A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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butterhead (1272 D)
10 Aug 12 UTC
A complicated tournament...
More Info to come...
140 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
It's that time of year again: Let's talk football(American)(NFL).
In an effort to have a bit of fun... lets have a good clean discussion on the NFL. a bit of debate is encouraged, but lets keep it friendly and clean please :)
19 replies
demmahom (966 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Hey, I'm a new player here and I hope to play some of you soon!
8 replies
airborne (970 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Successions Revision II
Still working on this map to ensure that I can deliver a good map to this site. Looking for thoughts and suggestions again
0 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Greek Gunny EoG
What was your overall take of the game?
9 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Has anyone ever been in a game where the game ended due to a Concede? Under what circumstances would this happen? I can't invision it ever happening!
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
new gunboats
0 replies
airborne (970 D)
24 Sep 12 UTC
Test Games
Succession (Again)
Will post reminders of the deadlines of the seasons in the thread
32 replies
bojieh (847 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games
Why do I get "new message" icon on gunboat games?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
game on
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
FAST age of perikles
0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
What is everyone's 1v1 stats?
I am sitting at 73% win out of 52 games including FvA, GvI, FRvJG, Duo, American Conflict, EvT, and for some reason GvR.

Of course this will change a lot as the VDip Cup continues. What are everyone else's stats?
2 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
new WW4 game NEED FOUR diplomats. start 20 hours
Hey there! There is a new WW4 game open that will start in 20 HOURS...

'The Rise of R'lyeh'
2 day / phase, 25 pt, Anon
0 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
14 Oct 12 UTC
Imagine The Most Brutal Map Ever....
Now multiply that by 100

World War IV or Haven with Fog of War settings!
5 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
13 Oct 12 UTC
Question about retreating
Can someone retreat somewhere that was previously occupied before? Say I was in Spain and my enemy was in portugal, Marseilles and Gascony

They move Gascony into Spain with support from Marseilles, but they move Portugal into a nearby sea, would Spain be able to retreat to Portugal?
4 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Oct 12 UTC
Replacement Adverts
Advertise for replacements here!
1 reply
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
13 Oct 12 UTC
Webdip Problems?
Webdip is going really slow for me. Every thing else is fine, just that one site. Anyone having problems?
3 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
09 Oct 12 UTC
Doing a Treaties Game...
Starting a Treaties Game...Y'all know the rules:

28 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
12 Oct 12 UTC
PeriCles or PeriKles
Not to nitpick, but I noticed that on the actual map the name of the board is spelled with a K, rather than a C.
10 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
12 Oct 12 UTC
sitter for two-three days needed!
from monday to wednesday I will be travelling, i am sure i can gt most of the games extended, but for the ones i can't, would someone sit my account please? :-)
3 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
New game! Need three more countries
The rise of Ry'leh or however it's spelled needs three more players. Help a brother out
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Never give up!
The above is my new motto :D
On my userpage you can see a list of games in the comment which show games in which this has helped me get a survive or draw when everything seemed to be hopeless.
22 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Can north Africa move to Spain if it's a fleet?
In a classic game
12 replies
tiger (1653 D)
10 Oct 12 UTC
Civil war 2 day phases (no saving though!)
pass: troll
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
19 Aug 12 UTC
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Oct 12 UTC
Germany EoG

This was the fourth gunboat I've ever played, and in the previous three I was one of the first to be defeated, so I wasn't expecting to acheive as much as I did when I started. This was especially so because I got Germany, which I did some background research on and found had never even survived a gunboat on this map.

I decided to start out by being friendly to everyone and going for the neutrals - I supported Denmark (even though he didn't take it) and headed away from France. France seemed curiously inactive during this phase (two units held) so I identified him as my first target. I moved toward Russia in the fall, but my only intention by that was to take another neutral, and I tried to assure him of this with a support hold in the following spring.
I started moving units toward France, but soon realised that a stalemate between the two of us would be formed very easily and we'd both end up lagging behind. My only other options were Russia or Denmark, and since Russia was already being attacked by Denmark I went for him and supported France to signify a ceasefire.

For up to about 905, nothing interesting happened - Russia and I kept swapping territories (I have Denmark to thank for being able to make any gains over there) and I kept my ceasefire with France. In 905, much to my disappointment, Khaz joined Russia's side with a support hold, which developed into three or four Khazarian units joining the fray, enough to hold me at bay. Meanwhile, France was attacking Denmark, but I had to hold the line in Russia so I couldn't get involved. I was hoping Denmark would win, but that didn't turn out to be the case.

