A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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orathaic (952 D)
25 May 12 UTC
mid/late game variants
I have a rather simple idea for a new kind of variant.

It would be based on another game (where we know what happened) and the victory conditions would be changed so survival would be the best one country might hope for, while anything less than a solo would be a loss for the leader.... does this make sense?
12 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
25 May 12 UTC
Democracy in Action!!!
Since my first attempt to create a Mate Against Mate game failed, I will be taking the decision on the settings to you, yes you the good people of the vdip community!
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airborne (970 D)
22 May 12 UTC
Enlightenment & Successions Test Game?
Once Oli vertifies a couple files I will host a test game of a variant based in 1700 Europe. (
Will post the link once I'm ready
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gman314 (1016 D)
19 May 12 UTC
Meme Game
I came up with an idea for a Meme Game. Two, actually. In one, all press would be conducted by posting links to Memes. The one I'd rather play would be a variant of Extreme Personalities. Each player would act like a meme character. Anyone interested?
35 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
16 May 12 UTC
Whittle Down Tournament Spares!
Given the exceedingly long nature of this tournament, the players we had as spares in February are either now in the tournament or have left the site. We need more spares! Anyone interested/willing?
16 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
24 May 12 UTC
how to read the server messages in gunboat games?
is there a way to read the server-generated messages in gunboat games? there's no way to click on the envelope, so i constantly have "messages" in these games i can't click away.
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Grace (1282 D X)
20 May 12 UTC
Question about downloading Diplomacy
I'm not sure if this is the rigt place to ask my question. If it isn't, I apologize.
4 replies
The largest land grab...
So I'm wondering... what's the biggest land grab you folks have ever done in one year in order to secure a solo win? I just pulled off a 10 sc snag and I know there have to have been bigger ones, and I'd love to hear about them/see links to the games.

This was mine:
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TheWorst (1023 D)
23 May 12 UTC
Need replacement for Abstraction
gameID=7689 Britain in a good position.
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airborne (970 D)
23 May 12 UTC
Minecraft on the Xbox 360
Does anyone has Minecraft on the Xbox 360? I want to try to set up a Survival Games, Spleefing, and possibly a video series.
1 reply
TheWorst (1023 D)
23 May 12 UTC
Need a few more for WW4
gameID=8192 about to end.
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Catch23 (884 D)
22 May 12 UTC
Error Report?
when i try to enter my move i get this
" Parameter 'fromTerrID' set to invalid value '4'."
what does it mean and how can i fix it?
4 replies
Nonevah (804 D)
17 May 12 UTC
Diplomacy Roleplaying
Would anyone want to start up a roleplaying Diplomacy game?
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adalephat (733 D)
22 May 12 UTC
WW2 Team Game
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The Czech (1921 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Your Ad Here!
This forum has nothing to do with any game. It is a place where trolls can post so they don't clutter up real forums with BS posts.
9 replies
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
22 May 12 UTC
Feature Request?
What's the feasibility of (or community interest in) an 'extend' vote feature for the join game phase?
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Catch23 (884 D)
16 May 12 UTC
Allies Game?
A game with preset alliances anyone?
33 replies
What the frell?! Now I'm really confused.
So, IE used to not display the proper colors in-game here (but it did so fine over at WebDip). I was told this was a problem with IE 8 & IE 9. Suddenly, the colors are all correct and I haven't changed a thing. What the frell?!
7 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Sitter required!!
I'll have no internet access from 25th to 28th May so I am looking for a sitter for this game: gameID=8185

Many thanks ~
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 May 12 UTC
In Memorium
Do I have anything to add? No. No I don't.
1 reply
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
20 May 12 UTC
Only a few more players needed world war 4
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viejo (892 D)
20 May 12 UTC
Partida en español
Abro esta partida por si hay jugadores que escriban en español:
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 May 12 UTC
Coder Needed!
I recently recommended a variant be added, the shift variant, in the lab here;
Oli replied, saying that it wouldn't be too hard to code but he didn't really have the time to do it at the moment, so I would need to find someone else to do it.
If anyone else who knows how to code a variant wants to do it, please PM me or post on the lab thread and I'll send you details!
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~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
20 May 12 UTC
Sorry, Sirs..Internet was down And couldn't logon...I am really sorry for that....
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G-Man (2466 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Just found three powers were multi-gaming (if not the same person) in our 9-month-long Modern Diplomacy game, "European Theater," with huge stakes (100 D per player).
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butterhead (1272 D)
19 May 12 UTC
Egypt finally has a draw!!!!
Thanks to the Whittle Down Tournament game, Egypt has finally net a draw in a game, giving there stats something other than a defeat! what a breakthrough! Thoughts? feelings on this subject?
6 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
17 May 12 UTC
Haven Map Upgrade
It was pointed out that the Haven map has undergone a few tweaks to get better game balance since being uploaded here. Is this something that can be updated here as well? Thanks!
7 replies
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
12 May 12 UTC
Song of Ice and Fire variant?
There was talk a year ago on the forum about this:

