A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
vDiplomacy App?
Is it possible to make a vDiplomacy App? I've heard many complaints about how hard it is to enter moves via smartphone/iPod and I was wondering if possibly a more user friendly vDiplomacy app was in thought for sometime in the future.
3 replies
While I have played many a face to face diplomacy game, I am new to the virtual realm of diplomacy. I notice you have many interesting maps here. Would anyone be interested in trying one with me? And... Bonus points to whomever recognizes my name.
12 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
Extreme Personalities EOG
ended by a Russian CD, but still fun
23 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Idea for a Tournament
Would anyone be up for a renascimento tournament where we played simultaneous games with each person playing each country in one game?
3 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Octopus question
If one territory is attacked by another (with the necessary support) and it is dislodged, is it able to retreat to the original territory it was attacked from?
3 replies
BigAssMofo (1003 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Newbie Questions!?!
Q#1. Can you build 2 Fleet on St.Petersburg 1 North Coast and 1 South Coast on the same Build Phase?
11 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Can you support a unit if that unit is supporting another?
Say I want to support hold a unit that is being used to support move a different unit. Or if I want to support hold a unit that is support holding another unit. Thanks for any help
2 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
live 1 v1 ??
1 reply
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
02 Oct 12 UTC
USA-3 post game thread
for those of that great game who want to have a follow up ...
i (Florida) am open to all variants, as long as it's with negotiations, not WTA, and not faster than 1 day (that's too fast for my life ;-)
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
02 Oct 12 UTC
aftermath is welcome too of course ...
General Cool (978 D)
02 Oct 12 UTC
What is this you speak of? It sounds interesting.
I'm in. Those parameters are good for me too. Happy to do a USA-4 or something different, like American Conflict, Karabik, or South American Supremacy.
gameID=9637 For reference.
That's USA-3, not a link to a new game.
bo_sox48 (937 D)
02 Oct 12 UTC
I'm in for whatever.
I love the reveal at the end of anonymous games, there's always a surprise. javidtl, one of these games I will discover that we were great allies! I think every game we've played we've clashed directly, except the one you left early.

Golgo1, we felt bad about that stab. Especially Texas, who had to flip a coin.

Looks like Autumn 2000 was a key turning point, with all those red arrows making clear the intentions of Quebec/NY and necessitating the alliance that won the game. bo_sox, we *almost* kept you alive through it, so close. Kinda sad that the early focus of the alliance was to help you stand against a looming juggernaut, and in the end we benefited and you were out.

It was a really fun and interesting alliance, with so many moments of near-collapse, so many close calls and last-minute changes to orders. Hirnsaege, Texas and I really thought you were going for it on that last move! This game took a. lot. of. diplomacy.
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
happened to notice this thread:P That was a great game i enjoyed it and I am sorry for the stab mexico i did feel bad about that and florida you had me worried
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
I would be in for another round
Join what you want!




Haven't played Youngstown yet, ought to be fun.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
joined both games now :)

in retrospective ...
the first turns, i was all commited to a eastern juggernaut, as qebec and NY were suggesting to me and that started to work rather well. cuba in the south was at least a friend, we both were happy to have peace at one border. texas really was a good partner to talk with, as well as heartlands then too ... so i had a problem to stab one of them ... i was close to hit on heartland then with NY and even started an assault on Texas (Lousiana, my great worry all along afterwards – much to my remorse i took it and the relative silence of texas all along the game – i was expecting that somewhen he'd want to have it back).
Then i missed a turn :)
BC contacted me, warning me about the juggernaut i actually was into too ... NY wasn't a great talker - somthing i "complained" about to qebec before, and as i saw there would be a better base working with "the west" who was actively working together, i turnd towards NY, which was a fast success, while qebec was much harder ... that's also thanks to cuba who still was very peaceful towards me and held back Peru for a while, and greatly with texas' trust i wouldn't attack him further ...
When Cuba fell to Peru, i had to intervene, luckily mexico was hitting peru too and it was easy to get in there.
BC, do you remember what was the initial cause to stab Heartlands? I don't have it in my logs anymore, and i feel sorry for it. he was a good ally all along.
Mexicos attempt to turn me against texas was a brave one, but given the game before with the loyality of texas, it was more a chance to make him believe i'd do it and get further south.
In the endgame ... well, there's always the question whether to run for the solo – which might have been possible in this one – or pay back for what i was able to accomplish. in this case, i never was close to do the run – it would have affected texas mostly who never was anyhow hostile towards me. thus a draw.
Golgo1 (847 D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
Thanks Doc for the msg. Being out of the game, I didnt see the alert that it was over. :)
I'm in on the next one.
Glad to see a bunch of you joining for round 2. So far, javidtl has opted out of the rematch, and I figured rather than just wait for the spot to fill I would PM an invitation to a couple of players I've enjoyed playing other games with, that I though would fit in. We'll see what comes of it.