When Denmark disbanded Esteland and Novgorod, I was very dissapointed. He'd helped me hold the line thus far, and I would have been happy to keep him alive there, but now the only option was to take it or let Russia take it, so I took Esteland.

Byzantium attacked me in 907 and I responded by launching my remaining forces against him. I remember trying to support Khazaria into Russian territories at one point - so desparate was I to end the Russian war and start fighting elsewhere - but he didn't take it so I continued my assault. Byzantium eventually feel due to a stab from Egypt, and because of my gains I was able to advance and all but destroy Russia, and set up a stalemate line against Khaz. At this point, I decided to wait it out over there, and focus on the Med.

Soon, the Med was ours, so I had a choice - go for France or wait it out. I decided to wait - Egypt seemed hostile, so I needed units there, and most of the rest of my units were held up holding the stalemate line against Khaz.

When I saw the Khazarian move to Tunguz I was very surprised. Why was Khazaria attacking China? He didn't have a hope of getting enough units there and holding out against me... Anyhow, it seemed to spark off a reaction from China and Egypt stabbed Khazaria at the same time. Khazaria was going to fall for sure now.

At this point, I had the final choice of the game - grab some of Khazaria, or go for France. I decided to go for Khazaria, which I think was the right decision - otherwise I would not have had the forces nor the position to form the SM line on China. I had the units to attack France later, but by then he was a vital part of the stalemate line and I couldn't afford to have him move against me (I nearly moved on him when he NMR'd, though - that really annoyed me...)

The rest of the game for me was waiting for Khaz to be eliminated and holding my position.

I'm actually very surprised that people thought I could solo. Maybe at the beginning, and maybe if Khaz hadn't backed up Russia, but after that I hardly advanced at all for a long time, and I would've needed about double the terriories I had to win - probably more than I could gain from attacking France and Spain.

GG all! And I'm very proud to be the first Germany ever to do anything better than being defeated in a gunboat on this variant :D
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Wow, I helped Germany more than I thought....

And I only stabbed Byzantium because he decided to go and stab me.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Spain EoG

Well, my game has been the most static game I’ve ever played. Not that this was my intention!
Wagadu felt threatened after my initial convoy in Mauretania and decided to stop me.
My fault is that I hoped Wagadu wasn't actually going to engage me and I've lost precious time and positions in 902-903. I was hoping that I could move on France during the early game (it's non-Anon, you can have a rough idea about your neighbourhood before the spring01 move). As long as the game moved on, I've been forced to abandon this idea. France and Germany stayed together, Wagadu closed my path, Axum downfall was incredibly fast and Egypt eventually decided to move towards the center of the map instead of Africa.
No one has ever been a serious threat for Wagadu, thus my game was decided.
Unless there's some revolutionary event... I am a stone.
I am quite sure that I shouldn't have been included in the draw if I took some initiatives in the east.

I've been asked about France taking part of the draw.
Preliminary remark: all of this is because he NMRed in the end-game, not because of poor play.
Firstly, there's not a rule stating "attack whoever does not respect the Contract".
I am displeased with anyone who didn't respect the previously-accepted rules, France above all, but this does not darken my brains during the entering orders process.
Of course, as well as Germany, I've evaluated the hypothesis to stab France but:
- this is a gunboat, I can't assume that the other 5-8 players makes a point of honour about people being included or not into a draw without hearing their opinion/intentions on the matter.
- Egypt didn't stab Wagadu, so I had to deal with the latter's breath on my neck.
- France outnumbered me almost 2:1 , not really a good initial position to stab by myself.
- my stab on France could get only 2 SCs out of 15, putting under risk the Mediterranean and the Atlantic line vs Wagadu on my point of view, and something worse (next point)
- the reaction of both France & Germany were unpredictable, a solo could arise among Germany or China.
- the reaction of Wagadu was unpredictable too. Probably he should've left me doing this dirty job without screwing my back... who knows?

