A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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A 1000-year real-life classic diplomacy game
In time-lapse
3 replies
G (966 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Great new variant idea
What if we made a variant, e-mail diplomacy? You would be able to communicate with any other player, all of the time, during any phase? I feel that this would revolutionize the game, introducing new depth to the cmmunication. What do you think?
5 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Because there should always be a Haven game going...
gameID=7978 Please join up!
11 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
16 May 12 UTC
12 hour phase classic diplomacy
1 reply
You know what would be a cool game feature?
If an eliminated, but reliable and quality player could grab a CD'd territory in the same game.

Keeps the game moving with someone who is already invested. Anyone know if this is possible? Anyone think this is a dumb idea? Why?
23 replies
johnmichael108 (986 D)
16 May 12 UTC
WTA, NMR-extend:1 turn / 1 time
what does that mean?
3 replies
hiporox (988 D)
16 May 12 UTC
Draws with concedes
Quote: "If we all vote draw and someone has a concede vote, I believe they don't get any on the pot, so just vote draw"
Is this correct?
1 reply
butterhead (1272 D)
14 May 12 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy Question:
On the Imperium Diplomacy map, if nobody gained a SC in the first year, everyone would lose all there units... so how would the game be decided?
20 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
07 May 12 UTC
"Left and Taken Over"
What does this mean? How can it exist in a two person game?
7 replies
Bad Jokes/memes thread.
I used to know better jokes... but then I took an arrow to the knee!
(essentially, trolls can troll here, people can mute it, and everyone is happy)
58 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
25 Apr 12 UTC
Nmr solution?
I know this has been discussed a lot but is there a way where a game won't proceed until a replacement is found. Steps have been made where one can transfer his game to someone else and kudos for that. But not all playerds do so or know so.
It is just that Im tired of working my ass off to kill good players and some amateur who got lucky to be in a region surrounded with more amateurs and nmr states to win the game without a sweat.
103 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
09 May 12 UTC
Prestige- Redux
Its going to be a little while before I start up the Prestige Series again (recently we canceled the first round) So I decided to get the discussion going now about how to best going about restarting it when the time comes.

31 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
14 May 12 UTC
just another original game anyone want to join?
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 May 12 UTC
semi live 3 way game?
hi anyone online for a "live" 3 way (or bigger) game?
8 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 May 12 UTC
OMG... I was over at webdip recently...
and damned if they only had 3 variants to play... I feel positively spoiled for choice...
love it over here!
+ I don't have to listen to the craziness of the forums over there.
13 replies
titop1988 (1022 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
new game colombia needed for start
0 replies
titop1988 (1022 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
new game
please join
1 reply
ezpickins (1610 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Known Battle EOG
well played game by mr. L4P1D4
2 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Just wanted to say that the RR system is absolutely brilliant
There's an ongoing discussion on webDip on how to help solve NMR/CD issues, and it reminded me of the RR system here. Great system! Oli did a wonderful job implementing it and all of y'all who did the theorywork (not me, sad to say I wasn't involved) really did a good job. I'm hoping to see it implemented on webDiplomacy soon.
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 May 12 UTC
Home page thread
As a compromise solution among the need to keep a reasonable level of advertisement and visibility for standard games and the need to save the games from the issues coming from talking about pre-games and on-going games on forum I’m proposing a small “upgrading” of the current home page.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 May 12 UTC
Current situation:

We have 3 columns below the “games tabs”:
- Forum
- Notices
- My (active) games

Every time you log you can see a closed mailbox symbol which indicates you respectively:
- New unread threads, new unread replies
- New PMs
- New moves processed or new in-game messages received


In order to increase the visibility of new games created and new Open spots to take over I propose to add a 4th column to the Home Page:
- Forum
- Notices
- My (active) games
- Last games created / Last Open positions available

Every time you log in, the 4th columns makes you see with the same closed mailbox symbol a list of:
New games that have been created since your last logged in.
New position that went in CD since your last logged in.

The data of the 4th column shall be in chronological order.
As it works with the current columns, once you click in the 4th column’s fields you find interesting, the closed mailbox symbol disappears.

- Increased and in-time visibility of any new event regarding new games created and open slots.
- The level of advertisement is fair and equal for every game.
- The advertisement reaches every active user for every new game and open position.
- No anonymity broken >>> no issues related to.
- The position to take over is advertised immediately, automatically and anonymously, when a country goes in civil disorder. If the position is interesting, it will be taken over in short time.
- Likely decrease of the contemporary created almost-duplicates pre-games
- Other?

- …some more work for Oli: is this stuff feasible?
- -25% horizontal space available for the current 3 columns
- Other?

I’d keep the “games tabs” above the columns: if someone wants to have a general vision of what’s going on they remain the best tool available.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
10 May 12 UTC
Fasces wrote yesterday (threadID=28073):
"One idea to get more players to join new and open games would be to have a 4th column in the home page to the left of the forum column.
What it would show is public games which you meet the requirements to join that are starting within the next 24 hours. It would have to show information such as which variant it is, any settings like the EOG, how many people still needed to join to get it to start, etc. By being able to see all games that are starting soon on the home page, it will be easier to find and join games.
The biggest drawback would be space constraints, there are already 3 columns and how small would the columns have to be to fit 4 of them on the opening page?
By having games automatically advertised, the use of advertising in the forum will vanish."

