A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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~:Prestige:~ (804 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
i cant join any game! PLease do something
2 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Lord of Ultima
Anyone playing Lord of Ultima?
26 replies
rudekker (1017 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
Anonymous Fog of War

It's sorta one of my favorite boards, you guys.
0 replies
ezpickins (1610 D)
03 Feb 12 UTC
bring it on!
I like this map, and want to get another game.
any thoughts on why there is no description?
2 replies

5 replies
Diplomatic1 (966 D)
02 Feb 12 UTC
Problem during retreat
I have a problem in this game board.php?gameID=5620
When I set the retreat in the location I want to go, it says: " Parameter 'toTerrID' set to invalid value '9'. "
1 reply
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
02 Feb 12 UTC
8 more players needed!!!
0 replies
mispelledlazer (872 D)
02 Feb 12 UTC
Abstraction III
can you move from moracco to gibralter or vice versa in this game. Just wondering because I know you cant do that in modern diplomacy
1 reply
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Please help!
2 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
gameID=5563 Any help?
6 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 Feb 12 UTC
Replacement needed after Spring 1901 NMR!
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Might inequality cause liberal democracy? Discuss.
England was actually very unequal.....much more so than France or even Russia.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
30 Jan 12 UTC
Yes England was. Are you comparing these countries' inequalities during the same time period or are you comparing them according to their level of industrial development?
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Well, if you look back to the Glorious Revolution and the removal of oppressive, monarchical reign such as that of Oliver Cromwell under the British Commonwealth, you can see a direct link from the unequal caste type social structure of the British Empire to the constitutional monarchy (still full of plenty of corruption) set up by William and Mary during their early reign.

I would definitely say that inequality fuels the fires of revolution...and revolution can lead to England's liberal minded welfare state (among plenty of other things.), but I wouldn't say that inequality always causes such government.

Prior to the progressive government established by the constitutional monarchy, England had been (and continued to be) the leading industrial, military power in all of the world. And to fuel their nationalist heritage, the had very oppressive kings and corrupt social structure. And it seems, that most forms of oppression do lead to democracy in one way or another (France's many revolutions, American Revolution, Italian unification after Spanish usurpation, an German socialism after the fall of Communism). Nevertheless, people are in general, irrational and impatient (some more so than others), and it is always a simple waiting game once a brutal reign is established.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
In the late 1800s, there was a pretty good census of land holdings that connected county level records to give national totals for the UK. Land was accounted for on a county by county basis and then organized at the Kingdom level so never officially totaled up across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. If you counted up the percentage of the population that owned 70% of all land in the UK, that percentage of of the population owned only 13% of the land in Russia. Even in Prussia, as distinct from Germany in general, the percentage was under 30%, which about what it was for Austria. The only places where you can even get to 50% is in far East Prussia, the ducal remnant of the Teutonic Monastic State, and one region of Hungary.

Might the absence of a service nobility and primogeniture's non-division of land holdings produce an elite too small to actually run the country? The aristocracy was much larger everywhere else and titles of nobility were handed out right and left on the Continent. Think of all of the von's and zu's in Germany and the de's in France. There were never many more than about 800 title holding aristocrats in the UK. And they were much wealthier than their French, German or Russian equivalents.

Since all of those second sons needed things to do, the various social institutions had to provide positions invested with respectability that were free of aristocratic place holders. In Russia or Austria or France, the institutions would have been filled up with the multi-generational service nobility. In the UK, the aristocracy was simply always too small to actually run the country. They did not even produce enough extra sons to run the place.

Plus if there is no land, enterprising people would be forced into the cities and into trade. A Physiocrat or agrarian song of the soil attitude would just not have the same appeal.

Random fact, the Duke of Sutherland owned roughly 3% of the UK in the lead up to WWI. He owned about 30% more acres than the Klebergs owned in Texas, which is three times as big.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
France was remarkably equal. Inequality has not typically led to revolution. It was precisely the large base of land holders in France that fed the revolution.

The other side of this may be that only in England were there these super powerful nobles capable of forcing a Magna Carta on the monarch.