So, definitely, we may argue whether France was worth to be a part of the draw or not but...I couldn't nuke France in a couple of years.
I tried to estimate the possible consequences of a stab and I thought: "No, thanks, I'm just sitting here".
The number of complaints directed towards France after the endgame is enough.
Nevertheless, I'd like to hear Scuba's opinion too.
Ender (1701 D)
06 Oct 12 UTC
China EOG:

As with many games when I actually do well, there was a heck of a lot of luck involved so I should probably be grateful that I was even around towards the end. I didn't get a lot of love from any of my neighbors the first year (Turan even supported the only neutral I tried to take) so I ended up with a grand total of zero builds during that first winter and I thought I was not long for the game...

Lucky break #1: Arabia seemed to be going after every neighbor at once, especially Turan during the early years while India and Svirijaya decided to go mano a mano as well. Suddenly I had no enemies on my borders and I was able to grab a few neutrals and even take one from Turan to exact a little revenge. India and I quickly became friendly as I joined the fight against Arabia and I suppose I exacted more than my fair share of flesh from Turan while he dutifully was helping to take down the aforementioned Arabia. At about this point Khazaria and I developed a nice working relationship as well (though we botched supporting each other's attacks more often than not).

Lucky break #2: As mentioned India and Svirijaya were definitely keeping each other busy so when I finally got around to building a second fleet to take the neutral island in the China Sea, the latter actually supported my attack. I understand that he was attempting to create an alliance, but with working relationships already established with all my land-neighbors, the natural next area of growth was through the thinly guarded sea lanes to my southwest so he may have assisted in his own demise here. As I kept building fleets and continued to advance, Svirijaya seemed to keep changing his mind whether he was going to put everything against me or India and that only helped me make further advances and eventually overwhelm him.

Lucky break #3: the war against Arabia seemed to drag on just long enough for me to vanquish Svirijaya and then turn my attention back to the land front. For some reason, Khaz was keeping Turan on life support (which was noble I suppose) but since Turan was basically in the way of further expansion, he had to go. Of course now I am starting to smell a solo...but for that to happen I needed Khaz to hold the western front (which he was) and hope that that situation stayed unresolved long enough for me to work my way there as now I had India firmly in the crosshairs.

Bad break #1: Khaz clearly figured out what I was up to (I suppose it wasn't that hard to tell) and sent a rogue unit east to stall my extermination of Turan, probably thinking that he (Khaz) was next on the menu. Actually he wasn't (well at least not immediately next) so I was bummed that our alliance fell apart. It is possible that he slowed me down enough to effectively stop the solo but I wasn't going to give up.

Luck break #4: Just when Khaz was starting to shift forces to the east, Egypt went for the stab and effectively stopped his campaign in my direction, with him out of the picture I was able to take Turan (finally) and race to the SCs between Germany/France and me.

Lucky break #4: in retrospect I probably waited one year too long to stab India, and he might well have handled my incursion much better if not for the sudden appearance of Wagadu on his west coast. Now I was absolutely sure that my solo was "meant to be". With Wagadu causing issues on one side, I was able to fairly easily roll through the India from both the east and north and even kick out Wagadu once I got to him too.

But here's where the luck ran out. Wagadu had a rock solid alliance with the rest of his neighbors and easily set up a naval stalemate line off the east coast of Africa. France and Germany also had a frienship set in stone (and about a million armies between them on our front) so my only real avenue left was to try to sneak up through the Arab peninsula against Egypt. I kept hoping Germany would stab him from behind while I kept him occupied from the front, but it was not meant to be. The writing was on the wall and (once we finally finished off Khaz) the draw was the only viable conclusion.

I have said it already, but it is worth repeating - I truly did enjoy the game and its level of play. Some great players with whom I would love to knock heads again if the opportunity arises. I love games that give me tips for future play and this one certainly brought more than a few. Thanks again to all.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Oct 12 UTC
Wagadu EoG.

Well, all there's need to know about my play has been said already, no mistery, so I'll just try to recap main points.
Opening. Rather standard for Wagadu. My thoughts at the end of 901 were for Spain landing in Mauretania and for Axum preventing Egypt to take a neutral SC. If there will be a war between 2 neighbours, I must choose carefully whose side to be on. So in 902 I just took care of a couple of neutrals and setting up defense in the North. In 903 both Egypt's signals and Axum's positioning (he even transformed into a Fleet) made me decide that Axum was an easier target. Also, if there will be a war for Med against Spain & France, then it's better having Egypt as ally. Sorry iLLuM.
Well nothing much happened in the middle of the game. Spain and I found a "dynamic balance" expecially after the fleet I managed to put in Ifriqiya was destroyed because yellow army in Fazzan was committed in making Barca a target for the French and it was too busy to support hold my fleet.
Well what happened in the middle of the game was that I was unable to understand what my ally wanted to do. He builded armies instead of fleets in Barca, so he didn't want to fight for Med (maybe for Sahara?) nor for Balkans. My only consolation is to read on his EoG that he DIDN'T know what to do, that could explain why I did never undersatnd it.
However, as he started his war in Middle-East, I felt safe enough to head towards Indian, since there were nothing to do in the North. And here's my biggest mistake: fighting for some useless Indian SC rather than facing China, who was already one of the biggest on the map and about to grab Srivijaya. When I noticed my mistake it was already too late. Perhaps this game could have been somewhat different.

