A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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butterhead (1272 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
It's that time of year again: Let's talk football(American)(NFL).
In an effort to have a bit of fun... lets have a good clean discussion on the NFL. a bit of debate is encouraged, but lets keep it friendly and clean please :)
19 replies
demmahom (966 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Hey, I'm a new player here and I hope to play some of you soon!
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airborne (970 D)
18 Oct 12 UTC
Successions Revision II
Still working on this map to ensure that I can deliver a good map to this site. Looking for thoughts and suggestions again
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Nemesis17 (1709 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Greek Gunny EoG
What was your overall take of the game?
9 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
Has anyone ever been in a game where the game ended due to a Concede? Under what circumstances would this happen? I can't invision it ever happening!
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Oct 12 UTC
new gunboats
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airborne (970 D)
24 Sep 12 UTC
Test Games
Succession (Again)
Will post reminders of the deadlines of the seasons in the thread
32 replies
bojieh (847 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games
Why do I get "new message" icon on gunboat games?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
game on
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
FAST age of perikles
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Imagonnalose (992 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
What is everyone's 1v1 stats?
I am sitting at 73% win out of 52 games including FvA, GvI, FRvJG, Duo, American Conflict, EvT, and for some reason GvR.

Of course this will change a lot as the VDip Cup continues. What are everyone else's stats?
2 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
new WW4 game NEED FOUR diplomats. start 20 hours
Hey there! There is a new WW4 game open that will start in 20 HOURS...

'The Rise of R'lyeh'
2 day / phase, 25 pt, Anon
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Hollywood (1423 D)
14 Oct 12 UTC
Imagine The Most Brutal Map Ever....
Now multiply that by 100

World War IV or Haven with Fog of War settings!
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Hollywood (1423 D)
13 Oct 12 UTC
Question about retreating
Can someone retreat somewhere that was previously occupied before? Say I was in Spain and my enemy was in portugal, Marseilles and Gascony

They move Gascony into Spain with support from Marseilles, but they move Portugal into a nearby sea, would Spain be able to retreat to Portugal?
4 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Oct 12 UTC
Replacement Adverts
Advertise for replacements here!
1 reply
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
13 Oct 12 UTC
Webdip Problems?
Webdip is going really slow for me. Every thing else is fine, just that one site. Anyone having problems?
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King Atom (1186 D)
09 Oct 12 UTC
Doing a Treaties Game...
Starting a Treaties Game...Y'all know the rules:

28 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
12 Oct 12 UTC
PeriCles or PeriKles
Not to nitpick, but I noticed that on the actual map the name of the board is spelled with a K, rather than a C.
10 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
12 Oct 12 UTC
sitter for two-three days needed!
from monday to wednesday I will be travelling, i am sure i can gt most of the games extended, but for the ones i can't, would someone sit my account please? :-)
3 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
New game! Need three more countries
The rise of Ry'leh or however it's spelled needs three more players. Help a brother out
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Never give up!
The above is my new motto :D
On my userpage you can see a list of games in the comment which show games in which this has helped me get a survive or draw when everything seemed to be hopeless.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Has anyone else got games when there was an amazing survive/draw or even win by using this motto? I remember that the ultimate one is over on Webdip when the Czech got a solo after being knocked down to one SC, but I haven't got the link for that.
So go on and post your game links here, with a description of what happened and how not giving up managed to make you survive/draw/win. Hopefully, some people might see this thread and decide that they don't need to CD or give up when the going gets tough!
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
I have one on webdip somewhere, but i Have a lot of games to look through
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
ah, actually I have a really good one from webdip, I will go get it
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
it is a webdip link, so you need to copy and paste the link

England, with France moving in and out of the Channel constantly, Russia taking me on, and Germany loving to builds fleets. See what happens
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Wow... France was very indesicive in that...
If you look at that map in 1903, you think that there's no way England will survive that... And yet you still managed to win - that's pretty amazing. How did you convince Italy to completely demilitarize France in the endgame?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Ah, I found the Czech's amazing win on Webdip:
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
It was due to the type of player England was. He was a trusting game-long alliance sort of guy. Which I took advantage of
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Wait... You mean Italy? You were England - it's hard to take advantage of yourself... :D
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
The type of player Italy was. He threw quite a fit when I stabbed him
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Oh, and here's my selection of amazing draws and survives (copied and pasted from my profile):
Portugal - Never had more than two territories in the entire game, and still finished in the final draw.
Ithsomn - Recovered from losing a home centre and being completely outflanked in the first year to being the third largest power in the final draw.
Oceania - I can't take all the credit for this one - Guaroz (userID=378) sat quite a bit of it for me - but it's still a shining example. Never went above 7 SCs, and was down to just 2 SCs for much of the game, but still came out with a survive.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
I have some more, I will go hunt them down and post them when I find them
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
here's a gunboat one (most of my Russia games go along like this)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Why did they draw? That game was turning out to be quite interesting...
Devonian (1887 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
I will claim this one for Wolfman.

Wolfman never gave up. He had only 4 units, and we were outnumbered 15 to 25, and had enemy units surrounding us. The win conditions were to 21, so they had 4 units to spare. Yet we still forced a draw. Considering, it was us against everyone else for the entire game, it was a nice outcome.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Game link? That sounds like a very good example...
Devonian (1887 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
I don't care Captainmeme, just glad they did!
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
That's a great one - I'll await his comments on it with interest. It looks like you wouldn't have been able to hold the stalemate line to the extent that you did without him - he definately deserved a place in that draw.
Devonian (1887 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
By the way, the draw was a forced draw. They could not break our stalemate line. Their only option was to fight each other, or agree to a draw.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC

A game I was in over on Webdiplomacy - nnfolz as Russia managed to recover from losing Sweden, Moscow, and StP to England in 1903 to 2-way drawing at the end - he had the oppurtunity to win if he had wanted to at several points as well.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
@Devo Yes, I can see that. It must be annoying having to draw in that variant - Spain will always be in the draw, no matter what happens...
Devonian (1887 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
Captain, It is annoying that Spain had to be included, but it adds a twist to the variant that is interesting. Everyone else can be eliminated, but Spain can always come back to haunt you. Unlike any other variant, Spain has to be dealt with the entire game.

22 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Can north Africa move to Spain if it's a fleet?
In a classic game
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tiger (1653 D)
10 Oct 12 UTC
Civil war 2 day phases (no saving though!)
pass: troll
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
19 Aug 12 UTC
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
102 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
European Laiponia EOG
5 replies
Wolfman (1230 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
Technological shut down in my town.
This has started quite a good discussion about our lifestyles and thought a Forum thread would get even more good input and open more eyes.
2 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
GAMES FOR ADOPTION! (Please read on)
Unfortunately I have exams coming up and need to revise really soon.. so I am giving away my games! Just tell me which game you would like to replace me in and I will send the game to you via the new feature..
There are some excellent games below which you could take over! Adopt a game, and don't let it succumb to civil disorder!
4 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
02 Oct 12 UTC
Fog Of War Map Flaw
Details inside

8 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
Convoy from Piedmont to Clyde
In a no-press game, Italy attempts to convoy from Piedmont to Clyde. I am France. How should I interpret this?
11 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
vDiplomacy App?
Is it possible to make a vDiplomacy App? I've heard many complaints about how hard it is to enter moves via smartphone/iPod and I was wondering if possibly a more user friendly vDiplomacy app was in thought for sometime in the future.
3 replies
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