closer in moves than powers that are much closer physically. Just means you have to watch your edge moves closely!
ibuprofen (2081 D)
19 Feb 24 UTC
Yeah so I was thinking custom builds turn 1, but other than that I want to keep it with standard rules if possible, force the rivers to come into use. If it doesn't work then maybe just build on home centers?

And yeah Im hoping the ocean arrangement allows for a lot more interaction with perhaps unlikely other powers. We'll see though hahaha
Fake Al (1673 D)
19 Feb 24 UTC
Variants with a lot of players and/or SCs are tricky because units can get concentrated in certain areas, especially in big swathes of of just land or sea territories. I'd reduce the number of centers, land, and sea regions. You should probably cut around 20ish of the neutral supply centers.

You also don't want players to be outright ignoring some others for most of the game. That's tough with 15 players, but, ideally two players will only be separated by 1-2 neighbors at max.

Remember this is kind of a fantasy variant, so you can bend the territory placement, SC placement, and player placement to your will entirely. You're not constrained by any historicity.
Orange (2132 D)
19 Feb 24 UTC
Reducing it by 15 might be good, since that means first year goes from 3->6 to 3->5 centers for people, so keeps things even
You could set it up “colonially” with dispersed home centers perhaps. That would serve to push the players together more.
ibuprofen (2081 D)
20 Feb 24 UTC
Alright heard that, there's definitely a handful of centers I can eliminate, certainly to even the year 1 gains at least, which likely needed happening anyway.

I would naively argue though, if considering the center-territory ratios of maps like World Diplomacy IX or Known World 901, both relatively balanced and popular, they appear to both support similar amounts of units to Pangea, and really call for that amount of territories for there to be room for players to interact. The connecting ocean also helps reduce the separation, and realistically in most larger maps there's a player or two you're just not likely to come in contact with, no?

And while I agree organizing it colonially might force more interaction, the initial draw of the map to me was the touching international centers and the interesting combinations created. Im not certain it would hold the same interest if the home centers were more widely distributed

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1134 replies
How to Upload a Variant?
How do I create a variant and upload it to vDip? Do I ask a mod?
Here’s the variant:
2 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
21 Mar 24 UTC
What do you NOT like about Diplomacy?
Are there some things you wish were a little different about Classic Diplomacy or do you think it's a perfect game?
33 replies
Inherent Balance
I was thinking about my past games today, and I noticed a pattern: when I played or fought against a (mostly) sea power that started in the corner, that power tended to have the advantage because of their spawn place and unit composition on the map. Does anyone else feel like this is the case, or do you think that these types of powers are balanced?
For reference, I was thinking of Italy--Balkans 1860, Srivijaya--Known World 901, Madagascar--Africa, and Japan--Youngstown WWII.
1 reply
Potential New Variant
Hello everyone! I have a variant idea that I designed!
The image is here!
20 replies
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