So the main difference I see is what games are to be shown.
- public games which you meet the requirements to join that are starting within the next 24 hours. It would have to show information such as which variant it is,
- New games that have been created since your last logged in. New position that went in CD since your last logged in.

And the main concerns are for doability & lot of work for Oli and for space constraints a 4th column would cause. (well, there's a lot of wasted space on my screen, but I guess it's because it is a 16:9 screen).

- - - - - - - -

I think it's a good idea. I'm here to playing games. To play them, first I must join them. To choose a game to join, first I must know what games are joinable. So an idea intended to increase visibility of joinable games is surely fine with me.

My main concern, instead, is about partiality of information.
Yes, knowing which games have been created since last time I logged in is good. Also knowing if a player CDed and there's a new Open (joinable) game is good.
Or, looking at fasces' proposal, knowing which games will start in the next 24 hrs looks good, too.
But personally, when I decide I have time enough to play one more game, I like to check all the possibilities. So I look at New & Open @Games and I choose the game I like the most, after I checked all joinable games.
With this in mind, I like the "New games just created & New position in CD" option. It would work like a "what's new", a Bulletin or a newspaper that look more interesting than having a reminder to a game I already noticed days before. Because I open New@Games everyday... it's the most interesting page on this site... after the games I'm playing! :P

btw, in this moment, my central column "Notices" is much longer than the others. I have to scroll down many times before I reach the bottom end. When I'm at the bottom, left & right columns are quite empty.
So: what about putting ALL joinable games in the 4th column? Why it's out of discussion?
If it isn't doable, could we at least fill all the 4th column with as many games as possible? in this latter case, fasces' way looks better if only a few games are cut out (games starting in 10 days, 9 or 8... I'd say no less than 7)
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
10 May 12 UTC
Sorry, good idea, but not doable (at the moment). I have no CSS experience and no clue how to add another column.
Also I'm unsure if this information is really needed to be that prominent. You don't join new games each time you logon. Many players join some games and do not need to check the new games tab at all for some weeks.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
10 May 12 UTC
Ok, pity.

"Many players join some games and do not need to check the new games tab at all for some weeks."

Well, I don't know how many players do this way. I usually play less games than I could so that I can join a game very interesting as it shows up (that's why I check new games tab almost everyday). But this is not my point.
What's the average number of players of all variants in here? 7 players? Say 7.
Well, whitin these 7 players, there's 1 creator and 6 joiners. So the players, who do not need to check the new games tab at all for some weeks, probably do not need to create new games at all for some months.
So why the "creation" link is so much more visible than both New & Open links? Shouldn't it be the opposite?
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Guaroz, certainly I have one flaw: I use to summarize too much, and sometimes the concepts I want to express may be misinterpreted.
If you set up my proposal now, on Sunday you’ll see only the games created-open since the last 2 days. In a steady state you’ll see all new and open games in a date creation order (for New) and date of CD occurrence order (for Open).
In the same manner, the idea of Fasces basically could make you see all the new-open games in “time left to the next process time deadline” order.
Basically Fasces and mine ideas can be seen as a merge of the New-Open tabs data into the 4th home page’s column. Just in a different order of visualization.
Anyway, Oli said these kind of upgrading is not feasible so the discussion about this has no reason to go further on.

I definitely agree with you that the New tab and Open tab should be more “at hand”.

5 replies
gamerx215b (1066 D)
10 May 12 UTC
Can't input a move
I'm trying to support myself into a territory, I'll give details if necessary, but it won't let me.
I input the support move, where to move to, but it won't let me pick where to support from. Any help?
8 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
06 May 12 UTC
Smoke Signal Diplomacy!
I came up with this while talking bullshit in the new variant...
So, the only way to communicate is with smoke signals: you send a message in a certain territory and everybody 1/2 territories away can read it...
What do you think people? Haven't really spent much time on this yet...
11 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
Is Gopher the biggest A@@HOLE on this site?
So in my last game, which was anon, I was told that I was universally known to be the biggest A**H**E on this site. I can't express in words my sense of accomplishment. To have such a force of personality that people who have never played me can identify me in an anon game and to be so described on a site with RoxArt and Mythos on it........feel free to vote below.
35 replies
Nonevah (804 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Is there such thing as a Featured Game
I've noticed a few mentions to "featured games" in a few posts, but I've never seen anything of the sort. Do they exist, and if they do, where would I find them?
8 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Banned multis count in stats?
Do multi's winning games after being banned count in Vdip statistics?
1 reply
joepo12 (679 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Live game - starts in 30 minutes
0 replies
Strider (1604 D)
09 May 12 UTC
anon games
How to promote anon games? With out giving away id...
26 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Live Gunboat starts in 1 hour
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 May 12 UTC
'Winning!' EoG Thread
This space is reserved for EoGs from gameID=7006. I'll probably put mine up this afternoon.
7 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
10 May 12 UTC
Convoy possibility lists
On some maps, the convoy list can get incredibly long to the point that it's really hard to find where you want to go. Would it be possible to alphabetize those lists to make it a little easier?
2 replies
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