Did anyone take it further?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 May 12 UTC
After playing a bit of Westeros Total War, I'm skeptical that a map can be made to work for Diplomacy. There are multiple powers that are kind of closed off or alternatively totally exposed. I'm not sure that the needed dynamics can be captured by Diplomacy rules.

WTW has ten powers:
Stark: have to go through Tully
Tully : touch 7 powers and have to become the battleground
Arryn: are defined by an impenetrable defensive position
Greyjoy: are basically the only naval power in the West
Lannister: need something to connect them to Joffrey
Joffrey: need something to connect them to Lannister
Renly: need something to connect them to Tyrell
Stannis: how does one capture a great general with few resources?
Tyrell: need something to connect them to Renly
Martell: can only go through Tyrell or Renly
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
12 May 12 UTC
And also don't forget the legal issues using a well known IP to get users on a webpage....
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 May 12 UTC
Westeros Total War doesn't seem to have had legal issues. It is still up online after a couple of years.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
12 May 12 UTC
It sounds to me like you're too wrapped up in whatever parameters that the Total War game has taken on, and/or fixitate on a hypothetical Diplomacy variant taking place in the period in time that the HBO series is currently viewing at. Neither one is productive to developing a Diplomacy variant for this world.

Who says that a game of Diplomacy has to follow the story line of the books. The comments about Joffrey and Renly are completely irrelevant. And your assement is flawed in many ways. Stark doens't have to go through Tully at all. The map could be designed to put a supply center in Deepwood Motte, and White Harbor is clearly a naval center in the stories. Lord Manderly has a decent sized fleet. Tully may (or may not) touch seven powers. This again depends on thow the map is designed. Aside fromt he fact that bordering multiple natiosn is NOT necessarily a bad thing, there are numerous factors that could be built in to make tully better protected such as Moat Calin, special movement rules for the Riverlands, and starting positions. Greyjoy is not the only naval power in the west. The Lannister's have ships, as do the Tulley bannermen on the coast, and House Redwyne has the most powerful fleet in the Seven kingdoms. Furtermore the river leading inland into The Reach is navigable by Sea going vessels. Wrong again. The Vale of Arryn is still exposed to the sea, and any benefots of defense would be offset by limitations to expansion. Once again the map design can terrain movement rules can easily offset this. Stannis isn't a power. House Baretheon is the power and the Stormlands are their territory. It's not just Dragonstone, which isn;t actuallytin the Stormlands to begin with. The Baratheons have as many bannermen as any other house. Martell could build fleets too. There's no issue there at all.

The real challenge in designing a Westeros variant would be how to bring in House Targaryan. But this could be done as well, by giving them Kings Landing, Dragonstone, and either another smallercenter on the map, or simply a fleet (or Dragon!) in Blackwater Bay, or even a supply center in Pentos.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
12 May 12 UTC
This could be made like in the US of A variant: the US (or here the disputed lands) are put a few sea fields away from westeros on the map and then they can advance...or you put the disputed lands on the map too, with the free cities as SCs and one player plays one of the cities (maybe Braavos or Norvos), while Dany starts in Volantis and her little bastard nephew starts in Lys which actually isnt totally corract but its better than extending the map even more east and it gives the boy a chance to land in southeast westeros like in the book...

Also, you can maybe simplay take the alliances as one country (the northern kingdom, the arryns, greyjoy, lennister, martell and stannis and renly), which would espessially solve the problem with the river lands...

drwiggles (1582 D)
13 May 12 UTC
There is a board game which is released with expansions for almost every book. It has many similarities to Diplomacy. The one I played includes, Stark, Greyjoy, Baratheon, Lannister, Tyrell, and potentially Martell depending on how many players there are. Tully, Arryn, and Targaryns are not included, but neutral armies occupy each of the major cities of the Eyrie, Kings Landing, and Sunspear.

