A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
27 Aug 12 UTC
user stats
I remember this past discussion about improving the user stats page and I've found back the link:
is there still interest in the topic?
61 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Sep 12 UTC
Concede to a draw
Details to follow.
11 replies
Raro (1449 D)
06 Sep 12 UTC
Hi everybody
...and sorry
6 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
06 Sep 12 UTC
VDip Tablet Functionality
It appears I can do everything here at VDip on my iPad... except enter orders. Is this because of Flash, or is this functionality still in development?
10 replies
AgentOrange (956 D)
07 Sep 12 UTC
No Confirmation Email when registering
A friend of mine is trying to register for the site, but he's not receiving the confirmation email required to activate his account. Since he can't register, he also can't post on the forums so I'm posting for him. Is there something wrong with the server or some other step we're missing in the confirmation process?
4 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
03 Sep 12 UTC
23 replies
Muscle (1213 D)
04 Sep 12 UTC
How to give away games. Help!
I have a game I would like to give to a friend. How do I do this? I see there's an option in the settings, but it doesn't do anything
7 replies
achillies27 (1068 D)
27 Aug 12 UTC
Low bet Haven match!
I'm looking to start a high quality haven game, preferably around 20 bet, as I don't have as many points here then on webdip... Also, Ppsc anon
139 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Sep 12 UTC
WWII (Team Game) EOG

good game all!
0 replies
equator (1514 D)
31 Aug 12 UTC
google chrome
Someone can help me? I just installed google chrome, and I see it has some adventages over firefox, but when I open world variant game, the map appears big (just a portion of it) and when I slide the mouse over it, it doens't turn to the magnifying cursor anymore, so I can't zoom out the map. Thanks in advance.
10 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
04 Sep 12 UTC
need 1 more player!
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
01 Sep 12 UTC
EoG: gameID=9531, Sack of Rome gunboat
Another solitary walk to the solo. My congrats to Orpheus.
5 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 Aug 12 UTC
Some abbreviations we use here:

30 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
01 Sep 12 UTC
1 vs 1 Cancels don't work?
I was playing a 1 on 1 game and I know my opponent lost his internet access (he warned me it was spotty)
Mapu (2086 D (B))
01 Sep 12 UTC
I issued a Cancel order after he missed his first turn. After he missed the second turn, it awarded me a victory and him a resigned even though I had the Cancel. Shouldn't a cancel take priority? I feel bad that the guy got a loss and I got a win I didn't deserve. Thanks.

"GameMaster: Austria voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database."
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
01 Sep 12 UTC
Cancels only occur when all the players vote to cancel. Because he CD'd and it was a 1v1 game, you got the win.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
01 Sep 12 UTC
Thanks for the quick reply. What you said makes sense. Do you think it should check for cancels before awarding the win and resign?
bo_sox48 (937 D)
01 Sep 12 UTC
If you're the only remaining player, you automatically solo. The system doesn't check for anything else.

4 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
25 Aug 12 UTC
Most Super Awesome variant GO
Favorite variant to play on? and why?
12 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
29 Aug 12 UTC
High Bet Haven Match
I wish this person good luck in finding 18 more ppl to buy-in @ 200 each.

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Aug 12 UTC
Spain needed
0 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
24 Aug 12 UTC
noob question
if youre in bulgaria and are going to be taken by serbia/rumania and know it's coming, can you submit an order to go after one of them and cancel the attack by killing the support/move?
7 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
17 Aug 12 UTC
The British Empire Tournament!
Details to follow...
(and I'm a slow typer, so it may be a while before they show up...)
34 replies
How many vDiplomacy players are at Rose-Hulman institute of Technology?
Hey, I am a new freshman and I was wondering if anyone else is going there.
0 replies
javidtl (976 D)
23 Aug 12 UTC
Join this game
Hi we need more players to start the battle, does someone want to join in? It's a WWlV and we need players, here is the link:

0 replies
AaroJH (981 D)
23 Aug 12 UTC
Join Live Game
Just started a live game titled Live Game. Come join.
1 reply
ODaly (1080 D)
09 Aug 12 UTC
WWIV Team Game
Checking the forum for interest in a team game. 2-3 day phases, anon, full-press, random country selection. More details inside:
26 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
11 Aug 12 UTC
Convergence of Dimensions -- Haven Map
gameID=9245 We need a few more players for a Haven game starting this weekend. Please join up if you are interested and available!
22 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Aug 12 UTC
Join our Fall of the American Empire game
Starts in a day
1 reply
tiger (1653 D)
22 Aug 12 UTC
0 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
16 Aug 12 UTC
Aussie VDip club
Apart from kaner and I, how many other Aussies are here on VDip?
15 replies
Evansevern (1083 D)
24 Jul 12 UTC
Anarchy moaning / comments
Me and Amisond hope to make more variants in the future, and any criticism or general comments on Anarchy in the UK would help
27 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Aug 12 UTC
GAME PAUSED: For a very long time.
.Please Unpause MODS?
Everyone except one is ready to play..
0 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
20 Aug 12 UTC
I am liking the new logo.
I don't know if anyone remember me now..I am back after a long break.
I am liking some new thing on this page.
Thanks OLI
0 replies
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