A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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fasces349 (1007 D)
26 Dec 10 UTC
Advertise live games here
Like in webdiplo, this thread will be used to help people find live games
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butterhead (1272 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Game 409, the 5 player one... Its posted above..
Oh, i thought that was the four player one. i joined :)
That was fun :)
Sleep time for me now though. Night all, or morning to some i guess.
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
haha, good game. and night. maybe there will be another live game tomorrow that some of us can do.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
anyone tonight?
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
so anyone up for a live game?
AncientMemories (1457 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
i am
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
ok thats two, if we can get 5 would anyone be interested in playing live dutch revolt?
butterhead (1272 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
I am game.
tt612 (1404 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
I would be too
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
ok that 3, anyone else want in?
butterhead (1272 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
4 actually.
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
ill set up a dutch revolt and hopefully someone else will join
Shep315 (1435 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
Anyone feel like a game of Pure?
open to anything except gunboat
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
sure. can you make it anon though?
that's it? just the one person>|?
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
not even one now, I have to get some sleep, school tomorrow. maybe tomorrow...
:' (
Okay. tomorrow sounds good...
What time zone are you in butter?
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Eastern Standard.
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
id play but im scared of pure, one center and the attack could come from anywhere O.o
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
you WILL play tomorrow Shep. no questions asked.
Or answered....
Also, that's the fun! It'll be low stakes anyways, i only have 9 D.
tt612 (1404 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
I should be down for one tomorrow,
perhaps we can make this a regular thing :)
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
but we do a good old classic at some point?
Sure, but there's all sorts of variants i would be interested in trying still.
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
id like to play more live games, theyre more intense than the non-live ones, plus i like instant results
Graeme01 (1224 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Graeme01 (1224 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Just saw the live Dutch revolt game. @tt612, you must be a heck of a diplomat to get included in the draw with 1 centre ;) Was that a draw based on time constraints?

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3618 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Apr 18 UTC
Help needed: Our 4 press-types.
Hi everybody.
I'm working on a rules-page about our 4 press-types.
Someone willing to submit some guide what these different press-types are, and what these mean for playing the game?
34 replies
Siagas (1965 D)
17 Apr 18 UTC
Looking for replacement quickly
Looking for replacements in the following game : Public WWIV

You would play as Egypt in the map World War IV. This game is Public Press so everything you say everyone can see. For more detail, go look the new message in the thread.
8 replies
ubercacher16 (1837 D)
30 Apr 18 UTC
Replacement needed
I need a replacement for China in the bourse game.
2 replies
islefan5 (968 D)
28 Apr 18 UTC
Problem: cannot set orders
I have the message “loading order” but cannot enter any orders. Is the site down?
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
08 Mar 18 UTC
New Variant: 1913
1913 is a revision of the Classic map, having both balance and historical accuracy at its heart.

The first game is live!
16 replies
Sky_Hopper (887 D)
04 Apr 18 UTC
Imbalanced map?
It seems as if several maps need some balancing work. For example, England* v Turkey is skewed toward England, and in Rinascimento, the French are virtually at the hands of other players’ wills.
11 replies
Safari (1530 D)
05 Jan 18 UTC
Austrian Succession: New and Improved
After four years, War of Austrian Succession is nearing completion! Please come help test it so that I can perfect the balance.
It would be very helpful if we could have no NMRs for the first few phases.
38 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Apr 18 UTC
War of Austrian Succession....being obnoxious
Does history matter and should it fall to a mathematician to be the history nerd?
11 replies
CCR (1957 D)
12 Dec 17 UTC
A Reconquista variant
38 replies
stephan (1062 D)
16 Apr 18 UTC
Vermont needed!
Vermont in „the trump effect“ 50 states game has been basically abandoned and is still in its (characteristically) stronk position, but not for much longer. grab while supplies last!
3 replies
Sky_Hopper (887 D)
15 Apr 18 UTC
Blank variant?
On the variants page there's currently a row with no assigned variant. Can you fix this?
6 replies
TheFlyingJarate (923 D)
15 Apr 18 UTC
Hello, I have a problem
Hello, I have a problem. I am going away for a few days (tomorrow), and I don't know how to quit the game I am in. There are 36 players, so I cannot reasonably ask for all of them to pause --- besides, there isn't enough time --- so I am stuck.
6 replies
Maiorianus (1000 D)
14 Apr 18 UTC
Playing with fewer players
Hi all!