I'd think that playability would be best with Stark, Greyjoy, Baratheon, Lannister, Tyrell, Martell, and Aryn, and possible neutral armies in Kings Landing and Riverrun. Otherwise I agree with most of what Ruffhaus said. Somehow the newest version manages to cram in the Targaryns and the Tullys.
drwiggles (1582 D)
13 May 12 UTC
It turns out that that 9 player one is not an official version. Its fan made, but the one that is coming out this year will have adjust players so that they are playing with Stannis, Lannisters, Bolton, etc in their positions at the end of the fifth book. I don't think I'd like that.
LakersFan (1373 D)
14 May 12 UTC
gman314 (1016 D)
18 May 12 UTC
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 May 12 UTC
That looks pretty cool, Gman, thanks for sharing.
gman314 (1016 D)
18 May 12 UTC
I posted this with no knowledge of Song of Fire and Ice whatsoever. I think that the only issue for implementation would be King's Landing. I think we'd have to split it into two territories and make each adjacent to all the territories that King's Landing is adjacent to. (Even though that wouldn't be clear on the map - It would be specified in the rules or even a note on the board). The other issue with King's Landing would be that Baratheon and Lannister both start there but no one can build there. This probably wouldn't be too hard to implement since there are already variants (eg. Pirates, Hundred) where players start where no one can build
drwiggles (1582 D)
18 May 12 UTC
Looks like a pretty good map. I'd like to see Arryns included, and the Targaryns moved around. They could have an army and a fleet coming from the southern seas rather than Dragonstone, but I can also see the appeal for the current positions.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
18 May 12 UTC
I have only just begun watching Game of Thrones and this looks like an extremely fun variant!
gman314 (1016 D)
18 May 12 UTC
So, I read a bit of stuff on Wikipedia and I think it would be cool to have "The Others" included somehow. I have no idea what the books are like, but I think a possible mechanism for "The Others" would be as follows (This is similar to the hurricanes from the Pirates variant):
Once someone takes Beyond The Wall, the Others launch an invasion every year for the remainder of the game. During the build phase, the Others build an army or fleet ("Flarmy" simply for ease of programming?") in a random empty territory adjacent to Beyond the Wall. In the following year, this unit moves each season and disbands after the fall when a new invasion force is built. However, so that the northerners aren't the only ones getting screwed by this, the new force can be built in any empty territory beside a territory once owned by The Others. So, they could propagate downwards over time.

I have no idea how this would work for balance, and I have no idea if Song of Ice and Fire fans would be offended by my portrayal of "The Others." It's just an idea.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
18 May 12 UTC
I don't know much as far as context goes, however from a gamers standpoint this would get extremely annoying and make the game more fun :]
gman314 (1016 D)
18 May 12 UTC
That was the idea. :D
I think the only problem would be that House Stark would get screwed by the Others while House Tyrell and House Martell would never see them. Maybe, to increase the speed of southern propagation, the Others could appear beside where they disbanded. This would make them more predictable and would make it so that you wouldn't perpetually have the Others appearing in the same location.
gman314 (1016 D)
18 May 12 UTC
However, they could oscillate for a while, or they could still stay in the North for quite a while but this way, if the Others did get South of The Shivering Sea, Stark wouldn't have to worry about them appearing in Bay of Seals again.
And a note I forgot: If the Others enter an SC, either in the Spring or Fall, it becomes neutral!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 May 12 UTC
If the Targaryens are just being given 2 units, I'd argue for the Greyjoys to start with only the 2 fleets. The Ironmen are not really the soldiering type and they are weaker than say the Lannisters or the Tyrells.

I'll vote against The Others being included.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
19 May 12 UTC
Yep...they are nearly undefendable, only the wall holds them away, also it would be too unfair for the Starks...
How about making all neutral SCs like in known world? That would fit better...and yes, the Arryns should be included...of course i dont know for shure, but i think Littlefinger will start to expand and try for some throne in the next book :))
Also id like it more if the Starks were put to the Kingdom in the North and given some parts of the riverlands...this would be closer to the books and their are more forced to fight hard right from the beginning like the southron Lords are...of course some SCs should be taken away from the north and put to the middle of westeros to force the fighting more...

20 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
18 May 12 UTC

Need a few more for a Crowded game starting in 4 days. Thanks!
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ezpickins (1667 D)
23 Apr 12 UTC
I smell another Treaty coming on
We in the Modern game have elected to play on the Fall of the American Empire map. A link to the last thread follows. Ask me questions if you have them. threadID=21661
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