And up until the third electoral reform in ~1885, the House of Commons was almost entirely the sons of aristocrats who were either not first born or were using it as a prep school for when their dads died and they got to join the House of Lords.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
I'm talking inequality in the terms used by Pareto and ownership through time.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Any way this is what I've been thinking about since last night and was wondering if anybody had any thoughts. The idea of England as this land of yeoman farmers with their little patches of free landholding kind of like Vermont governing themselves at the local level through town meetings and that growing up the hierarchy into a bottom up democracy is just the diametric opposite of the realities of English economic history.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Tyranny to Oligarchy to Democracy to Anarchy to Tyranny, huh KA?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Come on history buffs, am I smoking crack or not?
airborne (970 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Comrades the future is socialism. (Not Communism; Communism makes socialism principles look absolutely horrible)
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
30 Jan 12 UTC
There is most definitely a causal link that joins the relatively small aristocratic base in England towards the need to rely on the upper middle-class, leading ultimately to the modern welfare system that exists in England today. However, much of this social change driven by the early and late industrial revolutions, caused much upheaval and hardship amongst the various other strata of classes in England.

Could this chain of events have occurred elsewhere in the world, as opposed to creating a system of Enlightenment that has been heavily influenced by it's roots in European history? Could there have arisen an Asian system of Liberal Democracy - and what would have been the causal factors for this to occur, given that the premise is that it could have never happened in the first place...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jan 12 UTC
The other possibility, kaner, is the inequality in England produced an aristocracy so powerful that it could say no to the king and from John and the Manga Carta to Edward III recognizing Parliament as the only taxing authority the high aristocracy created concentual governance.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
01 Feb 12 UTC
I guess I just have to get used to talking to myself.

12 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
01 Feb 12 UTC
Il Duce di Domodossola
gameID=5693 ... join up, Italian Rinascimento
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Musical Thread
Yeah, I just had to write a 25,000 word paper... I need something to loosen up with.
Post music in this thread for the enjoyment of others.
3 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
30 Jan 12 UTC
Is Gernavian Homeworld a crossable Terrotory?
16 replies
G (966 D)
31 Jan 12 UTC
I'd complement the new map but it might cause King Atom to have a seizure due to an acute humility deficit, and we'd have one less developer :D
3 replies
zemaniac (940 D)
31 Jan 12 UTC
Fatal error (WW IV)
Hi guys, I get this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 52428800 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 11993955 bytes) in /usr/www/users/vdiplo/vDiplomacy/map/drawMap.php on line 297
While playing on World War IV map
4 replies
NikeFlash (979 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Best Variant
Hello all. I am fresh from webdeplomacy and was wondering what variant is best. Please post your favorite map and the reasons for it being the best in your opinion.
22 replies
rommeltastic (953 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Fresh from
I couldn't resist the Chaos Variant. I really, really want to try it. PLEASE join, and I'll stay on this site for good.
11 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Colonial player fill-in

Do pitch in as a side of board Turkey in a Colonial Game. 3 units, cheap pot
1 reply
LakersFan (1373 D)
27 Jan 12 UTC
New Haven Game

Please join up, only 5 more days before start up and we need ~10 players.
8 replies
urel (1644 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Missing one Player
for a Germany 1648 . Starting in about 30 Minutes. Please join!
1 reply
kaug (1220 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Greek Gunboat

Sparta keeps logging in and entering all hold moves. This is a WTA game and it makes no sense to continue playing like this. Can we get a Cancel or something? Shame on whomever is Sparta by the way, if you did not want to play anymore at least have the decency of going CD so someone else can join in...
1 reply
gman314 (1016 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
"Whittle down" tournament
I had an idea for this tournament but dismissed it due to the length. However, if butterhead can get some players for his tournament, mine can work as well.
42 replies
crixno (1248 D)
30 Jan 12 UTC
Imperial Diplomacy
I LOVE diplomacy and i think that they should really add Imperial Diplomacy because it is portably the BEST variant ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I want them to add it but how do i get them to add it?
1 reply
taylor4 (936 D)
29 Jan 12 UTC
Germany '48 Need player
Needs more players start Monday AM Small pot
You might be Archbishop of Someburger AND-OR a Holy Roman Elector.
Variant 2-space moving knights
1 reply
Stricken with temptation to spend all those points! Keep them safely locked away in Diplomat 33s vault, game! Hide up to 168 D safe from yourself and protect them from misuse. PM me for Password.
3 replies
VPL and avpl REVIVAL!
Post here if interested in playing another competition between the VPL and that rag tag group of rebels that tries to challenge it.
0 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
28 Jan 12 UTC
Whatever happened to the AVPL?
Did they just give up and go away?
11 replies
ezpickins (1610 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Whats the VC?
2 replies
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