@ Spain. Sorry mate, but I took your army in Mauretania not good. An Army means you aim to get into my desert. And when I saw you were peaceful with France, I attacked you the best I could because in a Gunboat there's no reason for Spain to have both France & Wagadu as ally. What would be left for you? Sail the Atlantic and grab America? It was either me or France.
@ Egypt. Nice alliance, thank you. Maybe if you were more determined, the game would have been different for us. But yeah, this is very easy to say now.
@ Axum. Sorry friend, c'est la guerre.
@ India. Sorry, ugly mistake by me.
@ China. Good game. Your play is very effective.
@ Drawers: Congrats everybody. :)

@ All. Thanks for the game, it has been a nice gunboat. But it was just a regular gunboat, not a Contract. A Contract is a completely different thing. Those of you who played CG-1 probably noticed the difference. This was not even a "Please finalize quick" gunboat, considering that players were asked to be online AT LEAST twice a day.
I hope we'll have better luck next times.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
Ender, thanks for your very insightful EOG comments. You are correct in your thinking that I (Khazaria) was concerned about a solo. And while the rest of the board was apparently too naive to recognize it then (or even now) that is exactly why I sent an unit towards you when I needed it desperately against Germany. That is also why I was propping Turan up. I was hoping (against hope) that someone west and/or south of me could read my actions, and see that I very probably prevented you from soloing, and reward that with a reprived from opportunistic poaching. But dot grabbing was the name of the day, and doing the right thing was punished. But these things happen frequently in gunboat games. Most players don't analyze the entire board in standard games, so without the opportunity to alert people about a solo push, it's a hopeless situation in a gunboat game. The only one who came close to recognizing it was Wagadu, and as I mentioned in my earlier comments he's to be credited for not dot grabbing along the Persian Gulf.

The game was enjoyable regardless, but the 'Contract' concept is nothing more an absurd power mad ego boost for someone who chooses to abitrarily dictate the facts. The concept would function much more effectively if it had 14 less rules and the one left simply asked everyone on their honor to make the game their priority and to sunmit as ready their orders asap. Anyone exploiting the game could be easily reconized and either voted out or banned for future such games. But this mass purging based on one person's (another player in the game) alleged facts and personal gripes is for the birds. Nothing like a little objectivity.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
My comments about the Contract.

Some days have passed and all of us can look at it with a cold-minded approach.

First of all thanks to the host because of the time he puts at our disposal.

Second I may say that 10 or 12+ players maps don't fit well the CG idea.
I think we can agree to this statement.

The goal is to have a fast gunboat, so I must say that the set of rules is good.
Once you accept them, you commit yourself to give priority to this game.
All the guys who joined the game are used to log in the website often, almost twice a day.
How much time does it take to enter orders in a gunboat-known-world-901?
10, maybe 15mins if you have 30 units. Be honest guys, not more. Out of 37 hours.
All the rest looks to me like excuses.
During those 38 days, each time I logged in
- I didn't read new PMs
- I didn't check the other game's progressed status
- I didnt read new in-game-messages
- I didn't check the forum
all of this before I spent those few minutes in finalizing the CG_II orders.
That is the meaning of priority.
I'm sure that some other mates behaved like that.

"some other mates" is not enough, though. We need "all mates" in order to let this stuff work.

"I didn't respect the rules completely, my apologies".
Captainmeme said it, I appreciate his fairness. I don't understand why should it be so difficult to behave like that, even in front of the evidence.

The line was drawn by the rules. We all accepted them and promised to observe them. Some of you did not, thus it was you to cross the line, not the host.
As you know, 1 single player delaying is a delay for the whole game, harming the point of the Special-Rule-Game. That's the weak point behind any fast-diplo-game system.
Actually the first years (IIRC the first 4 or 5) of play ran fast. Then some individual violations started a chain-reaction of violations that turned the CG in a standard-non-anon-gunboat.
For this reason, I think that the idea of the single rule "please ready your orders asap" simply can't work.
We need people committed to give priority to the game.