I know this is probably a noob question, but I need to resolve this issue: is it possible to start a game with fewer players than those normally expected? I tried it once with the Rinascimento variant, but the game didn't launch just because there weren't 12 players.
Thank you in advance!
3 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
02 Apr 18 UTC
Machiavelli Variant
Hail diplomats,

'Machiavelli', a legendary variant of Diplomacy, will soon be made available here on vDip using Andrew Jameson's adaptation.
50 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
05 Apr 18 UTC
Variant Design Help
See below.
20 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
05 Apr 18 UTC
New convoy-code.
Thanks to tobi1 we have a new and improved convoy-code.
This was really a problem for all "big" variants.
Very cool you could solve this problem. I did take a look at your code, but I'm absolutely clueless... :-)
4 replies
Sky_Hopper (887 D)
06 Apr 18 UTC
Gunboat specs
If the "Gunboat", "Public Press", or "Per Rulebook" rules are employed, shouldn't the game be automatically "Anon" as well? If it weren't, then players could just PM each other, defeating the purpose.
6 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Apr 18 UTC
Question about social norms for players
In a large game, a reliable player asked the mods to extend the game for Easter. The request was general and largely in the name of other player: "Hey guys, it's Easter, and in a big game, some people will probably be traveling to see family." The extension was granted, and requests like that are likely to be accepted.
15 replies
Sky_Hopper (887 D)
06 Apr 18 UTC
Port this?
Here's a variant we might want to try (with a few tweaks, of course):
1 reply
JOIN: Imperial Diplomacy II - 3 more Players!
JOIN: Imperial Diplomacy II - 3 more Players!
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
10 Feb 18 UTC
RSS feed for Notifications (discussion)
Hi everyone.
Don't miss PMs or game-notifications with your personal RSS-feed.
In your settings-page you can create a unique link that updates with your "Notices"-tab on your homescreen.

Feel free to post ideas for improvements or suggestions.
What's your favorite RSS-client for your platform of choice?
19 replies
Sky_Hopper (887 D)
02 Apr 18 UTC
Testing a possible new variant
I've made a simple Diplomacy variant, but I haven't tested it. Would this be the place to (perhaps) gain some testers?
7 replies
sarmstro (931 D)
03 Apr 18 UTC
Noob question
Hi, long time dipper, first time vdipper. Is it possible to enter orders using an android phone, or do I have to wait to get in front of a PC? The orders field just says "loading order" and nothing else happens.

Apologies for the stupid question, and hello!
3 replies
Battalion (2332 D)
29 Mar 18 UTC
Bot wars
I've been wondering how well you could write a script to play gunboat diplomacy. Probably not very well (at least to begin with!), but it would be fun to try. I don't really have the time to do this properly right now, but I'm interested to know if it has been done before, or whether anyone would be keen to try at some point in the future.
14 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
26 Mar 18 UTC
[Upcoming] Renaissance: 1453
Hail diplomats! I wanted to share a very small project I have been working on. Soon we will have the chance to play 'Renaissance: 1453'!
16 replies
The Real Wheat (969 D)
29 Mar 18 UTC
Issue with South American Supremacy Map
Hey, I'm getting ready to start a game with some friends using the South American Supremacy map. It appears the map is starting with a fleet in Bogata, which is a landlocked territory. the variant homepage lists Bogata as starting with an army. Is there is a good way to correct this? Thanks!
2 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
22 Mar 18 UTC
Forum search idea
Cam the awesome guys that know techie stuff add some functionality to the forum so you can search?
6 replies
jason4747 (1633 D)
21 Mar 18 UTC
What happened to the U.S. of Insanity?
2 replies
Woodruff (1000 D)
22 Mar 18 UTC
Map Markings
I apologize if this is a repeat question or if it's found somewhere obvious, but I'm brand new to vDiplomacy and I can't seem to find what the difference is between the two types of what I believe are SC markings on the Bye Bye Federalism map.

Can someone help me?
2 replies
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