Wish I'd thought to put a password on the game, as of course there will likely be some random joiners, but that's OK.

13 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
Just need 2 more for a Rinacimento -- Genova and savoia --
1 days, 12 hours /phase Bet 25
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Sep 12 UTC
Unfortunate situation (gameID:9892)
This is the worst... Im Sparta and Im basically screwed right from the beginning... From what I can see, I have no way to expand as long as Athens keeps holding Corinth. Island defense it is!
11 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
03 Oct 12 UTC
Educating A Diplomacy Freshman...
I've got a kid playing Diplomacy, and I'd like it if some relatively experienced (maybe two games or more?) players helped me help him out...
Anyway, join this game so that he can get used to playing with actual people: gameID=10153
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
01 Oct 12 UTC
So, are there any gold medal developers?
I see multiple bronzes and silvers.
6 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
01 Oct 12 UTC
EoG: Australia Gunboat-2
3 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
01 Oct 12 UTC
Sitter Needed (One Game Only)
I will need a sitter from the 22nd to the 24th. I will be getting extends for my other games, but i do need someone to sit the contract gunboat for me.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
01 Oct 12 UTC

Replacement needed for France... 2 hour window before moves go through
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
29 Sep 12 UTC
Haven!-2 EoG

Kinda knew that was coming, although I hoped it wouldn't. Still, it was a good game and well played to all involved!
I'll write up an EoG soon, and I'd be interested to hear all of yours!
5 replies
NigelFarage (1238 D)
28 Sep 12 UTC
FotAE: Civil War question
In Fall of the American Empire: Civil War, do Richmond and Washington count as SCs or not?
2 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
10 Sep 12 UTC
Needed! 5 Variant testers:
2 day phases
(remember to copy and paste)
see you there.
12 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
A Special Game
A special game with YouCan'tHandletheTruth. One of us will play Germany, the other Turkey. We will have an unbreakable alliance. who wants in :-)
23 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
27 Sep 12 UTC
Greek game
Is there anyone that might be interested in doing a greek dip gunboat? I think it needs 6 total correct?
4 replies
Nonevah (804 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
Can't access new games
When I go to the games tag, it shows me the active games. However, if I try and go to any other part of the list (open, new, whatever) it says: (read rest of message below)
12 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
Modern 2

nice job. I got a lot of hash for being with TUrkey, but it was my best chance for survival
7 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
03 Sep 12 UTC
Extreme Personalities
I saw a thread that talked about the game and it sounds like so much fun. Is anyone interested in playing one?
68 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
23 Sep 12 UTC
Chaos Question
I have a question i am not entirely sure about...if i have eg a fleet in aeg and a army in smy, would i be able to move that army with the one convoy to Rome?
2 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Sep 12 UTC
Alas Texas must allow an auslander on the list
2 replies
Keyser Soze (968 D)
21 Sep 12 UTC
Anti-communit Needed
1 reply
ezpickins (1656 D)
21 Sep 12 UTC
What happened to Diplomat33?
Has he gone missing?
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
25 Jun 12 UTC
Random Event Diplomacy
Information to follow...
41 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
19 Sep 12 UTC
You guys have finally done it
everybody at webdip is jealous of your features
6 replies
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