Nevertheless, I may agree with some of you that the "punishment" looks too harsh and actually was the cause that made the discussion unpleasant.
There's no need for those personal conflicts, we're all here for the same goal.
I appeal with the host for a review of the "punishment": please, Guaroz, allow the participation to CG_III to every player of CG_II.
Make CG_III the 2nd (and the last if failed again) chance for those 7 players.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
well, I think most of the banned people gave up about the Contract Gunboat

and it sometimes took me longer than that because I go on throughout the day, and often RL makes me have to get off suddenly.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 Oct 12 UTC
Thanks everybody for your comments on the Contract.
Ender correctly pointed out what "This is an invitational private game" means.
Decima Legio correctly pointed out how a player is asked to behave in this SRG.

Last Fortress Doerr's post is giving me the chance to make a clarification:
"often RL makes me have to get off suddenly."
This happened once to me as well. I sat on my PC thinking I had several minutes for myself, logged in the site, noticed CG was progressed, logged in the game and after 40 seconds that I was looking at the new map and thinking on what to do, they called me and I had to get up and go away so hurry. So I FINALIZED "all hold" (except 1 move). Nothing else I could do. :(
Luckily, when I got back a few hours later, the game wasn't progressed yet and I could put all my orders in. Nowhere in the Contract is said that you can't do this, because it's supposed it takes only a few minutes to you. It's said that you can't log out the game without finalizing, but you can re-log in and make changes: it should be a matter of seconds.

I don't think it happened that "often" to FD. Yes he broke the Contract sometimes, but it was BELOW the limit. Except for DL and Spartan22, everybody broke the Contract at least once in CG-II, just with rather different degrees.

But yes, if someone's RL makes him have to OFTEN get off suddenly, then this is simply not the game for him.
This is not a SRG that can meet everyone's RL. This is not a game for all. The sense of the few lines posted right above the Contract is that anyone interested in this SRG has to judge HIMSELF, his own vDip-use style and how his own RL can affect it, before anyone else does it.

This (judging oneself) may not be simple to do and that's why noone got banned forever after only 1 bad game. Everybody's got a second chance (even who completely ignored the Contract) either to improve his compliance to the Contract (I'm always avaliable to help and advise), or to realize that this is not the right SRG for him.
There would be nothing wrong with not getting it at first attempt: RL is complex and someone may need more time than others to get it.

But DL is right: the Contract works only if ALL players, with no exceptions, comply it. That's why the penalties may look "harsh".
Nine players played CG-I with just 8 not-big infractions and everybody kept himself far enough below the limit. So this is not an impossible Contract.
That's why the penalty-system: "First time, out 1 turn - Second time, out forever" STAYS ON for the next games.

At last, for the game that has just finished, and ONLY FOR THIS TIME :

.................... - - - GENERAL AMNESTY ACT - - - .................

- This CG-II gives no penalties to anyone.
- Plus, all players re-start from zero. No "forever-banning" for any of the seven, in case. Hence, all vDip users who meet RR requirements are invited for the next CG-III and everybody will still have 2 chances, as if that was their first CG.

See you soon!
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 Oct 12 UTC
wise decision, I appreciate that.
"see you soon" when? Is CG-III scheduled some day?
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
09 Oct 12 UTC
Whenever it is, I'm interested :)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 Oct 12 UTC
Yes, within a couple of days. Maybe tomorrow.

102 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
European Laiponia EOG
5 replies
Wolfman (1230 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
Technological shut down in my town.
This has started quite a good discussion about our lifestyles and thought a Forum thread would get even more good input and open more eyes.
2 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
GAMES FOR ADOPTION! (Please read on)
Unfortunately I have exams coming up and need to revise really soon.. so I am giving away my games! Just tell me which game you would like to replace me in and I will send the game to you via the new feature..
There are some excellent games below which you could take over! Adopt a game, and don't let it succumb to civil disorder!
4 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
02 Oct 12 UTC
Fog Of War Map Flaw
Details inside

8 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
Convoy from Piedmont to Clyde
In a no-press game, Italy attempts to convoy from Piedmont to Clyde. I am France. How should I interpret this?
11 replies
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